Anyone remember JLP from original Overgrow?

Great breeder, hooked me up with some Ultimate Moonshine seeds back in the early 2000’s. I’ve found his strain reviewed online but would really like to be back in contact with him. J.L. Pedimore, 21 Jump st, Northern California…Classic :slight_smile:
Just wondered if he was still breeding at all if anyone knows…Thanks!


I got romeo and Juliet from him (nycd x c99 I think). Killer plants.


I know he used to spread a lot of seeds around at IC Mag too. Not from any experience but when I’m bored I like to go to the last page of topics to read all the old threads and see what was up before I joined. He had a TON of topics from people he distributed seeds too.

I always wondered what happened to him as he seemed like a good guy but just assumed that he had the same thing that happens to good guys on every forum. Trolls got on his nerves and ran him off.