An envelope method of sending cuts(unrooted), potentially across the border

I do have rooting gel as opposed to powder, but I’m thinking just a moistened wrapped end is best. Then you can get a decent cut to continue the life flow. Maybe even a bit of aloe to keep the end moist would be okay.

Good observation. So try to fit them in the baggie so they aren’t bent.

I think I’m getting that right. They’re droopy because they didn’t get cut after the powder. It callused the end and caused less flow?

Definitely will do my cuts this way from now on. Not the opposite like I’ve always done. :person_facepalming:t3::crazy_face:
Thanks again for the schooling @ifish


It will be down to a science shortly! :man_health_worker::green_heart::pray::seedling:

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You’re doing great work @Rhino_buddy, keep it up! Those small improvements should up your game even more.


Love the bend observation , the jigsaw is coming togeather

: )


Leafs trimmed ( one third )
Or just leave one finger per fan
Or au natural

So many questions

Chop with razor ends not snip , I worded that wrong


Hey @Pigeonman, how are those remaining cuts looking?
And @Bobgrows ? :crossed_fingers::seedling:

Hey @FieldEffect , sea - K acquired! Gonna implement that asap.

Also, sorry I missed this:

Well, snagged it from schmarmpit, and he told me it came from S1s from the son of ‘the keeper of the cut’, for a biker gang.

“There were two clones that made Romulan famous, one from Romulan Joe and the other from Vic High. From what I’ve heard they both got the clones from the same group of veteran bikers that were growing it for a while in the PNW into Canada. It turns out this dude Jakes father from Romulan Genetics was one of these veteran bikers that still held the original seed stock and clone and left it to him when he passed away.”

Just what was shared… And I’m sure that was shared previously. It’s a game of telephone. That romulan is good shit though.


I think there’s a rootlet coming out the bottom of the GMO!

Nothing from the Green Crack but the top looks like the Blueberry did so it’s just about waiting longer. The Cap Junky is looking funky but not out of the game yet. :ok_hand:



Here’s hoping!

I’ve started sending envelopes with a 3rd stick down the center. No need for more smushed snips.

Thanks for the update friend! :heart:
I’m rooting for those other cuts too. :heart_eyes_cat:


That is the exact same Romulan i have from them. Interesting…:thinking:


@Rhino_buddy do you put the cuts in the fridge overnight? I’ve heard of people doing that. Do you think it helps or hurts? No rooting powder right.


Have you flowered her out yet? I’d love to know your opinion. :wink:

I haven’t even considered that. What’s the benefit to it? Just harden the cuts off?

And I decided to not use powder. I think I may have harmed more than helped.


Just dried and cured her. @Rhino_buddy
I’ll let you know when I smoke her.
Let me see if I have any pictures on this phone…


Wild Art-Work on this Wild mailer!

Thanks for the anxiety-producing Card, carrying the Smiling-Tiger

Much appreciated @blendmedmedman
It was great trading with You!
Do you know how long these would like to flower?


they go for right around 14-16 weeks, really nice smoke, enjoy
the devils hog is what i named it haha. Glad you got them.


I’m going to try this. What’s the deal with postage in international letters. I think I read somewhere $1.60? Just want to make sure I have enough postage. Same rate whether Canada or UK?

What is max weight?

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3 forever stamp or 1 international stamp


Hey @CruJones! Glad you’re gonna give it a shot.


Max weight is 3.5 ozs but I’ve also heard 3. Make sure you add enough postage. The 3 stamps covers an oz at the international rate. Also ¼" thick or less.

Also, please use some packaging tape over the ends of the envelope where the ends of the sticks terminate.

You got this man!


Hey @Rhino_buddy check out the Blueberry!



Which Blueberry is that?

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