American Bastard Red X Ruderalis

Hey everyone, welcome to my breeding journal !
[im a begginer grower]

Here i will cross and stabilize American Bastard Red from TerpyZ [ABR] with Ruderalis Indica by Nahualt from [RUD] to learn about breeding, cultivation, have a lot of fun and hopefully a cool strain to show off and shmoke :smirk: !

Why have i chosen to cross these two strains?

Both parents have unmistakable, easily recognizable characteristics that will hasten the breeding, making it easier for me to select plants.

RUD will show its autoflowering trait by, well, flowering automatically.

ABR will show its parsley like leaves in the first weeks, allowing me to quickly discard the ones that donā€™t have it.

ABR pic from

Im most excited to have hundred of F1 seeds to hunt next year, it will be so much fun!


September 2024 > ? 2025:

  • popping ABR
  • popping RUD when ABR have a decent size
  • flipping ABR at the first sign of RUD sex
  • Selecting a male and female to cross

? 2025 :

  • Popping ~A LOT~ of F1 seeds inside, chopping the ones that donā€™t have parsley leaves
  • Moving the survivors outside after last frost, choping the ones that donā€™t display day neutral flowering
  • Selection of the champions to make the F2 generations


Idk! We will see!

My Indoor Setup

Im trying to keep expenses low.

I will probably use the cupboard for ā€œsterile plantsā€ and the fridge for pollination and mother plants, as it is down the ventilation path it should be fine. Yeah?

Current state of project:

6 RUD seeds in storage
10 ABR seeds coming soon!


Welcome @growmie

Ill fallow along with your project :metal:


Hopping in my friend.

Goodluck on your project! :v:

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Kool cross idea could always start with the purple auto bastards šŸ¤· it would save u a couple generations of growing thatā€™s what I have going in the lil orange planter and the black planter canā€™t see my other small planter but it has berryfreaks Iā€™m going to auto eventually

terpyz does have some good looking mutants tho but check the thc% abc is about as bad as ducks foot unless u get a line thatā€™s been ran or willing to take the time for a couple generationsā€¦ Iā€™m looking for one of their Picassos!


Hey @Monst3rbean @Brainwarp @Tonyww93 Welcome on board!

Oh wow they look cute, thank you for sharing!

Its not the goal to save generations, i just want to do it myself šŸ¤·, doing my thing you know. Its mostly to have a hobby, something to look forward and stuff.

As for the THC content im not a big smoker nor do i chase that, but, in the future ill probably do a pollination of a tent of varied modern cultivars with like a F3 dad of ABC x Rud i will have made.

This will be my first indoor grow too! If someone has something to say about my ventilation idea please do, i updated the ā€œmainā€ message.

The state of the project is : ABC seeds are coming by mail and i will pop them soon!


The ABR beans are here!

I got 13 instead of the 10 advertised, very nice :grinning:

For now i only put 6 to germinate so i will have backups, because its the first time i germinate in soil directly i am afraid to mess up.

Here they are, on the right.

  • 50% coco coir 50% old potting soil.
  • temperature range is 20Ā°- 28Ā°C
  • soil is very moist but not dripping when squeezed.
  • closed humidity dome with some shading

On the left its 4 Gorila x Purple Auto (by Poncho Villa at, its not related to the breeding project but i guess we will see them grow in this thread too, they are 2 weeks old.

I will update when the first ABR babies pop their heads out!


Oh well, screw it, i might as well pop all them beans, i could not wait!

I have put the 7 beans left in:
25% coco | 25% old potting soil | 50 % organic outdoor mix (that has home compost, vermiculite, forest soil and a bunch of other stuff)
This new soil mix retains water very well, its also more rich and alive .

I also added a heating mat set to 28Ā°C (82.4Ā°F).

However, i did not have any space left for the 13th seedling pot in my humidity thingy, so it went on the window sill with a clear baggie over his/her head.



Things are going well, very well, 10/13 seeds have sprouted or are starting to, however the Mix 2 soil is under-performing, i believe it may be too wet, it may host harmful fungi, its also not as fluffy.

3 seeds of Mix 2 have not cracked yet, i decided to dug the seeds, washed them with city water and pot them in Mix 1.

For the next run i will stick to 50% coco 50% weak soil, maybe i should buy commercial soil.

I also disturbed all the seeds about 24H ago because i was afraid to have planted them too deep, this is when i saw that the seeds in coco had a very long tap root and seemed to enjoy their environment a lot.

Germination condition were:

  • Heating mat set to 28Ā°C
  • Humidity dome 95% RH (barely opened) ~25Ā°C
  • Watering with distilled water by squeezing a few water droplets with the hand spray in the center of the pot like, every 12 hour or so.

I added a PS3 fan to blow on my Led board :laughing:. I knew it would come handy one day.

