Anyone recognize this virus or genetic problem?

It’s a plant my buddy bred he’s a big fan of F1s from attitude, archive, Barney’s, your higher end name brand F1 slingers

i had leaf swirling back when we had weird weather, the excessive clouds caused the plant to flower early and then when the weather passed about 5 days later, entered veg again. this caused leaves like yours and swirled leaves for the rest of the grow.


It’s curious for sure, I might take the fucked up leaves off but I don’t think it’ll make a difference for better or worse, it’s like 4 leaves

It’s weird cause in the one article they said a state Ag department tested for TMV on plants showing symptoms and came up with nothing.

Like I said real curious

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it wont, just leave it be, if its green its still gathering light.

another thought could be if you transplanted it recently, you might have disturbed the roots, that could cause weird mutations as well.

as for the yellowing leaves, that same thing happened to me last grow when i gave it ultraviolet from jacks. ill grab a pic, sec

Guess it’s not showing as much as yours since it’s almost ready for trimming.

But my leaves looked like yours after a week of ultraviolet

almost like a bug was sucking the green from it.

albino like.


Wait…where are you from?

It’s gotta be genetics but I wouldn’t worry at all because the plant looks happy :peace_symbol:

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Michigan bud and I’m not worried I just enjoy learning things :grin:

Same here. I think we all get some kinks sometimes. I think we all get it. It just doesn’t last long. Or it shows up as a light green spot or in a strip. Crazy how that happens. I had one I let go. I had to put it down. But it was because of two things. Fan and lights.

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Rant for today? I’m with ya. One Love. You have a nice grow room. I believe I have seen pictures.

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