Aphids in my indoor tent

i started my indoor in november and im still battling them i dont want to kill all the girls i kept but if i have to resort to this ill be sad but its better to loose a battle then go to war with no ammo

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been trying to identify how i got aphids in my tents
now im wondering if my soil could be where its from as i use my inputs from my yard
compost&peat (compost been in the yard for few years and i have been going trought my peat stock
to mix my own soil, been using that for the past 4years but its only been 2years ago my first apgid encounter and im thinking maybe they infated my compost and i usedit to make my soil?

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I would guess, yes, from the compost. :thinking:


I’d buy ya like 500 ladybugs and release them in there. They’re savages. They can eat 50+ aphids a day each.

Try adding a banana peel in that mix and some orange ZEST. Maybe a pinch of cayenne pepper!! They’ll run for their lives with that combo :fist_right:t2:


bsnnana peel i can try, the orange zest ill see what i can come up with

Let a piece of a banana peel sit in water for a day and Just use a cheese grater to shave off some orange peel if you have any oranges

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im one arm abled grating the orange is not as easy as it was

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is there anything i can do to kill them before planting eithout killing the rntire microlife in soil

Any product containing Spinosad works very well

Your leaves are browned because they got burned. Must apply sprays when lights are off. Very important. The aphids make the leaf wilt but not burn. Use phyrethrin, chyrsanthimum plant extract, in vegetative state. Flower stage you must use a different spray. My flower spray is isopropyl alcohol, soybean and peppermint oil and some acids.