Aphids in my indoor tent

Does any one have any suggestions for getting rid of aphids in my indoor grow tent? The plants were just flipped to 12/12 light schedule, they are in coco coir, with FloraFlex nutrients. I have been spraying daily with Dr. Zhymes and it seemed like things were getting better but new ones must be hatching because I am still finding new bugs. One of my plants is really struggling with curled leaves, brown tips that almost look like a fungal disease. After doing some reading, I see that the aphids can cause these symptoms. I am a newbie so any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Try the search function, lots of information has already been shared. Sorry for the pests, but if it makes you feel better you aren’t alone. :grin:


This Stuff right here.Don’t take anything in or out of that tent.Disinfect and clean tent walls and what you can fill up a pump sprayer with water and some ice cubes get that water as cold as you can get it and spray every inch of those plants as pumped as you can get this will knock as many aphids off as possible once they get knocked off that plant like that they die this will take care of a bunch now time to pick off the eggs and the straglers Your not throwing flowers yet so Endall should be good for at least a week till you throw some don’t spray on buds .Go around the first couple days spray at least twice a day then back off to once a day then every other day till that bottle is gone then get another one and keep an eye on things.This stuff will kill them fuckers :skull_and_crossbones:


If you “Stateside”, go to sierranaturalscience.com You’re gonna need something that “kills” the eggs!! Good luck, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I would trash the plants and scrub the tent with bleach.
No need to poison yourself or anyone else.


I just dealt with this! I stripped 90% of ALL LEAVES. I sprayed once with Bug-B-Gone, 9nce worh Safers End All and once with Pyrethrin. As well as some Diomotacious earth on top of the soil. I have been 2 weeks 100% aphid free.

Check out my grow log adventures to check it out if ya want!


So spray with ice water first then use this spray? Do you think I should trash the whole grow? I appreciate your input, thank you!

Can I take off that many leaves this early in pre-flower? I feel like I am never going to be aphid free at this point…are those sprays safe since I don’t have buds yet? Thanks for your input!

I want to try a few more safe sprays first since I’m not technically in flower but yes, I fear I may not win this battle. I just hate to give up if there is something I can use that is safe all around.

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Your weed,body and choice my friend.
Use it as a learning experience and grow as a grower.

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I’d take off AT LEASE 70% 1 week in… I hard deleaf up to day 21 of flower


Rove Beatles will eat any soft bodied critters. Aphids, trips, mites. Not cheap but I’ve had good success. Arbico Organics

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Your call on the Culling depending on how far it’s gone and what the damage done is.If your going the way of defoliation like @Jinglepot says I highly recommend it.That should remove a ton of leaf coverd in aphids and the eggs like @misterbee says it’s the eggs that get you…I sprayed down first with ice water when I did it (Advice directly fromElka) followed up with EndAll.Shouldn’t worry about the Endall spray it’s Hydrophobic Neem oil with Pyrethrin Definitely not a poison like Eagle 20 or others it’s not even Systemic it’s from plant extracts.


Thanks so much for your help, I feel like I have a plan of attack now! I’ll keep you all posted!

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Aphids are a symptom of excess nitrogen uptake, plants growing too fast, growing too fast makes a plant weak (it’s the same with humans and animals) nature responds to bring that back into balance with aphids, they slow a plant down without really damaging it, IF you are growing organically that is.

But you’re in coco using synthetic fertilizers wanting to dominate mother Earth (not very zen :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: ), you can keep fighting aphids the rest of your life using that method, or go no-till organic and let it all balance itself out, allowing all insects to go through their very short life cycles, eating eachother rather than the plants (very zen).

Let me know if you’re interested in that and I’ll tell you all I know.

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Release a couple hundred ladybugs in there. Them things are murderous. They can easily eat 50 aphids a day each.


you have to consider these s living creature thst wont stay in the tent you cant aleays desl with having hundreds of bugs in your house

ive been in the same mess as you OP
i triedthis

so far this kept them under control but they still persiste

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@amumayuk They are brutal. I had to spray mine repeatedly for a couple weeks and then had to check the plants daily and remove any stragglers/eggs. They really stunted my grow but I got them to harvest. Good luck!

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