Mosca Bubblegum S1s

Pheno 1
Big League Chew smelling

Pheno 2
Similar appearance and growth as 1 but smell is Bazooka Joe and not as strong smelling as 1

Pheno 3
Frostiest of them all. Smells like Fruity pebbles and Lucky charms cereal and candy.

Pheno 4
Sativa hybrid type growth started flowering 2 weeks after the others and was a mutant at birth. Smells like pink gum from basball cards mixed with the smell you get from weeds that smell like Ganja but not Ganja.


Looking nice!! How far you in? 6 or 7 weeks about?


Yup right around there give take a couple days


Oh and thanks


Beautiful looking plants


Thanks. They actually weren’t grown very well as I was busy. Theres a lot of missing fans. They’re all pollinated on a couple lower branches with Zamaldelica


I think those buds have good structure. At least they look rather dense… nice job.

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Thanks. I’ll grow em out better next time

Good lookin plants man!

Pheno #4 looks like it got too hot… the leaves show cupping due to heat stress.

All in all, I’d say you did well, even if you did abuse them a little.

Those girls seem to be almost there, I bet it’s stanky af up in there. Bubblegums usually don’t hesitate to funk up a cab.
That’s pretty cool that you have all that variation with S1’s.

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Thanks DesertGrown.
Not only was it hot but I also added an led that I should’ve dimmed. Then they missed more than couple waterings.
Truth is I grew these more so I could cross em than have to smoke. But should be enough smoke to decide which ones to keep


It is indeed quite pleasant to stick your head in there despite the hay smell from all the dead fan leaves I used as mulch as they fell fall

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Hang in there brotha :muscle:
Pretty soon you won’t have to go far for a sniff

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Right. Next go ima drop em in some 3 gallons. And add a bluemat system as most of my attention will prob be on the killerA5 x Zamaldelica, purple haze x malawi, and oldtimers haze none of which I would call difficult to grow but did require some learning to get them dialed.
With the added bluemat and better temp control the bubblegums should grow themselves. Though I’ll be checking them daily next time around


Despite the abuse these Bubblegum S1 plants went through, they all look pretty damn good!

Cannabis is a plant that can handle a good amount of abuse and still produce a decent harvest… if this wasn’t true, then most of us would never have gotten through our first couple of harvests.

The three sativa crosses you mentioned aren’t difficult to grow, they’re just long-winded and will take some time to complete their flowering cycles.

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Nice man. They look very similar to a sensi star I’m running

Thanks. How’s it going with the sensi star. Is this your first go with em?

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Nice plants, glad you have the real deal!!



Gearing up for a proper go this round


Starting to get going now.