Anyone else Growing Outdoors in Massachusetts?

Just wondering if anyone else here is growing the good herb in Massachusetts or New England, if so I would be interested in hearing some of your experiences. I currently have 9 ladies of various different strains outside from clone. They were given to me by an indoor grower rooted in rockwool cubes they were about 6 to 9 inches when I received them and they range from 3.5 ft. bushes to 6 ft. high Christmas tree like bushes. They started flowering about 3 weeks ago and just finished up with the stretch I believe( I hope!)


I’m growing indoor but I occasionally help a friend out with his outdoor garden, mainly fem and autos. His garden is right around 3 weeks into flowering. Been having a problem with corn borers. His autos didn’t do to good this year, lucky if they got over a foot tall.


yeah I’m having an issue with pests also mainly caterpillars and leaf hopers. I have two plants that I received as clones and they only got about a foot and a half tall also but the other 7 plants did really well. I have a no til garden that I do lasagna composting/mulching. I also started a worm farm last year and use the leachate every few days to feed plus traditional composting to top dress them.


This lady got trampled by a wild turkey but kept on going!

My other guerrilla plot was a disaster :disappointed_relieved: but a useful learning experience. Fail it till you nail it right?

These are at my friends house in his garden because i live in a apartment. He doesn’t smoke or anything just loves to watch plants grow :blush: amazing guy really. He’s never grown ganja but with little help from me he fucking smashed it with these! (Edit) fence is 6ft btw and this was right at the switch from veg to flower. :drooling_face::drooling_face:

And an auto that was fully seeded. Which i was hoping for. White bucket is 5 gal for reference.

In mass as well but not putting my location public :sweat_smile: somewhere north tho


I didnt put my location public did I?

Not that I saw, just said mass. Think come harvest time we all need to have a nice smokefest. :laughing:


yessir… I agree we should meet up at the rally on Boston common …

I heard there was going to be a ton of YouTube gromies there this year also!


OK good I’m getting back into the forums … its been about 12 years or more when it was the original , but anyway I wasn’t sure if there was some kind of privacy settingn or some bullshit I didn’t check off lol
appreciate it bro