Oh andā€¦ I direct sowed 20 CBD bag seeds of an unknown variety, so i can learn with what i have on hand and test things out without worry.


The babies hardly cried last night! they are behaving very well. Iā€™m a very happy father.
As a reward for their good behaviour they got to play out their crib with their older siblings now, its best for them to be stressed than to have wet feets in the humidity dome right?

  • Light at 40%, 40cm up of the ABR leaves
  • 27.5Ā°C
  • 55% RH
  • 18/6

:baby: Pictures
(the numbers are the same as their tags that you can see on the picture up, and i will try to keep doing that)


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Maybe i should modify my breeding planā€¦ As much as i love the idea of having my own ABR Auto seeds to grow and share, i am not sure if that is the way to go.

I like the idea of having this ā€œkind of pure crossā€ that people and me could use to hybridize further but iā€™m wondering if people will be interested in ABR x Ruderalis seeds, and is it worth the effort compared to if i chose a more potent Auto strain from the get go?

Iā€™m certainly overthinking very hard. For now its ok, i have time.

In the back of my mind, i think the best way would be to find good pollen of various auto strain to dust my ladies when the time come, this way next year i will have more variety when i pheno hunt outdoors.

Would love to have feedback on that.


Could always reproduce the ABR. While doing so, collect and store pollen in your freezer. That way you have pollen ready whenever you want to make seeds.

Iā€™m not familiar with Freespore/Nahualt, I donā€™t mean to be harsh/mean towards them but claiming a line is simply Ruderalis is pretty vague. So, other than having automatic flowering traits, you donā€™t really know what youā€™re getting or working with.


Could always ask around for some sts auto pollen if ur want to make fem seeds with it


Yeahā€¦ me calling this a ā€œkind of pure crossā€ is ridiculous considering the lack of information i have on that ruderalis, i donā€™t know what i was thinking, thank you.

I still want to breed an auto tho. lll look around for a solid auto (non sts) pollen with a documented lineage, im thinking orange terps, wide leaf indica, no hurry tho! Ill be lurking.

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Aug 24:

  • I felt like the light is too bright for the babies, they seem stuned, hardly any growth in 24H, but what do i know, i have not enough experience to tell.
    Anyways, i reduced the light to 20% and propped up the Gorilla Purpleā€™s Auto(GP)
    Edit: After looking at spider-farmer charts i realized that im way off and turned the light to 75% and raised it toā€¦ the maximum allowed in my config right now (23inch above the seedlings). big yikes.

  • I was worried for nĀ°9, it stayed pretty much like yesterday pic, so i added a clear baggie over his head to raise humidity.

  • The seedlings living in mix 1 ( 2-4-5-6-8-9) got about 5 ml of distilled water, dead center in the pot, i was surprised to see they had a bit of run off by doing that. The seedlings in mix 2 did not get water because their soil keep moisture a lot better.

  • Yesterday i checked on the seeds that did not germinate, i snipped them, today one is starting to shoot a root, one is cracked on the side, and one did not budge.

Now i hurry up and wait :slightly_smiling_face:


  • nĀ°9 is still not budging, thats why he is not in this ā€œphenoā€ picture, i hope he makes it thoā€¦ Maybe he will be the little runt that everyone like.
  • nĀ°11 sprouted!
  • nĀ°12, a teeny little seed still did not sprout, i scraped it today, it does not look soaked to me
  • nĀ°13 went to the grave, while i inspected it i smushed it, i think its because it was dead.

Place your bets! Im all in on nĀ°2.


Empty pocket on #5. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Its cute and broad.

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How did you germinate American Bastard Red? I donā€™t want one or it will take ages, but Iā€™m planning on doing exactly the same thing

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Yeah right on! I did not catch that it was different that the others, im excited to see if it continues expressing that.

I have germinated them directly in soil, watered to the maximum capacity (no drop if you squeeze the soil reasonably), with a heat mat at 28Ā°C, in a humidity dome, in my grow-space but shaded.

Iā€™m not sure if the soil type affected the germination or if its other parameters but next time i will avoid using soils that are too ā€œlivelyā€, maybe i will pasteurize the soils or try commercial blends.

As of writing im i have 9 seedlings that are doing ok, 2 that are really struggling (cotyledon leaf donā€™t want to open and they donā€™t show sign of wanting to grow) 1 seed that did not germinate and 1 seed that died.

As for the breeding project i will not do the initial idea, for now iā€™m thinking, reading more stuff on breeding, biology and strains.


They are kicking in second gear! :laughing:

All is going well, nĀ°11, who was late to germinate and struggled to open its cotyledon leaf is managing to grow her first true leaf, im pleasantly surprised. nĀ°9 is still dying. Yesterday i bottom watered them all, first time i do that and its pretty effective, i like it.


How they looking?