AMunkFromCupertino Grows Outside 2024

Thank you! August might have something to say about that 🫠🤘


BluGlu #9, that was planted in the ground by the sunflowers and is doing great, is a male. Unfortunately, I have enough males and can’t have this guy doing his thing all over my yard. If he was in a pot, I’d isolate him, but he’s not and I still have 3500 seeds to hunt through of his brothers and sisters so he’s got to go. That’ll happen this weekend.

Several of the blooming plants are showing yellow in the lower leaves so I added worm castings on top and have started feeding with Grow More Sea Grow Flower and Bloom (4-26-26). Luckily, the affected plants are in smaller 1-3 gallon pots so they dry out daily with the current weather (90F) and can catch up on nutrients rather quickly.

Also, some CSI Humboldt plants…


Beautiful garden!
I thought I was growing a lot of plants this year… haha.

How do you do your pollinations?
Do you have a separate area for the males / bring them inside to collect pollen?

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Thanks! :wink:

I have a garage that’s mostly empty that I use. I have a light + window + fan in there.

The autos I just timed so they would pop at the same time, before the regulars. That way I could open pollinate in the one space. GG4 went first, then Ice Pixie, and soon Moroccan Lion. I have a single Ruderalis female coming into her own and it looks like the Ice Pixies did their job. They are in the garage now, the males, and I’ll collect pollen for this week and store it then they go goodbye. The Moroccan has the floor for the next week or two outback.


Tomatoes worked out well this year!


Ruderalis getting pollinated by Ice Pixie (both autos).

Triks (auto), Ice Pixie (auto) DoSiDo (auto), Moroccan Lion (auto), El Diablo (auto)… all getting pollinated by Ice Pixie.


Beautiful grow, well done!


Awesome garden, thanks for sharing!

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Beautiful grow, well done!

Awesome garden, thanks for sharing!

Thanks for coming over to check it out! :slight_smile:

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Sounds like you got a good system!
I built a greenhouse so I’m not allowed to keep plants in the garage anymore haha. The greenhouse would be isolated but it turns into a sauna in there, so I was curious. I could use it as a stress chamber but I don’t necessarily want to select males purely on heat resistance…

I’ve never really been interested in autos, but I read someone the other day talking about how they’re great for hands-on learning for breeding/genetics/etc. since the lifespan is so much shorter. That changed my perspective and got me really curious.

Is that one of the reasons you grow autos? How do they compare smoke-wise? Thinking about growing some next season for educational purposes haha.

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That’s wonderful that you have a greenhouse. I’m not sure what climate you’re in, but I can see that being a real asset in seasons other than the summer… and with the right ventilation and infrastructure …all year around.

I do really like the quick turnaround time on the autos. And yes, it is fun to do breeding projects with them! If I’m being honest, I really need something other than the current world events to focus on every day and so the quick changes in plant development give me something to look forward to. So even if you’re not doing breeding projects, you can just throw a new seed into soil every week, and have this rolling series of plants, reaching different stages of development. I still prefer the smoke of the photosensitive plants, but I enjoy the results of the autos too. Even then, depends on the strain. Anything I make at home seems to be better than what I can find at the dispensary and I’m too old to be doing black market.

I’m not sure if you’ve ever worked in software, …the development of software used to be done one way where you take a whole year to make a release, and then around the early 2000s that switched over to where you try and make many releases during that same time frame. I find autos to basically be the same sort of thing. I’m not sure the results are objectively superior, but I do stay a lot busier. LOL

I’ve got a list longer than my arm of all the different strains that I would like to create an auto flower form of… years and years worth of grows! :metal::slightly_smiling_face: The ones that really excite me are the strains that have 14 to 16 week flowering times in photosensitive form. If that can be brought down to 90 days seed to harvest without degrading the results significantly… fun. We will see.

