AMunkFromCupertino Grows Outside 2024

Here we go again… :melting_face:

Three out of five glasses have tails popping out in less than 24 hours. These are Hail Mary attempts as we cross into July. The autos I’m not hesitant about. This is my 3rd attempt at Lemon Punch this year (happy to see a tail… third times a charm?).

I couldn’t read the handwritten label on the “GL Mystery” labeled glass. Turns out, this is (allegedly) the Golden Lemmons fem photo strain from @leetdood These are the one’s our acquaintance is looking for. Curious if they look how he thinks they should, once they get going. Two out of three beans have a tail already so I like how they are starting out. The third bean had a tail an hour later when I went to put the first two in dirt :joy:… so 3 are in dirt now.

Moonshine Cookies fem auto were freebies…so just want to get em under the sun instead of getting lost in the freezer.
Amnesia Haze fem auto I’ve got twelve seeds of and I’m beyond excited to get it under the California sun. @CaptainRon :metal:
Sour Pinot fem auto is an Equilibrium Genetics release that is a Sativa dominant hybrid of Sour Diesel and Grapefruit, crossed with Ruderalis. I have her big sister outside in a 5 gallon as a clone from the dispensary…minus the Ruderalis.

Speaking of Ruderalis, we got 1 out of 23 seeds to pop, but she’s alive and in a 1 gallon out back. More seeds ordered. Yes, I tried manually cracking their shells.


Sites in the backyard from the wife’s phone.


El trabajo del conejo

ronda número dos

Please tell me how the sacrificial sunflowers in solo cups got bigger, faster, than the DoSiDo fem auto in the 1 gallon???


I don’t know, but you better cross them, lol. :rofl:


Fingers crossed haha kosher kush / jewgold is a banger


This guy grows :sunglasses:


Our city does a give away every spring, I fill my truck


Hell yeah :+1:

That’s the real pisser in my case. The location they have us pick it up from is less than a mile down the road from me. I could just walk my wheelbarrow down there… but I’m over here paying $18 bucks a bag for Ocean Forest.

It’s just funny how they managed to get the recology bill in my email inbox no problem, but I have to find out about free things that I’m entitled to over a conversation at the grocery store :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m still trying to get up to present day here. Let’s see what was going on in the backyard a week ago.

Here’s one of the Ice Pixie reg auto in a 1 gallon. We will get an another look at her sisters and brothers in 3 gallon cloth pots in one of the future postings. I think you’re gonna notice a difference between the 3 gallon and 1 gallon.

Blue Dream Bx F2 #5 in a 1 gallon (we are up to #10 in red solo cups)

GG4 RIL Fast F4 reg auto #2-5 in 1 gallons. I’m curious to see what the runt is, once they show gender in another couple weeks. It’d be nice to get some more pollen out of one of these, after dropping most of the other stash on the kitchen floor. Whoops. :grimacing:

Zkittles Grape Bubble fem auto starting to fill out. She got hit with that GG4 pollen before it crashed on the kitchen floor. It worked :+1:

SoMango S1 Feminized = Big Skunk Korean :female_sign: x Jack Herer :female_sign: in the 1 gallon… 3rd and final attempt this year.

Gelato Purple Punch fem auto still blooming. She’s Prego.

Twenty20 - Honey Glaze fem early/auto #3 in 1 gallon. Numero Uno died, and Numero Dos is in a 3 gallon cloth pot.

Trop Punch Feminized = Trop Cherry :female_sign: x Purple Punch :female_sign:

DoSiDo fem auto in 1 gallon

Here’s another Blue Dream Bx F2 from last year’s grow. This thing wants out of the 1 gallon but I’m trying to stress it to see what happens. I’m giving it nutrients and worm castings and watering daily so it stays somewhat healthy.

Oh, look it’s Permanent Marker. Yup this is the clone that had to grow new leaves after its initial leaves turned white from the California sunshine. I’ve named her Cousin Itt. She needs a bit of defoliation, but I’m going to wait until some of those bigger leaves start looking a little worse for the wear before I start pulling green.


More of the backyard from a week ago…

One El Diablo fem auto died but this one is doing good. Lemon G x Lemon Lotus fem photo is above ground. Triks fem auto still kickin it.

