STS End of Early Flower?

No idea if this is even going to work and I should have thought of this earlier. This plant, Fruit by the Motherfucking Yard auto from Atlas. I’m going to mix up some fresh STS in the morning and spray and bag some lower branches with good immature growth. This plant should live up to 8 weeks long still. It’s beautiful. No training and the minimal leaf plucking. I’ll be back in the morning to see if anyone has any reasons this absolutely will be a waste of time. Night night. I pollinated a couple branches on one side with Blue Kush so I’ll go to the other side for the attempt at forcing some balls out of her.

I should add that it’s about week 3 of flower. . . Maybe end of week 3. It’s a beast


If you spray the plant with STS, then you can not consume the plant.


I would say that may be a little too far along to start using STS my dude. If you’re hoping to preserve genetics. Maybe take a cut and revel before attempting the Reversal. Saves you wasting a good plant if it doesn’t take. You wont be able to consume any of the plant (safely) even if you just spray lowers.

Edit. Just noticed it’s an auto. Sorry man. Looks like you’re just gonna have to smoke and savour this lady.


I wouldn’t spray this far along at all tbh @Xr5K .

When I’m doing reversals, I’ll start soaking the plant intended to produce pollen starting at 3 weeks from the seed sprouting. This would be the same time that I start the seeds intended to receive the pollen.

The 3 week delay means that when the STS plant is rife with :banana: and dropping pollen the females for seeds are ready to accept their blessings.

As @MCR0161 suggested, your best bet right now is to take a cutting, root it, clone those and STS the cuts. But that would be if it wasn’t an auto… :man_shrugging:

Here’s what the 3 week stagger looks like with autos; this is my current seed project reproducing Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope.

In the photo the smaller plants are 21 days old. :ok_hand:

Best of success new growmie!


Adding my 0.2 here since I complete a full reversal with autos and sts,you Need to spray very early,DO NOT use the flowers from that plant because Sts Is systemic and goes through the plant tissue,also,I crossed a mephisto Double Grape to another automatic plant and got very nice autos from those seeds @Pigeonman


I’m not worried about losing one branch of bud to STS that I can’t smoke. That said, I hear you all on it being too late so this experiment is halted.

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I don’t think STS works that way. While the effect may only present primarily on the sprayed branch the fact that it effectively is blocking the action of ethylene, the “female” hormone in plants, I’d assume that this would affect the entire plant somewhat.

Personally I make sure my STS plants are never consumed, but have great results dry-sifting the shucked and dusted seeded plants which never got STS directly applied.

Any “don’t do this” regarding STS consumption is always intended as the best of intentions and aimed towards caution for fellow growmies here on OG.

Ultimately we’re “supposedly” all adults here and can therefore you can do what you want. :rofl:



It’ll only throw ball on the sprayed parts. Like the spot you sprayed it’s inside the plant tissue now. If it were full plant systemic it would reverse a whole plant from spraying a branch. I might be wrong. I haven’t smoked a reversed plant myself at all.

But yea. This wasn’t the purpose of the post lol. Feels like we’re entering “barrel of monkeys” territory.


I have. Now, not the treated branches, but the rest of them were fine. No off taste, seemingly, no I’ll effect. This is just my experience. I don’t believe it is systemic either or, as stated, the whole plant would flip. Of course, if you’re spraying the whole plant then, no, I wouldn’t consume any of it.

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I have always sprayed before flower, and usually before showing sex. I was late getting my STS this time and an auto I’m trying to reverse was already in bloom before I started. It’s strenuously resisting the sex change and I’m starting to have my doubts. What you could do is take a cutting, root it under 24/0 and wait for it to reveg (if it’s a photo).

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Thanks for the input @joheimgrohen ! I love hearing the info from folks that have actually done it versus read about it. :+1:


Meant to add that yeah she is probably a goner trying to treat this late. It’ll take about 3 weeks for her to start showing balls then another week or two for them to mature, then five to six weeks for seed to mature. If you’re not super intent on harvesting her as early as possible you might have a chance, but I’m a “give it a shot anyway” kind of dude. If it fails you’re only out a couple branches and some STS. Even autos don’t immediately die when they hit their harvest window, they have a few weeks after most people cut them. The smoke may be overripe and a bit narcotic but you may save it.

You could spray the whole plant one time (if you’re not using a one-and-done spray) and not spray it again. The fact that it goes on to flower without showing male flowers will show that it’s possible for STS to be in the tissues in small quantities without causing reversal.

That’s why, though I’ve been tempted in the past to consume parts of the plant not reversed, I’ve never done it. Like @Pigeonman said, it’s your own decision. But I think it’s one that should be considered carefully and I personally wouldn’t do it unless someone could show me a study proving the metals don’t migrate. Even then I probably wouldn’t.


Oh I was not counting on the pollen to seed the plant. I was going to collect it.

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Shit a heavy metal test on some bud is easy nowadays. Some scientists need to test this.

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Side thing. I’ve wonder if the silver is taken out with heavy metal remediation blasting bho, too. Haven’t dug that hard but haven’t come up with an answer yet.


You could search if any of the extractions with solvents like bho and Qwet can help you get Rid of the metals.Basically you should do a distillate of cannabinoids @DirtMcGirrt

Don’t you start spraying before flipping?

Supposed to, yea.

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Here’s an interesting twist. You know I’ve been having trouble reversing an auto because I started late. I was reading somewhere (maybe here) that a guy was injecting STS directly into the stem. So I tried that a few days ago. Once. I had been spraying the main cola only, so I injected it just below there.

I just went out and checked, and now there are balls all over the plant EXCEPT where I was spraying.

Then I realized the “pipes” are on the outside of the plant, and I injected into the trunk. The STS must have been pulled down by gravity until it hit the roots. I imagine it hasn’t made it to the top yet. So tomorrow I’ll have balls all over the plant!

Injection works. I’m definitely going to have to explore this further.