Anybody else like to fish?

We fish Lake Erie 4 times a year or so. Love eating them that’s for sure


In Ontario until the 1980 era, everyone called Walleye, Yellow Pickerel or just pickerel. I don t know if it was to discourage American sportfisherman, but the Pickerel (chain, grass, etc) are similar to Northern Pike or Musky and not an important species north of the border. I wouldn t eat or intentionally kill a fish of that caliber and the meat can hold some mean chemicals, that one probably wouldn t pass the eating guide requirements anyhow. I value the genetics, so my grandkid can enjoy amazing fishing throughout his life too. Trophies are best with replica fish instead of the old skin method, nowadays. Missed a monster Musky today with my other daughter, she saw it close, I saw it surface twice 50 ft. out, but 15 Minute tug of war ended with a whole weedbed uprooted and line twisted arond a rock and snapped her off. That was a giant as well…good spring so far…blackflies are liking me too!! Tight lines and fresh air guys!!!


around here they say to stay away from carp and catfish due to toxins. bottom feeders in general. only foreigners fish for/eat the carp.


Yeah our eating guide is downright scary. especially when you know that the rare commercial fisheries are selling fish in the store that our ont. gov t deems unfit for sportfisherman…Standards and chemicals tested for vary wildly. Especially Great Lakes fish…seen a lot of usually asian fisherman keeping spawned out zombie salmon from L. Ontario streams, just sickening, but well to each his own, I guess, but just YUCK and carcinogenic despite your recipe


Salt of the earth here , yall


Very dark looking. Nice fish. I always let those monsters go. No good to eat and so much fun to catch again tomorrow.


Nah lol a pickeral is a pickeral.


Technically, it’s a Walleyed Pike. Haa


I’ve been called a walleyed piker…


Gross, what filthy liars.


“All fisherman are liars except you and me. Sometimes I’m not so sure about you.” Famous old saying on many a cottage wooden poster, back in the old millenium LOL.


A walleye is in the perch family or so I was told. I know the Canukians call them Pickerel.

Speaking of perch, pickerel, and walleye I am getting an early fall fishing cabin fever and want to plan a trip either with my kayak or my canoe and would love to meet and fish with some of you guys. I’m thinking of heading up to upper Michigan in the Michigamme area to hit some smaller lakes and some gentler rivers. I would absolutely love an overnight trip on a productive river. I am and have been still searching for the ever elusive 21+ smallmouth bass for the last 16 years. I’ve come 1/2" short at least a dozen times.

I deplore the biting black flies, horse flies, and mosquitos. I can live with the mosquitos with some DEET but prefer to fish and camp after they’re hibernating till the next year.

Anyone able to commit to such an endeavor? Septemberish I’m thinking.


those big small mouth are south lake St Clair and western basin of Erie i live right between both 20 min either way 5 to 6 pounders in the spring are regular thing smaller in the fall 3 pounder is average i kayak fish both lakes and hammer the Pickerel in the Detroit river that run just finished i do not keep them from the river i just enjoy dodging lake freighters


So are your pickerel the same as my walleye? And maybe I need to be up there in the spring instead of the Fall. As long as it’s before or after the biting bugs are out . I’ve been saving my pennies for almost 2 years waiting for the best deal I could find on my new kayak and finally hit on it yesterday. They were offering 10% off and a $300 rebate from Old Town so I jumped in and bought one. Supposed to ship to me next Wednesday.


we do call them Walleye up here then we put those babies back for later and go after the BIG pickerel and i too lust after a nice one mine is a Canadian tire flyer door crasher special

galls of November spring fishing is easier to plan. we have no real bug infestation other than normal mosquitoes Lake Erie can kick up like this in minutes


Going to get the pole wet tonight . Can’t fuckin wait


That’s great…you should try fishing sometime too! :rofl:


Lol i just hit the ac and not sure I wanna go back out there. :hot_face: 33 ° out there

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I’ll wait till sundown and see, maybe go for some pike. I think I missed the shad this year. I love fishing sturgeon. I’m all catch and release as i hate anything that come out of the water except for baked breaded clams


Hello folk’s, I hope the season is going well for you?

It’s just getting to that time where rain could produce some salmon or sea trout :crossed_fingers:

I few older picks I’ve dug up.
A couple of sea trout they’re fresh as paint.

Lol there was weather warnings last night I was totaly delighted with that news but it didn’t materialise :anguished:
There’s a small rise in the river but not what I was hoping for.

Edit…the rain materialised later that night.
It was running circa 50cm
It reached 140cm ± hopefully we get some showers now to maintain a bit volume and encourage salmon and sea trout run.

I’m estimating Monday for a nice fishing water provided we don’t get more heavy rain for prolonged periods :crossed_fingers:

Best of luck everyone.