Ice Pixie reg autos and Moroccan Lion reg autos in 3 gallon cloth pots

Tropicana Cookies fem photo clone chillin outside the tent in a 5 gallon



I wanted to make some more room in the tent, so BluGlu #2 & #4 had to go outside behind the shed. It gets direct sun from noon until 8 pm.

Here is a better look at that Blue Dream Bx F2 in the 1 gallon I’m stressing. Look at that red in the stems, but healthy looking. I have her nutrients bottle next to her for reference.

Gelato Purple Punch fem auto (left) and Zkittles Grape Bubble fem auto (right) looking good :+1: Beans are being made up in here.


The city of Berkeley does free compost and wood chips for mulch giveaways down at the Berkeley Marina. All you need is a shovel and something to put the material into. It can be hit or miss in terms of whether there is anything available in that moment, but in my experience, more often than not there’s plenty of both compost and mulching material.


One week later and a completely different garden. Unfortunately, that’s mostly due to excessive heat we’ve been having and will continue to have through this week. The small plants (autos, seedlings) are fairing the worst. There is noticeable signs of excess nutrient uptake and/or nutrient lockout on the leaves as they curl and discolor. I moved the smaller plants into the shade, in hopes of minimizing any further stress but my concern is that these plants are in a situation where the damage is done. Specifically, I’m worried about the seed production that these autos were doing as they are currently in bloom. We’ll have to wait and see the outcome.

Also, I had tried to pop 3 seeds of Golden Lemons, and only 2 popped, and those both died before getting above soil. Bummer. Not impressed!

Meanwhile, my third and final attempt at Lemon Punch also never made it above soil. Pretty bad success rate on feminized seeds from!

Planted and are above soil now:

  • Sour Pinot fem auto
  • Amnesia Haze fem auto
  • Moonshine Cookies fem auto x2

We’ve got more autos going into bloom.

El Diablo (female) Day 35

Triks (female) Day 35

Ice Pixie #4 (male) Day 35

Ice Pixie #5 (male) Day 35

Got more of the sunflowers planted yesterday and the ones in the ground are starting to bloom… with multiple heads! That’s BluGlu #7 vibin it in the foreground.

Of the 4 Tony’s Totured Beans GG4 RIL Fast reg auto, three are male and one is female. Two of the males are already throwing pollen so I’m taking cuttings regularly and putting them in my pollen sifting box, as well as placing them near females.

The female is closest to the tape measure. 1 gallon pots. Fox Farm Ocean Forest, sifted, top dressed with worm castings.

This is the Gelato Purple Punch fem auto with the sickness in the leaves. Very pregnant, and I’m trying to water from the bottom and misting it once it’s out of direct sunlight. I just want the seeds :slightly_smiling_face:

Berkeley Tye-dye tomatoes

Lots of these are autos, so should have some space freeing up in 30 days and then in early September for the ones just planted. I may throw down my package of GG4 RIL Fast F5 reg autos just to get more pollen, since I only got 1 Ruderalis to germinate and it looks like it will be female… so I hope to pollinate her with the GG4 pollen currently being thrown and will want more pollen for storage to use in the tent this winter.

These guys are my current pollen production team (GG4).

These ones on the ground are the Moroccan Lion and Ice Pixie autos that are Day 35 and showing gender. Roughly 36 inches tall… like a little alien reaching towards the sun :sun_with_face:

On the table are more autos and seedlings of BluGlu, and seedlings of Blue Dream Bx F2 for breeding in a month (moving to 3 gallons when the Ice Pixie and Moroccan Lion give them up).

On the ground, more of the autos and feminized plants mentioned in previous posts:
Blue Punch, Z26 x HP13, Sour Tangie, Mimosa, Sour Obama, Skill Kole Jamaican #2 x Northern Lights, Kali x Malawi, UK Cheese x the white


95F thru the end of the week (it’s Wednesday) but no significant signs of damage taking place like last week where everyone in the garden got treated to 100F+ in the dry California sun. Makes more sense why outdoor growers in the hills have crispy leaves sometimes. Not much you can do but get them in the shade.

We got a trick or treat of sorts this morning. Getting a head start on Halloween this year. The Zkittles Grape Bubble gem auto that’s making seeds and is basically one 12” cola …had an ill looking sugar leaf. With several outdoor grows here under my belt I got that sinking feeling of the all too familiar pest and arch enemy of mine… the caterpillars. And this is after yesterday catching one butterfly in my netted structure that’s meant to keep them out. They have to go see my ladies and it’s pretty amazing that they succeeded… IMO. So now we get to go thru the spraying before they flip in first week of August :joy: (very loud sigh).

Yeah, so caterpillars in the Zkittles auto… cause I pulled on the sugar leaf and a bud came off. That’s the trick. The treat is that bud alone had several seeds, a couple that look matured. So hopefully I already have some Zkittles Grape Bubble x GG4 regular auto seeds. I’m going to bring this lady inside today for a better inspection and see if I can nip the caterpillars in the bud (literally).

These peppers are exciting to watch and the tomatoes too! I picked three tomatoes yesterday so we’re going to be eating good in a week or so.


Collecting seeds and pulling caterpillars from Zkittles Grape Bubble fem auto. 3 caterpillars and ~25 seeds… at least ten appeared fully mature and at least 100 still on the plant.

BluGlu #2 and #4 out back by the shed. Super cropping is going fine. Odd spots on one leaf.


BluGlu #4 is showing female features

Two of the Ice Pixies getting ready to throw so I snipped the two GG4 male autos that were running pollen production duties for the last few weeks… and threw them in my pollen sifter indoors to continue collecting.

The final two Tony’s Tortured Beans GG4 RIL Fast F4 autoflower plants have been given a private area for the rest of the weekend and then he goes in the box and she stays isolated til harvest.

Some Moroccan Lion auto probably ready to gender soon. Several have the “split stem” trait.

Glamour Shots session for the ladies in the mosquito nets. All 5 gallon. Cleaned up the lower leaves and topped with worm castings. The super cropping was done 3 weeks prior. Still crowded in the netting but many autos finish in the next three weeks so space rotation will be needed.

BluGlu #1

BluGlu #5

Pineapple Express

Sour Strawberry

Tangie Gak

Grapefruit Diesel

Ice Water

Super Silver Haze


Ice Pixie male with the purple sacks and variegated leaves. He’s the acid punk of the family…. And I can’t wait to use his pollen in future projects.

I also came to know that the yellow leaf spotting on BluGlu #2 is Septoria… a fungal issue… which is likely caused by my lazy watering style during the extreme heat we got …that got the lower leaves wet. Pulling these leaves and hoping for the best. Will pull it down if it persists rather than go thru a treatment (it wasn’t a plant I was going to propogate anyway).

Up potted BluGlu candidates from solo cups to their 3/4 gallon forever homes. Their cousin Blue Dream Bx F2 is almost six feet tall in a 1 gallon so I anticipate some freakish growth in the next two months. I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to be able to do with these, as gender should show in 3 weeks. I guess I’ll keep the best around and toss anything but to make room. Not sure I’ll finish them up or attempt to just capture pollen from any studs that make it to 3 feet or better without displaying negative traits.

The single Ruderalis plant that survived from 23 seeds is flowering. I mistakenly bent the main stalk when dragging the watering hose around it, so she’s strapped to a bamboo pole for the remainder of her short life. Going to hit her with pollen from the Ice Pixies and collect seeds.

DoSiDo auto blooming. She’s next to the Ice Pixie males with the rest of the ladies.


BluGlu #2 confirmed male…and not a keeper. He’s gone. BluGlu #4 is female and going to get a female neighbor tomorrow… a Blue Dream Bx F2 (her cousin) who is in a 5 gallon cloth pot that just got a bamboo stake today because she is six feet and it’s not even August yet 🫠 and she didn’t get a stake because she needs it right now, she got one because I’m anticipating massive colas on this thing, so I’m starting a support structure now.

El Diablo making beans

Ice Pixie #1-3 on pollen duty… officially

The only Moroccan Lion that’s male is struggling to get operational, and his sisters are ready. I’m going to let them get hit by the ice pixies, but just briefly before moving them to an isolation location. When the male Moroccan Lion is ready, I’ll bring him back there and they’ll spend weeks together. I would like to see the crosses of Ice Pixie and Moroccan Lion though, so for sure there’s gonna be a mix of seeds.



Garden looks great.