The origins and story of the farm

So I want you all to tell me a story. And maybe you know someone. I want to know who, what, where, and when the farm existed. Who was on it, what’s there story. All info is appreciated as I want to start to really track the skunk1 and understand more of what I’m doing with this plant. Thank you all and have a blessed day

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And I have read most of the forums and such. But someone on here I feel has some more to share before the time has passed. Thank you all for your contribution!

Sam the skunkman (DW) made the first skunk#1 cross in 70s or 80s. He went at least a few generations and started selecting more towards sweet and less towards skunky. Probably the first reliable modern hybrid, has nice sativa and indica influences. Skunk1 can be found in a lot of the strains today, often more in sweet fruity strains rather than the gassy skunks, like chemdog. I dont think chemdog has skunk#1 in it.


The later skunk#1s that Sam the Sman selected are more sweet. Skunk1 won the first ever Cannabis Cup in 1988 in Amsterdam.

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and holi jesus did we smoke alot of skunk in 1988!!!


You will probably never get the true story.

Sam the Ratman rewrote the history over the years to his ego’s fantasy. Many fools take his words as grail so you’ll just be reading regurgitated BS.

Don’t fall for the hook line and sinker.


What @anon5325009 said. :+1: :+1:



Ad hominem. You may be right, but do you have and info on the Skunk1 and it origins other than the story that’s been told for decades?


This thread is gonna go to shit real quick. LOL


@Enjoi802 check the last three potcast pod cast @soundcloud Chimera talks a good bit about sam and some other interesting material. Nothing but Blessings


So Sam was an apprentice on the farm that quickly made it up the ranks. I want to know more about the afghani tourture trials they did, I have the gist on Sam. It the other characters that have gone to obscurity, Mendo joe, Uncle Fester, these are more that were there but info is lacking, I’m sure someone knows more. Skunk1 was the farms project, and Sam just worked there. As he recanted he got let out on bail quickly the day the farm was raided, staked it out to make sure no cops were watching. When he got his courage up went inside and found the cops had just got lazy. He got the rest of the team that didn’t get arrested and they stripped the farm as quickly as they could that night. So what cohorts were there. If Sam made off with kilos of seeds and when to nevill. Who else made off with some or the story to tell. That’s why I’m on the hunt for info lol


I don’t know what happened on the farm in the 70s, but Ryan Lee Chimera in that potcast link says that Skunk#1 is Sam’s cross that began in the 70s. I’m not sure about the reliability of that statement, but Chimera is a smart guy. Sam and Chimera both say that Sam selected more towards the sweet as he worked the Skunk1 line. Though Enjoi802, your farm questions are interesting, as the 3 lineages must have been worked before going into that cross. The Colombian and Acapulco (sativa) lines I assume were in Cali for sometime before the Skunk1 cross. Most Afghanis came later in the 70s from what I hear. I think the Afghani may have been from Mel Frank’s Afghani#1, but I don’t know. Internet sources say that it is 1/3 Colombian, 1/3 Acapulco, 1/3 Afghani, but that doesn’t really make sense because you would have to have many generations of crossing to itself before the 1/3 hybrid could be skunk1. My guess is the Colombian and Acapulco were worked and that cross was then crossed to the Afghani to make skunk1. I see quite a bit of Indica in the skunk and the flowering time is much shorter than Colombian and Acapulco landraces. As for the history from many decades ago, I don’t know.


The farm was a hippy biker counter coulture type community / old ranch destination in northern California . Mendacino and Humboldt have there own very private community that was formed generations ago .I don’t really think any one person created skunk so much as a group of growers who were working together. The frustrating thing is it used to be everywhere and it’s like everybody lost it at the same time. The seeds all grew catpiss or skunk phenos , it’s like somebody targeted everybody with it and made sure it was gone… I would like to grow out more of swami’s gear based on it’s origins but need to work threw what I have before I collect much more. I believe the merry prankters spent some time up at the farm.


My guess would be something like this
(afghan x Columbian) x ( afghan x acupulco)
Or maybe
(Afghan x acupulco) x Columbian then x back on the afghan
Its probably a random combination of all of those working towards the faster finishing skunky plants. People dident keep records much back then , I’ve always kinda thought it was the red hair sensimilkia aka red hair skunk crossed to a afghan , prob mazar or maybe a Kandahar.
People should be popping old Landrace genetics and trying to find that special combiantion again. We’re so far down the line I doubt it can be found in any of the current skunk beans going around. I have some hope for the Mel Frank beans but would honestly be suprised to see any rks at this point.


See that’s some info I didn’t know that the merry pranksters may have chilled there for a bit. Plus I wasn’t really thinking of the private community aspects but it makes sense. I would guess back then mothers were a scarce resource and seeds were the viable way of getting things. I read they crosses it to the Columbia to stabilize the herm trait from the a gold afghani cross. There is a ton out there. Especially if one looks up the skunk18.2 afghani tourture trials. This is more of my focus as this seems to be where the rift happened. My guess is Sam played his part I. The farms demise this is why he made off with the beans. As it goes the skunk beans are out there. It’s not a question of if, but when will they pop up again, and I do believe a combo could happen again, but to many varieties exists to pinpoint them exactly. I appreciate the info though.


Temporary respite per op.