An envelope method of sending cuts(unrooted), potentially across the border

Oregon blueberry - archive cut



Nice. I have my mom of that in with the Mango Hashplants, and snips in the fridge to restart her in April.


I had a thought about how the clones are bagged up.
Has anyone tried a double bag? Meaning:

Put the moist paper towel in a bag. Poke some holes for the stem. So the base of the stem and the paper towel are in a bag, with the rest of the clone outside of the bag. Then put that into a 2nd bag (instead of putting everything into just 1 bag).

It might keep the moisture more contained to just the base of the stems and keep the entire cutting from becoming a soggy mess from being in the bag with water.


I’d be willing to join in on the fun here and give this a try.


I haven’t had any issues with 3-4 days using 1 bag. Even 1 that went from the NE up to Alaska.


Looking gorgeous @Pigeonman

I’m impressed. What a resilient weed. Hope to see others have such success. :crossed_fingers:


I’m in agreement with Too much moisture in the bags causing issues. I don’t even think we need tons of moisture if the cuts are turgid enough. In fact I’ve received cuts with just cut ends that were fine. No added water.

I love the forward thinking my friend! Definitely worth a look. :heart_eyes:

Thanks @TeddyNuggets . Jump on in.


Heyy all
Just a general update,
Clipshippa ™ v1.0 has been deployed to @rhino_buddy, and to @backyardboogie420

I cleaned/sterilized the cuts using @naptown916 's guide
Very interesting reading
I love when people connect the dots using tech from other industries,

:seedling: :seedling:
Grow easy fam!


Damn! I’ve been in no man’s land too long today! I’m super stoked for another 3d printed attempt. The last one took too long and the cuts were toast, and sorry @Bobgrows but the ones I just sent, I couldn’t get to safely fit in the mailer, so I’m gonna take some smaller cuts and try again.
A couple attempts have been processed as needing additional postage due. This shouldn’t be the case, I’ve been using calipers to make sure they’re ,< ¼" thick and using the right amount of postage, per location/weight.
Some just get delayed because of it. That sucks.

That’s badass that you’ve implemented the storage techniques of @Naptown916 . I know I’ve said I want to further up in the thread, but I’m so strapped for time as it is. I’m lucky to get cuts sent out, let alone all my plants watered.

Thanks for upping the game @JAYY_2the_R-O_WHAh !


Hmm :thinking: Postage due eh… I wonder why…


Please have good news, it would be awesome


Cuts made it to Germany, and still waiting to see if there are any roots! :crossed_fingers:

Took a bunch of snips last night and sent them out the door today! Hopefully I’ve got a bunch of folks that were waiting, covered. Thanks for your patience. Life…

Have a great one friends! 🫶🏼


Thanks bud! I should have some things inbound to you next week.


@Rhino_buddy not sure if this would help, but I’ve kept cuttings in the fridge for months and they was healthy the whole time… Maybe place your cuttings ready to ship in the fridge a few days before shipping and see if that helps with the travels?


@Rhino_buddy sent you snips out in today’s mail. Hopefully they make it quicker this time.


Eagle heading your way, keep an eye out! :pray::green_heart:

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Those cuts were in the fridge overnight, but not for more than 10 hours. I was attempting that as suggested by @420noob. And since you’re suggesting it as well, it feels a bit more credible. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Are you close to @Pigeonman , @CADMAN ? Wanna try to root some cuts from Kansas? If so, shoot me a DM and I’ll add you to the list. 🫶

Thanks for trying again @Bobgrows ! I’m gonna have a ton of stuff to share. :seedling::green_heart:. Hope those cuts I sent make it to you soon.

Got my eyes open @OGSince03 . Love the BOG gear…🫀


Awesome thread @Rhino_buddy cool tech & shout out to @JAYY_2the_R-O_WHAh , I spin more rhymes than a lazy susan & I’m innocent till my guilt is proven. J to the R O C baby, Sunnyvale hard AF :100:


Best Wishes on that Mailer Blitz @Rhino_buddy

You Got It

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Ayyoo fam! @gonzo

This guy nawm sayin!

This message is brought to you by ROCC Vodka,

-PAYCE :v:


thank you @Rhino_buddy
eagerly waiting for that second try.
hopefully it works this time :slight_smile:

did my pigeon show at your place, maybe?