Give autos a shot. I mean, what’s one run gonna hurt? Do your normal grow, but also throw some autos in there and just let them do their thing over 60 to 90 days. I find first-hand experience to be the best way to find out if something is for me. If you end up doing a run, I’d love to see it.


Awesome, thanks for the response! You sold me on getting some auto seeds, which I’m allowing as a loophole in my seed buying hiatus haha. Will definitely tag you whenever I start some. The software analogy is a good one. The company I work for does weekly releases, which definitely keeps things from getting stale!

Yeah I built the greenhouse mainly to start seeds for the garden early and overwinter some citrus trees (I’m ~7 degrees north of Cupertino). We just finished a remodel on the house so it’s basically a storage shed right now… hoping to get it back into shape in the fall. But yes, I already have lots of ideas!

I hear you on staying busy. I don’t have that issue in the spring/summer, I always plant way too many seeds (herbs, perennials, veggies, cannabis). But I’m looking to fill the rest of my year with plants :slight_smile: I feel like gardening is anti-news. Instead of seeing the worst things that are going on in the world, you see life and beauty and growth. Like that saying goes, gardeners are true optimists, we believe in the future.

Do you have any companies/breeders that you prefer? Did some searching and looks like you have a few from Equilibrium Genetics?


Yeah, Equilibrium Genetics is my favorite. He gets access to the same genetics as the well known folks (bodhi, freeborn selections, csi) but typically offers them up as unique hybrids and he’s started doing S1s. The price is right too.

I’ve been growing Crockett Family Farms outdoors since I started growing. Can’t speak highly enough.

The others, Bodhi, Freeborn Selections, and CSI Humboldt seem to always have a spot in my grows. Twenty20 has impressed me with their autos over the last year.

I haven’t grown them out yet, but I’m very curious to test Blackbird Preservations seeds that are crosses containing Mean Gene’s unreleased Coca Cola / Rootbeer BC2. His Rootbeer is in the Equilibrium Genetics Blue Dream Bx, and from my personal grows of that… it’s the best genetics I’ve come across for outdoor so far. Bugs don’t seem to be very attracted to the plants, they are very low maintenance and seem to be impossible to kill or keep under 6’. And the effects… wonderful.

Congratulations on finishing up the house remodel. Sounds like you’ve got a few things to look forward to this fall :slight_smile:


Another blast of heat to find out who’s got what it takes in the garden. I gotta say, the cherry tomatoes have seen better days. The sunflowers are not happy at all, but the tallest one (over 6ft) is opening up today.

Something beautiful about how this one looks (impala castor plant). Fighting for its place in the soil that isn’t hospitable to it.

I’m so happy about this one Ruderalis plant getting seeded so well. It’s the only survivor from 23 seed that made their way across continents to me… and it’s quite the specimen, and has now been breeding with some other lovely autos and I’m no less than thrilled to see what the offspring bring into the world.


Sorry, should have been more specific - just wondering about auto breeders that you’ve had good experiences with? I’ve heard of Twenty20, I’ll check them and Eq out.

Bodhi and CSI are well represented in my collection, so I trust your tastes :wink: I have a couple Freeborne packs & others that use his work, I haven’t grown any yet but hear good things for outdoor. I have a couple freebie packs that have Rootbeer in them, might have to get to them sooner than later…

Thanks again, I appreciate the detailed answers!

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Blue Dream Bx F2 is a clear foot taller than two weeks ago. Glad I added the one stake back then. Not sure how inconspicuous a 10ft cannabis plant is going to be… but we’re going to find out because it’s not August yet and this thing is currently 7ft (the white netting structure is 5ft) and finishes in mid-late October :grimacing:

Moroccan Lion

El Diablo

Other pretty things in the garden.


Dude, impressive height for sure!


El Diablo, Triks, and Dosido finishing up

Amnesia auto starting flower and some pink showing in the hairs

Other garden picks


Awesome garden, really nice work!

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: Glad you enjoyed!

They’re like the neighbors that wander in and open the fridge for a beer now. No boundaries…