What ya think is going on in here? Plants not happy

Take a look at these please. My guess is starving , what yall think.

In my octopots, FIRST time ive had issues. Plants not drinking rom the rez’s, pulled and looked, none to VERY little roots in rez. Never seen this before.

Week ago plants were way worse, been foliar feeding last 3 or 4 days, things have improved, starting to get some green back.

Ec is low, lights fine , tent fine.

What yall think??



Hard to say exactly without being there…
But the red stems stand out to me.
Could it be lockout?
PH off?

Looks like a mag def. to me maybe P lockout too.
Plant does look like it is not getting food.
It could be root health issues too.
What are your thoughts?
I can look deeper when you relpy, I kinda gotta know where to start. :heart_eyes:



Is is possible they got too much water and that has made things worse?

You know you feed the same amount for a bit then you realize they are not eating so the soil gets a little wet.

I was about to say…let me guess LED lights right?
But I can see em.

This is a very common problem with LED lights.

Mag. nitrate may help too.
2 times a day until green.

I would try to dry em out real good.
Then I would do a gypsum flush if possible.
The will reset the soil CEC and help fix any lockout.
Try to find a chelated mag product to use, LED’s tend to need more Mag.

Also is it possible to do a runoff/runout test?
This will tell ya exactly where your soil is.

What does the branching look like? Are the branches greater than about 45°? Are they woody and brittle? Are there bulbs where the branch meets the main stalk? All of those are symptoms of Hops Latent Viriod. Hope I’m wrong.


Beginning to think something is wrong with WC. I am a decent grower, this plant has given me fits. MY soil, lights, nutes, tents have never produced this before. Nothing has changed. Same tent, same pots, same soil, same nutes, light, everything…as tent i took down 30 days ago that was stellar. From my known genetics, these are all cuts i sourced.

Let me read that 10 times then go see.


Are the branches greater than about 45°


While true, I still think…


I have 3 strains that genetically throw red stems…grown perfectly.

NOT overwatered, run in octopots, bottom feeding, so cannot be watering issue.

I see N Mag P lacking…but i am supplying plenty.

Whats he mean branchs 45???

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That gnome looks aweful suspicious :thinking:

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Which one…Elvis or Sannie???

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I think you have a ph issue. Can you flush through the top? Good luck I hope you get this solved.

45 is the angle of the branch to the main stem is what he means. A right angle is 90 degrees (L shape).

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No bulbs, not woody, not brittle

Never had ph issue before…nothing has changed. Suppose i could

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Yep, that’s what I’m talking about. I chased mystery deficiency symptoms for three grows in a row before I figured it out. I even second guess myself that it’s still around in my beds anytime something looks off.


The virus you mean??? @ReikoX

Want close up pics of their underskirts??? Im here

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Yep, the virus. I also passed dirty clones to my dad and brother ruining two of their grows each.

Sure a picture if the stems could help.


doesnt that just piss you off !!!

Let me go tak some pics

give me 5 minutes


While I wait, here is a good example of what I’m talking about (not my picture). Notice the branching on the left has a normal angle roughly 45°, but the plant on the right they are more obtuse, greater than 45°.




Hmm the branches on that WC look almost 90° to me. Could totally be wrong, honestly I hope I am. The only way to know for sure is to get it tested. You’ll have to do a search for a lab near you, I think it costs around $50 per sample.