Anyone used the original resinator?

Has anyone had any experience with the original resinator for making dry sift?

With the help of liquid co2:

The co2 is only there to make the material colder, very different from CO2 hash oil.

I hear dry sift is easier than making ice water hash.

Any opinions?


I’d just do straight dry sift with a 160u screen :+1:


How much material can you run using that method?

I’m looking to go through a bunch.


When I do dry sift I use my 160u bubble bag.

The answer is a lot. You just need to be diligent about where you make your cuts.

I smoke my nice flower buds.

I’m using the shake from a trimmer to make the dry sift. I’ve done ice water hash but hear it can be more intensive and would like to make the process more streamlined.