Any Surfers Out There?

@Foreigner Where you headed mate Bocas Del Toro? That will be pumping that time of year, the pacific coast not so much… some amazing right hand point breaks on that coast though. Maybe you’ll run in to @Panamajock

Yes mate, well 5 min drive or 10 min walk from our house. Been absolutely firing this month…

Back to back to back swells yeew

My mate Derrick fading off the bottom in to a meaty cave


We will be hitting both sides of the country so I should get some variety.

Mrs Foreigner has never surfed so I’m hoping for some nice chop to push her along.

Don’t want them pumping too hard or I’ll never get outside.

Yeah maybe @Panamajock has a little free time for a sad foreigner…


Thread is gnarly!

I learned to surf from my Navy friend at Dana Point in Socal. Only been 3 times there and then I went with a veterans group in Folly Beach near Charlston.

Really interesting to see the differences in the swells and the power.

I miss it. Nothing like going fir hours and hours without realizing it because you just want to keep catching the next wave.

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Best wishes y buena suerte to all my Surfing Brothers!

Surfing is a righteous path and this thread has already provided the fodder for dreams.

Dancing on waves formed thousands of miles away, with serious injury looking over your shoulder! Intense and miraculously beautiful at the same time.

I don’t mind sayin, surfing was my glimpse of the Devine.

Thx to everyone for your contributions, I hope this thread will dispel any “Dumb Surfer” slander. Surfers, like Ganja Growers are a tribe, misunderstood widely but sticking on their righteous path.

Only a Surfer Knows the Feeling, but we can share the stoke!

-Grouchy :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:
PS, Special Thx, @FattyRoots OMFG!!!


To keep the stoke alive surf clips or videos(back in the day) are key, I’ll treat you with some jems from the past couple years… treat yourself yew :call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4:

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Ye I sure help you out.

Before I give you the swoop…

Are you hiring a car or using public transport ( which is pretty good )

If your heading from Panama City …I would say stop of at Santa Catalina.

After there you can head to Azuero penisula …that’s where you will find the best beaches, Base in Pedasi area …visit Isle Iguana, Playa Venao ( international competitions held there)and Cambutal worth a trip.

Then head for Bocas….(very touristy place and a bit of a drive…to ( but the road is very beautiful scenic.

Or head up to Chiriqui to the Highlands …do some hiking.

Whatever your plans let me know and I can advise you on hostels …etc

Panama City is worth a few days…visit Miroflores locks on the Canal….use UBER ) the yellow taxis are not metered and the drivers will scam you on the price.


Hey thanks for all the info man. The itinerary is not in stone and subject to radical change but maybe we could link up.

I dunno about a car but it’s a possibility :+1:

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Torren Martyn is the finest example of the modern day soul surfer, he rides mostly mid length twin fins shaped by Simon Jones, travels only with his filmer/best mate, normally on a tight budget and pretty much makes the most killer surf edits going. Here’s his latest


His Atlantic 4 part series :call_me_hand:t4:

From the Ireland to Morocco on the road

Buses are cheap …and Panama only really has one highway, So all the places I’ve mentioned are all reachable by Bus.

DM me once you got stuff sorted…
.I do hope to see you in the Highlands some day…your welcome to visit.

Ps…January is a good time to travel to Panama, plenty of sun.

Ye message me any questions.

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Thanks man I’ll reach out when plans are a little more solid :love_you_gesture:

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And I’m going to the Darien gap. I might not go in, but I’m going.

Now for some high performance raw shit…

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They won’t let you in …you need a permit…to many immigrants from Haiti, Africa still migrating through…and some scary stuff going on…I would steer clear of that area.

But it’s your trip.

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Yeah it’s damned sketchy but I at least want a pic of me with the sign that says park Darien nationale.

Mrs Foreigner is already unimpressed by this idea.

Now to research a permit :joy:


Santa Catalina is a great spot and a beautiful long peeling point break. In Panama city don’t forget to grab a ceviche or 3 at the seafood market. Best ceviche I’ve eaten, old town is a nice area to stay


I know for sure we are doing Panama City for a few days.

Then some fancy compound on some islands in the pacific.

A few days will probably be dedicated to surf, another few to hiking, and another to food urban tourism.

I also should ask her what she wants to do…

Ceviche is one of those things I don’t eat very often because I’m landlocked. But I love it when I can get it.