Decaying Alien Fruit (DAF)

You’ve probably seen me raving about my recent DAF harvests. Decaying Alien Fruit is @Cbizzle’s Northern Cheese Haze x Chem Candy males crossed with a single retail Mephisto Toofless Alien. I was smoking my latest harvest and it’s good stuff! :fire::fire::fire::hot_face: I’m wondering what F2 is like, so I planted 15 seeds for a seed run.

I don’t know how many of these will sprout. I planted about 40 in a 7 gallon pot back in May and they have been coming up ever since. I have two in that pot that didn’t sprout until a couple of weeks ago.

So whatever I get, I’ll grow out in one liter pots and make a bunch of seeds, but I think I’ll separate the males and just pollinate one branch of each plant. That way I can better evaluate who the best females are, but also this is :fire::fire::hot_face::fire: weed! -and I want to smoke some more.

You can see pictures starting here:


Killer name too! Totally dig you working your line forward man. Also, you know whats cool about you @rasterman , you play with the autos AND the long flower Sativas just like me. Great minds…


Man, those sound incredible! I’ll be watching these for sure!


Awesome, man. I’ll follow along. I seen the Decaying Fruit in your log. Looks awesome :v:


I never intended to play with autos. I was just going to make some seeds, but you know how that goes…

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Crazy sounding cross!!

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Agreed, and I think F2 is going to be crazier. :crazy_face:

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So far, 13/15 have sprouted and 9 have been transplanted.


Two look like they’re done. Maybe they couldn’t handle the direct sunlight and heat. I have 10 healthy seedlings here:

And three living sprouts here that haven’t yet popped above the media.

I think 10 is a workable number, so I’ll kill the other three unless they’re ready to plant tomorrow.


I planted one more, so two didn’t sprout. Then two died before they could turn into seedlings. And one got ate last night:

Basically beheaded. So I now have exactly 10 for my seed run.


I’m down to nine after one was eaten by something a few days ago and didn’t survive. The others are doing really well though, and should be too big to fail pretty soon.


Today is day 30, and it’s time for an update.

This guy showed sex pretty early, around day 21.

Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I should just toss that male because :man_shrugging: everybody knows faster-appearing males are bad and should be stricken from the line.

There are just two problems with that. Firstly, if I’m growing regulars for smoke, I want males to appear as soon as possible. So I think it’s a great feature! :peacock: Secondly, the rest of my specimens are female!

I really think this is fantastic, because that gives me more ladies to sample. At heart I am a player… :heart_eyes:

Remember recently when I was whining about getting a bunch of males? I keep forgetting that random is random.


An update. I’ve been taking these ladies into the greenhouse at night and bringing them out during the day to be with their sire. The male goes inside the house because there’s no place for him that doesn’t involve seeded buds in my future.

Except that last night it got cold and I forgot to put them in. Anyway, it doesn’t look like any harm was done, though I got purpling on some photos inside the greenhouse.