Aphids are gone but now this…

I finally got rid of the aphids, but now my plants have curling leaves and some leaves have brown edges and tips. I am very careful about PHing the nutes, flushing if the salts creep up to high, I check the runoff every few days, etc. I’m not sure what is going on. Here are the details I can give you about the grow:

  1. Coco coir/perlite - 70/30 in 5 gallon fabric pots
  2. FloraFlex nutes watered daily til run off
  3. Week 3 of flower
  4. LED 6 Bar Light - 760 watt - 20” above the tallest plants - PPFD 800 range on tallest plants
  5. PPMs around 600-800
  6. PH - 5.8
  7. Temp - 80 during the day, 71 at night, Humidity - 45%
    7 Strains - Ethos Candy Store photo & In House Generics Flap Jack 2.0 photo

They look a lot better than they did a week ago, but Something is still off. Any thoughts would be appreciated!


I’d definitely still be checking vigorously for pests. How are you checking the pH? If it’s a pen, are you sure it has been calibrated correctly? I also see some clawing. This could be a number of things; from nitrogen toxicity, wind burn, under/overwatering(the latter is hard to do in coco), or overall root problems.
I’m not well experienced with coco. Let’s see what others have to say.


In the second photo where you hold the leaf, I’m 90% sure that little white speck on the leaf there is an aphid. Aphids hide in every nook and cranny they can find, including under the leaves. You have to check everywhere. My guess is, the aphids are starting to explode in numbers but you’re not seeing where they’re hiding/multiplying yet.

You mentioned that you’ve gotten rid of the aphids… what have you been using to combat them?


This might be a response to what you sprayed them with for the aphids. I have seen similar after using insecticidal soap


All your numbers look pretty good.

One of the things I battle with in winter is VPD.
If your temps are 70-80, but RH is only 45%, the VPD is way off. And your plants will get unhappy and start showing weird deficiency symptoms even though your pH and PPM are perfect.

Check the charts and try to boost the humidity to get your VPD into the 0.9 - 1.1 range and your plants will really appreciate it.


@crunkyeah that photo of the leaf is from over a week ago, it’s all I had on my phone. I say they are gone but I know there is a 10 day incubation period so I will be spraying again tonight just as a preventative. I inspect every inch of the plants daily and pull any leaves where I see any tiny specks of anything. I feel like the Dr. Zhymes I was spraying may be the culprit since the plants improved once I stopped. I just wanted to make sure it isn’t a whole other problem.

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You may be right…the plants started looking better once I stopped spraying but that was a week ago and some leaves are still curling like they have a deficiency or are over watered. I have never dealt with aphids before so I’m not sure what the repercussions are. I have been using Dr. Zhymes.

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@firehead I will try this tonight. I always thought they like less humidity while in flower but This chart says otherwise. It’s worth trying for sure, thank you.

That chart is trouble…

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I can’t tell you aphids no aphids but they look quite good from where I’m sitting


Go check out my thread …
Literally sprayed Insecticidal soap a week ago and have had the same results almost identical tidal pics ! …deff made them look unappealing imo …but now seeing your post I’m convinced it’s the spray…other then that they r moving right along


@Rabeats2093 so yours look similar? That would confirm what I was thinking about the spray. I just don’t think it’s the nutes…I have them pretty well dialed in. When I started spraying, they had not popped flowers yet, but now that they have, I really don’t want to have to use it unless absolutely necessary. The aphids can hide in the buds now instead of just the leaves so It will get more challenging to see them.

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@arb how so?

Most recent post …and a couple up

I also thought it was my nutrient regimen because just so happens I fed them them night before I noticed the problem .
Seems to pulling out of it …the leafs r just subpar looking now

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Definitely looks similar to mine. Mine have started to flower and are stretching, Just some of the leaves look sickly. I guess I won’t stress over it and I hope I don’t have to spray much more. I hope they can recover and not be too stressed/stunted. Thanks for sharing your post, it was very helpful.

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Glad to help !

Ps if infestation is minimal after spraying introducing some lady bugs wouldn’t be a bad idea!


Yes, lady bugs are a great idea.


The humidity is way high…90f. and 90% humidity is fucked for indo.
90f. and 20% is the excellent no fancy graph or speculative theory but experience tells me it’s so.
By all means follow the graph if that’s your gig.


@arb I just asked so I can learn. I am a beginner and know a little bit about the subject but this chart does seem higher than what I thought my humidity should be in flower. I appreciate your feedback.


That VPD chart doesn’t make any sense to me. Try this one which gives different ranges depending on where you’re at in the plants lifecycle.

Best of luck on your grow!