And off we go after a 16 year hiatus

Thanks! I purchased it directly from AC infinity


Finally made it back from work. the 4 seedlings (mandala safari’s) look like shit (believe heavy light burn/discoloration and nutrient burn or deficiency). Heat wasn’t the issue for the plants as it maintained 75 in the tent.

The 3 of the 4 gogi OG x sugar punches have stretched out. the 4th has just started to show his face. i have also repotted everything into coco w/ perilite and will be hand feeding from here out to runoff (unless i can engineer an watering system for when i am gone). F/D tray/reservoir out of my tent now. I will open a nice tall bottle of littfa yet again since changing the medium, nutes, and means of watering up. Will grab pics of plants to post tomorrow.

My side experiment landed me with another flush of mushrooms which were much larger than the first go around. I am attempting a 3rd flush at the moment, godspeed to them.


Wait a minute, that is Papa’s Punch your talking about…right??? You know Papalag???

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yup, he is guiding me as best he can remotely through this grow


Well you have excellent guidance with him, he made those seeds, i am the only one to run them yet
They produced beautiful excellent plants that smelled exactly like a fresh big Sharpie pen, and a strong narcotic
high . Good deal, this place has lots of nice helping members these days, love seeing that.


As promised, rear 4 are mandala safari mix front 4 are gogi og x sugar punch.


You plan on running any of the Black Lotus f2s or Hollyweed x Black Lotus anytime soon. I would love to see some of the people i sent them to make a diary. The hollyweed mom is one of the smoothest smoking and potent strains i have ever grown or smoked! The black lotus mom turns purple in warm temps and smells like red wine. The Black Lotus dad to both of them was tall and stinky and did not flower until after all the ladies.


Once i figure out this growing stuff again i will move on to other varieties i have received.


It’s like riding a bike… but it’s easier now, than you remember it to be!

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After changing media and watering methods + litfa, new growth is green on the 4 mandalas. However, they are all smaller blades. It may just be the genetics of the plants.

The 3 other are loving life and should start growing well soon.


Hi bro great start the mandala look a little hungry when you feed go light
I like to spray them with a lite mix of kelp and water the little ones love it


Thanks for the input. They got some food this morning. I was a little hesitant to feed em as the originally were solid yellow with leaves curled up.

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Just start with a lite mix 1/2 of what is recommended on the label
If you see mineral deficiency try some epson salts about 1 teaspoon mixed in water in a spray bottle and spay at lights out don’t soak em they will respond quickly

The size of your mandala plants I’ve already started feeding but lightly with every watering ( I use a soil with no nutritional value at all )

Just have fun that’s the most important part

Keep it simple and let the plant tell you what to do


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It is with great sadness to report that this entire grow was scrubbed due to reasons beyond my control.

I may be moving shortly.

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That’s never fun. Best of luck to you!

Ah dang man sorry to hear you are having to move and torched the grow. Was just getting excited for you and the people you were going to be able to help so much with their pain :gift_heart:. Such is life I suppose . Hope you are able to begin again would love to see this all come to fruition for you, and them.

Good luck my friend
When you get settled and start up again
Let us know

just had stuff pop up and had to scrub it. will be starting again shortly. i appreciate everyone’s support. the logic behind having to possibly move was dumb. ungrateful people in this world, but eh, it is what it is. I will still be here and actively participating in the mean time.

mark my words, i’ll be back!


Alrighty people. I am back, 5 weeks into grow;

I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase an autopot 6 pack. They all fit perfectly inside my 2x4 tent. My question, what is everyone’s recommendation for nutes for autopots. Searching here and elsewhere shows various answers. Thanks for the guidance.

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Good to see you back
The auto pots are similar to the Octopots it’s a wicking system?
I use urban farms vegetable food up till week 3 of flowering then jacks 10/30/20till week 5 at 1 teaspoon per gallon ratio of 1/3/2
Week 6 and 7. 1/2 teaspoon of 10/30/20 and 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of jacks 5/12/26 = ratio of 1/3/3
Then weeks 8 throu 10 1 teaspoon per gallon jacks 5/12/26 for a 1/3/5 ratio
This will give you great results
Hope all is well