Ancient Cannabis - Time Travel Breeding ?


I am a newb, but, I have questions that seem to sprout more questions.

Lets say millions of years ago there was cannabis.
These cannabis varied and there was a large variety of different traits and so forth.
I imagine some of those traits being similar to those we see today, but also, much different as well.

Now, that would mean ( I assume) all of the plants we have today come from a long lineage of those plants from ancient times and beyond.

Can those ancient traits be brought back?–

Are the ancient traits locked in the plants of today or have they disappeared and are now inaccessible?–

Could different techniques be used to breed current plants to expressing those long lost traits?–

What would need to be done to get that to happen?–

Could we breed and breed and breed to essentially travel back in time and have these current plants rebirth the old lines?–

Who decided which plants were heirlooms and landraces, etc? –

I have many many questions and curiosities, yet, I cannot even grow anything right now to begin my own discoveries… I need to move somewhere that I can start but that comes with the whole finding a new job/place to live, etc… /sigh.

Anyways, please, if anyone finds such things intriguing or has knowledge to share or just wants to add to the questions, feel free. I would appreciate it greatly.

This is my first post.
Hopefully it will yield much.
Thank you for the opportunity to learn and let my theory-crafting brain turn its gears.


in theory, of course it can be done, or so i would assume since they do it with modern crops by turning genes on and off. as long as they are still there they can be turned back on i would assume. but that is not my field so i could be way off base.

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got my joints and taking front row seat as im interested in this question

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Maybe this will help to get you started.


Holy crap batman WHAT a interesting subject … Im in fnt row . paper and pencil ready to go. :blush::thinking:.


That is very informative. Wow… Thanks for that lesson on history of cannabis @OhNo555


I wonder what you mean by ancient traits? The only one I can think about off the top is monoecy, which is not very popular :wink:


That plant from antiquity that just grows a single giant trichome.


We cannot go back in time. If something was entirely bred out, its gone.

If there are plants that show said traits, how ever rare they might be, it is possible to increase its preponderance through careful breeding.

Landrace is a variety grown where it is found/native location vs heirloom could be the same line but cultivated elsewhere.

Heirloom can also mean a worked variety that’s been around for a time. Ie: bubblegum is said to be an heirloom since it has its own defining characteristics and been around for 60 years (?)