Applying STS to a single main cola to make fems

I’ll have to do that with the one of the two main colas. Luckily I have some time to read up on everything so I can do this right the first time.

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My experience is that STS tends to be more systemic when sprayed than colloidal silver is, as was mentioned it’s easier to turn a single branch, but on the flip side CS needs daily application till reversal, whereas to get a section of the plant to turn, injection of STS or just straight silver nitrate will mostly work, though unfortunately as with every tek not every time, sometimes you need to go nuclear and use cobalt chloride, but then that comes with its own issues. Sometimes you just get plants that are obstinate, or produce lots of flowers and no viable pollen. Sometimes one treatment will work while another time you have to hammer the plant many times before it will reverse. STS is mostly pretty reliable though, as is colloidal silver with more frequent spraying.


I havce 3 pairs of plants that I’d like to produce seeds from.
My plan is to spray 1 of each pair with STS and see if it self pollenates. If it does, then I’ll use the other female just for bud.
If not, I have a backup plant for Round 2.

I’m planning on keeping these seed plants somewhat smallish. I have room to isolate them indoors when the time comes. My plan is to put a big plastic bag over them once the flowers start to open, shake it every hour or so for a day, then let it sit, bag off for another day.
At that point, I want to move them back outside. Can I do that safely if I spray them with water first? Is 1-2 days long enough for the pollen to do it’s thing?

Be careful with the bag. Can generate heat and humidity.

Let’s Clone some Autos!

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I reversed some White Widow autos 2yrs ago. I knew the pollen was good because the plants both self-pollenated and produced a healthy crop of seeds. A lot of which got dispersed to the OG community :slight_smile:

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Good point…I don’t gen much heat, use all LED lights, but there’s still some.
If I can get them truly isolated, they’ll be in 2 separate rooms downstairs, and 1 room up in the attic, maybe I’ll just shake them gently to get the fresh pollen moving around the buds.

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I’m reading an STS procedure on steemit and came across something I hadn’t seen anywhere else.
The author has a paragraph in the intro section about herms. Author claims that if you want to produce herm-free pollen, it is absolutely essential to make sure you have a completely dark space with ZERO light leaks. They stress this point a few times.

I’ve only done one reversal, and it was outside on my deck, so certainly not a “light proof” environment. I harvested several hundred seeds from 2 auto plants.
I have no idea if those seeds are all good. I’ve given a lot of them away, mostly to folks on here, and I’ve grown some out myself. No one has ever mentioned herms from my seeds, but are they just being polite?

Has anyone heard of this before?

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It doesn’t seem to pass the common sense test. Yes, light leaks can cause herms. But if you’ve decided to spray with STS and make seeds, whether the plant herms due to stress or STS doesn’t matter. It’s the same DNA.

If you were to force it to herm by interrupting lights-out, then sure, the offspring will be more likely to herm too. But again, not because you stressed the plant. It’s because it’s possible to herm it through stress. And by selfing it, you’re probably doubling down on those genetics.

You could stress-test moms by setting your timer to turn on for 30 minutes during lights-out for a few days. That’s your best guarantee of not passing it on. By making sure it’s not there. But nothing you did increased the chance of a herm in the offspring.


I agree with @rasterman for the most.

You can always ask if the growers had any intersex issues.

I think stressing a reversed plant that way might indeed not be a good idea. But as rasterman pointed out, this would only be an issue if this plant has intersex tendencies caused by light sensitivity.

Overall, it feels like a minor factor. The major factor is to make sure your plant isn’t intersex prone in the first place.


Those seeds are fine. Most hermies are caused by the growing enviroment ( light, heat, ect…) Even if your plant is genetically predisposed to intersex it wont hermie unless you stress it. Now, having said that, some landraces hermie easily because that is just their genetic nature. :rainbow:

Hey, all the suge pure kush s1 pollen donors are ready for STS and CS.

Looking at these two to create STS using Production of Feminized Seeds of High CBD Cannabis sativa L. by Manipulation of Sex Expression and Its Application to Breeding - PMC as a reference on how much to use.

Thinking of purchasing pre-made colloidal silver as I don’t have anything to measure the solution with.


I will follow this adventure. I want to see what works. I want to make some feminized seeds from an autoflower Gorilla Cookies. Since it’s an autoflower, I think the STS method will work better for the my autoflower project.

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I sprayed branches on some plants using STS purchased from Amazon. This is a bud on a branch on a NIX strain from @Kushking902

The buds on the branches that I sprayed all have melons forming.
Keeping an eye on the other plants.

A big difference between reversing autos vs. photos, up here in Maine. Autos can be reversed and will self pollenate. Photos don’t have time. By the time the pollen sacks mature, we don’t have enough time left to make seeds. Those flowers probably need another week at least, which puts us at the middle of Oct, danger zone for frost up here. And even without a frost, temps will be dipping into the low 40s overnight at that point, and I think cannabis plants shut down at anything below about 47deg?


STS ended up working for me. I initially applied 20mM but the suge did not like it. I had to wash it off a few days after and re apply with 5mM with 5 days per application until pollen sacks formed.

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