Bubble magic pollen tumbler users

Hey folks, I’m thinking about buying a dry sift tumbler i was wondering if anyone had experience with this one?

Any feedback on them would be helpful?


Holly crap no one? I’m interested as well @Star_Dog !


The dispensary I worked at used one of these to do keif infused blunts. It did its job pretty well. I don’t remember what size unit it was though.


I’ve used that one they work great. I’ve been using them forever. My first one was from Mila in Amsterdam. It was called the pollinator.


Thanks @Chara & @HomegrownVABudz !

@Chara what screen did you use?

A friend of mine has a lot of old flower left over from black market days. It’s all in vacuum bags stored in the dark but it’s all so old that smoking the flower would prob suck hardcore. So it’s either dry sift or I shlep through ice-hash run after ice hash run

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Hey bud, i ended up buying a sifter it’s a handy tool.

Resinous leafs, trim, scraps get turned into something useful without any mess or hassle, I found one for about half the price of the bubble magic called a Hiesenberg tumbler.

Have you tried dry sift?
It’s a concentrated version of the bud you process imo it doesn’t get better for flavour…creme de la creme :grin:

If you don’t have a sifter hand don’t sweat it’s easy to diy.

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The 125 size works for most Indica leaning flower. If you’re doing mostly sativa flowers then you can use the 145 or 185 but it really depends on the size of the resin heads you’re extracting. The longer you run it the lower the quality. I do a quick 5 or 10 minute run and keep that for head stash. Then do a 15 minute run and sometimes another 15 minutes depending on what you’re looking for. It’s usually best to keep the material as dry as possible. A tip for high production is to use the 100 or 125 on the biggest unit and then take the kief out and run it in a small unit with a finer screen to clean it up. If you use the 145 or 185 for bulk biomass tumble. It tends to clog up the screen faster