Ancestral Skunk "Bonsai" that got out of control

I chopped down the bonsai today. It didn’t want to drink and all the leaves curled long ways. All hairs are brown and a couple buds were almost crispy on the very edges. Might have been past its prime. Or maybe just perfect! a day shy of 13 weeks.

But rather than chop the whole plant I left the last few buds at the bottom and I will attempt a reveg. Not expecting it to work for some reason. I do want to put it in a round bonsai pot. I assume I should wait for 2-4 weeks to let it reveg before changing pots. Let me know if you have other opinions or advice.

Check it @Rhino_buddy thanks for all the help and support along the way. Thanks @Sebring for the wonderful skunk preservation. Many others, too many to name. Can’t wait to try this.

For now I will leave you with some photos cause I gotta go chop two more and set up the dry tent.