Anyone have Bubble Gum seeds to trade?

That’s fantastic! I love how these things work out.


Hey @buckaroobonsai I have some old time Indiana bubblegum from Mosca that I popped 5 beans from.
You interested let me knw


What are your thoughts on the OTIBG? @Justblazin after running it?

Well I only had 1 female out of the 5 I tried to crack but I wasn’t getting any bubblegum or blueberry notes from it but it was super frosty. I ran it a second time but that was it, i ran like 4 a second time out of like 30 plants, that being one of them, ended up only keeping 1 twinkle tart out of the around 30 plants i had flowering. The OTIBG Was nice but nothing to write home about, but I only had the 1 female.


Thanks for the report, I think I will hold off on that one, I really appreciate the offer, I actually have his ibg s1, bubblegum gelato, bubblegum boogie, old time moon shine and blueberry gelato, maybe some other’s but I’ll have to look in the vault. Thanks man :+1:


No problem
Bubblegum boogie sounds yummy!!!
Good luck on your hunt can’t wait to see what you find, hopefully something nice.


I literally just auctioned off a pack of brother monks Indiana Bubblegum from the early 2000’s. Only went for 50 bucks 🤷.


The Bubblegum Boogie is pretty damn good, very sweet and delicious.

I haven’t heard of that one before, I’ll have to check it out. :+1:

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I tried ordering raspberry boogie but they didn’t have it in stock after they said they had it, so never happened☹️


Sow good seeds. Brother monk was on ICmag when that all started up. He was on the original overgrow also. He is the reason the Indiana Bubblegum is still around. And where bog got his bubble gum to work with. 🤷 Good stuff hiding out there still.
The story goes bog got these and did a open pollination to make F2 and start his search.
Mosca used serious seeds. And is another fellow that also messes with the old time moonshine like I do. I however didn’t know he hit the Indiana Bubblegum with it. So now I may have to convince the person that won the pack (Copa) will share a female with me.


I was lucky enough to get a pack of Raspberry Boogie fems, from a pretty recent drop on SHN👍


How’s the OTM? I’ve been sitting on some of that for a while.


My friend if that’s DJ old stock :pray: then you have some straight :fire::fire::fire::fire:, I used his F5 and had the luck of finding a red stem monster. Produced wonderful offspring. Nice juicy fruit flavors, the females were all on the bush side with dense buds that had many finger leafs. But the smoke was euphoric and strong head buzz stuff. I made a few crosses with it.
Cuban black haze
Breeders choice mix 2
Breeders choice mix 3
Old Time Moonshine F2 (if that makes sense🤷 think DJ uses the same male which denotes the filial generation where as each new male selected is technically a f2 because the same parent genetics aren’t being composed to it’s alleles. Or some B’s like that).
Midnight Frost (found a plant that was like a pink gg4)
And I think one or two more I can’t remember off the top of my head.

According to DJ the OTM produces nearly sterile plants, so to my delight I got lucky on all accounts.


I was actually referring to the Mosca line, no old dj stock but got a couple limited packs of the OTM 5.5 from him and the Temple Flo limited to 100 packs, Blueberry, Newberry, Velvet Krush and the breeders choice #4. @Enjoi802


That temple flo. I would love to get my hands on a pack. The one I got not a single bean popped :persevere:

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Out of those limited ones?

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Yes. I let JD know. It is what it is. Was bummed none the less. There are a few other folks I know who had good success with them, so I chalked it up to user error.

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That really sucks man, those were like $200 a pack or a little more maybe :thinking:

So these came in today, I had to have the FDM in this project for sure, thank you very much! @Baudelaire :pray: now I just need the cut, which is in the works :crossed_fingers: