Any way to reduce consumption without reducing relief?

No, Im a capsule guy :slight_smile: I make RSO, then put it into capsules, and take my main meds that way. Makes for more consistent dosing. Green Dragon drops under the tongue is the fastest way I know to get the stuff into your system, but it tastes like crap and tends to burn my mouth. That 90 proof stuff is a bit much for me.

I know @Sebring makes a CBD cream that contains DMSO. I believe thats the chemical used to transport the meds through the skin and into your system. I use his cream for my knees and hands and it works well. It takes longer than Green Dragon, but it faster than capsules…


Yes, DMSO, thanks. Couldn’t remember it except the D.


So the important part there is the sublingual absorption. If you go down far enough to where he gets into hard candies that’s another great way to get to the same place of keeping it under your tongue, soaking in quickly and effectively. St that point there is no alcohol left, it’s been used ad a transfer medium to get the meds into the sugar. You can transfer from the ethanol to all kinds of stuff too, like coconut oil and other fats, and get all the alcohol out of it before you ingest. The ethanol just helps you make it stronger and more consistent in those approaches than just doing cannsbutter or straight coconut oil from flower.


Hah! Sorry, my bad then! But you don’t smoke, correct? I feel like I remember a thread where everyone was going on about flavours and you said something like “it almost makes me wish I smoked” or something?

Anyhow, somebody on the boards has definitely mentioned that method of dosing before, sorry for crossing up those wires there.

I’ve known A LOT of seriously Ill people over the years, a lot of cancer patients, so I’ve seen and attended to some pretty funky things in the name of effective medicating of those in need. So hey, sorry to weird everyone out, I’ve just seen a lot over the years! :joy:


I smoke maybe Maybe 700mg of flower through a bong everyday, I have two bowls, one holds .05 the other holds maybe 1.05… I’ll usually smoke one of the two depending how much I want, and try not to touch it for an hour or two. But it’s all adds up. I am anxious whenever I’m awake, witch is usually around 18-24 hours of the day. Mangos help a bit, not much. I saw the recipe for those candies, I’ll give that a try when I have a bit extra bud.

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Check this thread out too…

It’s old and long, but there’s a lot of proper OG love floating around in there, and a lot of people discussing things that have helped them in similar spots. Worth the long read for sure.


Also, pretty sure nobody suggested putting ganja up the tailpipe in that one, so hey, it’s safe in there!


I have heard it’s great for rectal cancer. Can’t imagine why you would do it otherwise, lol. Maybe if you REALLY hated the taste.


Increased efficiency of absorption was what I was told in several cases, and that would be consistent with what the hardcore ravers used to say about it. Those party kids were SERIOUS about their dosing strategies because the ones who were into “hooping” were specifically the ones who went too hard and wanted to roll their faces off for three days straight at a festival. But the pharmacological aim was the same thing, get the same effect, with the same amount of substance, for longer. They didn’t do it because it was cool, they did it because they wanted their drugs to last longer before they ran out of loot to party with.

Again, I knew these people a lotta years ago, and I partied with plenty of them and some were even good friends enough years back. The only people who did this were the ones who partied way too hard and they weren’t terribly open about announcing it. Telling your friends you’ve had to resort to stuffing yer molly up the backdoor because you’re so desperate to stay high was pretty much going to elicit concern and the suggestion that you should slow down on that crap. Everyone I can think of who got to that point in the club scene ultimately went through some pretty serious substance use issues, one of them died from drugs, I saw another one cracked out on the street not that long ago. So yeah, not at all wholesome.

But it was ultimately always about greater pharmacological efficiency according to the people who did it. Hence the only reason I suggested it.


There is also discussion about using another medium, glycerine I believe? Said not to work as good as alcohol, but it gets the job done… Its there in the tincture thread.
Dont know if itll help your tolerance issue, just thought I’d share.


I know its not what everyone wants to hear and im not saying you dont but stuff like eating good, nice relaxing hot baths, yoga (effectively stretching), exercise and general things along those lines can go a long way.


I personally have found some ways to do this.

Use cbd and cbg. It doesn’t have psychoactive effects but it reduces clearing of thc from your body as your body is working on the cbd instead. I like about 4:1:1 cbd to cbg to thc to feel best medicated myself. Pounds of good hemp go for only a few hundred dollars a pound instead of a few thousand like thc weed. Even if cbd was as expensive as thc, it’s still a big part of medicating through marijuana.

Use a good vaporizer. Hot flames destroy the terpenes and cannabinoids. I notice about 33% more efficient consumption through my crafty+ over a glass spoon. I really love it.

Meditation and focus on positivity. Think about how much you love the marijuana and fully appreciate it, not just how you’d love to have more!



You said you have wax? And were considering candies right? And can’t have alcohol? Got a real basic recipe that works great for me and has helped quite a few friends and medical patients I know if your interested


I agree with @SleepyRobert Iv been into the CBD hemp lately and have recently purchased 4 oz for 140-150$ for 4 oz cheaper when 1/2 pound and pound quantities maybe like 300-400 and oz I’v been experimenting with CBDA have found it to be quite beneficial I do mine in a simple mct oil base on low temps the terps and other cannabnoid are persevered better here is what I use good prices imo


Have you ever thought about mushrooms! I feel they do more for me than bud. I’ve heard it’s good for PTSD and it takes away my anxiety.


Well you all are thinking about where I’m at. I have a $70 vape, tastes horrible. Will be getting a Boundless set up when I can afford it, which is not soo. Running way over budget during quarantine here; partly because no income partly because of increased use. So options such as buy a new vape just aren’t realistic. Switching to CBD has been something I’ve tried twice, been burned twice. Locally CBD flower is about 20% cheaper than mids( same price on the street or medical for mids for me anyways) and the taste has always been unusable. I can spend a bit on the CBD flower but if I get something that doesn’t work I’ve massively fucked myself because I can’t buy legit flower for a while then. CBDN is new to me, haven’t been able to explore it due to budget concerns. Most of the products I buy don’t list CBN, but some are starting.

I do have a bit of wax, getting more is easy enough, 1g is the same price as 1/8 of mids. I’ve been getting Cresco popcorn for 160 per half, so I do prefer flower, but I also will be learning BHO extraction at some point, as well as pickup up a rosin press. This is well into the future though. I definitely will look into those candies; my sister wanted to make some anyways.

Shrooms, I for sure want to try. I think micro-dosing is a viable option, but legality. Caretaker is very adverse to illegal activity, so the most I can get away with is things the police aren’t concerned with. My sisters friend was selling pot, and their supplier got raided, after that she would rather never buy off the street again. I myself hate mushrooms as a whole, they creep me right the fuck out, but someone is interested in mycology (not so much the fun kind, but not super opposed). So some mushrooms of some kind will probably find a dark partition in my grow room sometime. Buying shrooms on the current budget is a flat out no, sadly.

I’d love to see extended release patches for micro-dosing; but we live in too new of times. God bless anyone studying these important potential medicines.


Oh, and yes, I’ve tried glycerin as a tincture based over alcohol and I found it was extremely weak as a solvent. Wax liquidizers use PG and PEG, which works a lot better but tastes far less mild than the glycerin.

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I know this is kinda contrary to this entire thread, but maybe consider ingesting less weed? I also suffer from panic attacks (I fucking hate them and have no idea why they happen, since I really don’t stress about anything, ever), but when I have them, weed is not an option. For me, anyway. Almost every strain I’ve ever blazed always starts with an initial 20-30 minutes of increased heart rate, which is not a good thing when I can’t breathe and my heart’s already pounding and I feel like I’m gonna die. I wish weed worked, but it doesn’t when I’m in the throes of a panic attack. It exacerbates it.

And I agree with @Bob13: exercise, stretching, yoga etc seems to really help. The more I exercise, the better I feel. I can breathe.


I find it’s a little more enduring the stress to prevent the panic attacks. With heavy usage of the correct strains, I find minimal panic attacks. Usually only when they are triggered. Once it is happening, I have one choice. Take a Xanax, sit down and wait for it to kick in. A bit of the right weed helps a tiny bit. I do suppose it’s ultimately not required and a small concession I can make.

Reducing over all is my current method. I’ve cut out recreational doses for a month or two now. Also days when I’m feeling better than normal, I under medicate. This leads to a poorer quality of life, but little enough to deal with for a while. I can increase my Xanax intake to compensate reduction in cannabis, but eh. That’s a purely money based choice, the actual effectiveness of the is poor.

Ultimately purging THC from your system is the only way. I’m just trying to suffer as little as possible.

PS: I do have a regular schedule to keep to for exercise, and mental health care (immersion therapy or meditation). I find meditation helps only in recovery from a panic attack (although I do regulate my breathing during to resist it) or in stress reduction which leads to far fewer panic attacks for me. Diet has been a very hard one, as I have absolutely no appetite. Nutritional shakes are what I can eat, sometimes cereals or toast. Lean meat. Anything other than that results in severe esophageal pain for 20-30min followed by the irritated esophagus being flooded in stomach acid until the food passes. Then depending what I eat, my IBS causes moderate to severe abdominal pain for… I’m not really sure yet. Maybe an hour.


Yeah, I hate that whole “Xanax is the only thing that’ll work” thing. But really, most of the time, Xanax (or klonopin etc) is the only thing that works. Which sucks. However, I’d say purging the pharmaceuticals is more important than purging the THC. If you’re gonna purge one thing, purge the pills.

One thing I noticed, a few years ago, I started eating Xanax as prescribed, once in the morning and once at night. I usually just waited to eat one until I was actually having a panic attack, which could be several days, but I was having them so frequently at that time that I just ate one in the morning, one at night, before I even had one. But sometimes I’d forget to eat a pill, like if I woke up in the morning feeling fine, it didn’t even occur to me to eat a Xanax. So I wouldn’t. But then, a few hours later, I’d have a panic attack. It became obvious, after a few weeks of this, that NOT eating Xanax was inducing panic attacks. I think I got addicted to them, even though I wasn’t abusing them.

The pharmaceutical industry is the biggest con out there.

Anyway, once I realized what was happening, I just cold-turkey stopped eating them. Only slept three hours the first night. The second night, I didn’t sleep at all. And I felt like I was having a panic attack non-stop, for hours and hours, my heart was pounding and I couldn’t breathe, but I just rode that shit out. The third night, I was saying to my girlfriend,”This is crazy, I haven’t slept in forty hours…” but I was feeling a little better. Took a shower, got in bed and five minutes later I had a seizure. Almost to the minute, exactly 72 hours after I’d eaten my last Xanax. I don’t remember most of the seizure. The very beginning, I felt it coming on, my throat was vibrating (this all happened in like two seconds) and I knew immediately something was really wrong. Sat up in bed, grabbed my throat and tried to tell my girl,”Call 911,” but it just came out,”Ca-ca-ca-ca!” I couldn’t get it out.

My girl told me I fell out of the bed and was twitching and shit on the ground, all seized up. I don’t remember any of it except the very beginning and then when the paramedics got me in the ambulance and took me to the hospital, which was about fifteen minutes after the seizure happened, according to my GF. Scary shit. I haven’t eaten a pill since. I just deal with the panic attacks, wait it out, try to breathe, sweat for a couple hours, feeling like I’m dying. Exercise. Eat steamed broccoli and chicken for lunch haha. Oatmeal in the morning. I dunno.

I’ve found that the healthier I’m living, the easier it is to deal with the panic attacks. Because it’s all in my mind, kind of. I mean, the inability to breathe and the pounding heart and shit, that’s real, but if I’ve been living healthy, it makes it easier to go,”Dude, you’ve been working out every day, you’ve been eating ridiculously healthy, you’re not dying.” and I believe it. That fucking mantra… “You’re not dying.”

I agree with you re: meditation. It hasn’t helped me at all. In fact, it makes me focus on my heart, which is the last thing I need to be doing when I have a panic attack.