Anybody else like to fish?

My grandson was tossing a dummy casting lure his mommy rigged (no hooks) well he says “i feel something” like every cast lol. I turned and saw his spiderman rod bent, as a muskie grabbed that thing and took off, snapping the line, 3 feet from the boat!!! The fish swallowed that floaty toy and it never surfaced, hope he passes it. Mommy has decided real lures from now on, just watch his casting LOL. Kid is a fish magnet, and my new bestie in the boat…and he didn’t lose the rod.


My youngest boy getting in on a little topwater action this afternoon. He caught a few, lost a few, and missed a few. I just sat back drinking a beer watching him have a blast


I have been saving up, pinching pennies, not buying many seeds for over 2 years with the goal of buying myself my dream kayak. About three months ago I hit the goal and at that point began looking for the kayak on sale but also I wanted their limited edition color. Well last week the stars aligned. Not only did I get a 10% off sale price for Memorial Day but the manufacturer was offering a $300 rebate on specific models and mine was one. The kicker…They had just one of the limited edition color boats in stock and I called in time to claim it. It shipped yesterday and should arrive here around the 10th of June. I’m really excited about this purchase.

Now of course the government has to reach in to my pockets and make me register this as a motorized vessel. Only $130 for three years…Good Lord!!!


that’s pretty cool. i fish from shore and wouldn’t be comfortable enough going out on the water, but it’s still cool.



My girls in a boat we made from 3/8 plywood and fluid applied roof coating, hydrostop.


Looks very idyllic! When was that taken? That right there is good memories, and they don’t need to be mine to know that!


Youngest and I made this one when he was in 3rd grade as a class project. The class skinned it with drop cloths painted with latex. He’s 44 now, Fished out of it for years. So light a sunfish would tow it. I still have the frame. Roy is a local celebrity. :slight_smile:


Congrats on your new boat @LoveDaAutos ! May many fish fall victim, haa haa


I’d say it’s about 12 years ago. @mota Fun little project.


One of my nephews with a cat.


How I wish we had fishing like that here. Trout is literally the only fresh water fish we have here in newfoundland


Northern Stargazer , an Electric fish!


Hybrid Bluegills

Fished our pond today with a Lil Nipper jig, flattened out barb, and no bait.
The largest was this 11" model.

I caught a couple of 10" models as well. Fishing with bait is no fun as every cast gets one.
With no bait, I have to make a few casts and swim the jig a little on the retrieve to trick
one. I dip my hand in the pond to get it wet before handling any of them so as not to disrupt
the protective slime on them.

Caught on a Lil Nipper Jig with the barb flattened out. No bait. Pond fish are catch and release.

I was hoping to get one or two of the very large perch in our pond for some pics, but it was
mid afternoon and not the best time to get them to bite. Last week, I caught one almost 14".

Personnel best in the pond for Hybrid Bluegills is 13 1/2". The largest perch I’ve caught was 16 1/2".


Love those hybrids. Pound for pound one of best fighters. Congrats @belleswell looks like a good time

The reason that hybrids are preferred in farm ponds is that it is harder for them to overpopulate a pond. When a pair of hybrids spawn, the resulting offspring are
90% to 95% males, which over time will keep the population from exploding.


I did not know this. Would love to catch, cook, and eat a handful of 16" yellow perch. Biggest I ever caught was 13 1/2"


i’ve definitely caught some 15ers. perch fishing here can be really good. they should be starting up any day now. nice fish though, clean and tasty


Good point about dipping the hand in water first, this should be done with every released fish. Nice job


Or better yet if the fish is to be released I generally grab the hooks with pliers or hemostats and release the fish without touching it. Larger fish I do the same thing once netted. Whenever possible.