An envelope method of sending cuts(unrooted), potentially across the border

That’s what she said!


Very clever, I would snap a chopstick in half and to the ends too so the rollers can’t crush down right on the cuttings.

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i can see if someone has an ez cloner sure but rooting them in cubes or soil than ripping off costs more money and work. this was supposed to be a method of being cheap and easy.

i would also encourage ppl to save the packages and send them back to rhino or who ever is a mass sender or re use, i wish i did when he sent me and will do from now on.


Yeah if someone wants to send me rooted snips, then he’ll yeah, I will take them. But being gifts, I’m not going to be mad if I have to do the rooting, especially knowing I have premium genetics from a premium plant.


Rooted is much morse sensitive to the surrounding environment. Also traveling for that long with no air is a big factor. Unrooted cuts are just more resilient.
I’m not sure about busting off roots then sending them for a week or 2. Seems like they might be over stressed by then. Not saying it doesn’t work. Thanks for your input @2002

Glad those gals rooted for you @JAYY_2the_R-O_WHAh !!! Hell yes. More to come down the road. :sunglasses:

And MOB mob spreading out far and wide. Hope they make it across the pond too.

Mother of Berries @Pigeonman :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Yes this is 2 complete sentences.


Yes it worked 20 years ago so i think it still works.

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Well, good to know. So just pull em from plugs and basically do the same as I’m doing??

I’m willing to try it out.


Yes, wait till you see roots coming out the rockwool and pull them out slowly. Cause they allready have roots you can remove more leafs, they can travel longer.


@Rhino_buddy found another package yesterday, arrived in good condition. :+1: much appreciated.


I took the dome off my cloner yesterday afternoon and my MOB of snips are still standing this AM. Will they all survive? Could it be? Update in about 2 weeks.


She is a very easy rooter and robust plant in my experience. One of the easiest to root of my mom’s. She is very short and very bushy with dense buds that are supposed to be mold and rot resistent. You can harvest as early as day 45 but pushing it week 8-9 is my recommendation. She smells of Berry’s very early in flower, like day 21 ish.


I keep searching for a strain that feeds and trims itself. Once I find that I can quit messing around with all these other strains.


I found this in a First Class Funk cut gifted to me by @MonasticDank !

But it doesn’t feed itself. :man_shrugging:


I can smell berries just pulling off leaves of my veg plants. And yes, very bushy. Glad they’re looking up, @LoveDaAutos .

And how does FCF trim itself @Pigeonman ??? The leaves just drop off? Hmmm. :thinking:

On another note. I want to thank @middleman and @OGSince03 for some generous stamp donations to keep the cuts flying. Check out this pile!

It’s also been windy as f*#k out here.

These Dandelions are usually standing straight with a big ol clock up top. :blossom:
It rained sideways so hard, I had to close my windows that are at the back of my from porch overhang. Haven’t had that happen yet. That Means it was blowing 12 feet under my roof to get into my house.
Today seems chill. No wind at all. I’ll take it. 🙋


Excellent @CADMAN . I’m glad they’re making it! And they look decent, other than that middle pic. But I’ll take it. There’s a chance in there. Thanks for sharing. How are the others? holding on?


With the weather dipping back down in to the mid 60s, low 70s, I’ve got another handful of envelopes out the door. I’ve messaged you in a DM if you should be expecting some. Their in the hands of the USPS now. Travel swiftly my plant friends.

Thanks for making this a fun venture @ OG Fam. I’m liking the cost/success ratio.


@Pleiochasium - I owe you some stardawg - guava cuts. Are you back at home base for awhile? She’s getting big now. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


another pigeon landed …
but sadly still no dice for germany.

all dead :frowning:


I was referencing how it nodes like an obsessive. The 2 plants that I grew out started doing this once they got root bound. Lil’ bushes of flowers.

All the cuts I took before flowering them out for that “seed run” are mini bushes as they are root bound in 1 gallon and solo-cups.

I have never pulled so much bubble from such a small plant before ever… and it was mostly 90u and 120u which is even more :exploding_head: .

90u up close:

