I was given a sleeve of her silver coins and I don’t know what to do with them.
Melt them down and make a bullet incase you encounter a werewolf. It worked for Corey Haim until he met another kind of beast
Whats the difference between a Pickpocket and a peeping Tom?A Pickpocket snatches Watches a Peeping Tom Watches Snatches
We thought about going to Burlington VT tomorrow…still undecided… might be able to get the same effect once the cicadas emerge!
Eclipse animation by location:
With a comet and an Eclipse, you know the crazies are going to do something. It will take a lot of doing to top these tinfoil hat wearing UFO worshipping fools from the 1990s.
So I popped seeds for the eclipse… And then watched my kids run around like crazy not looking at the sun with and without the three dollar glasses I got for them,
same thing humans have been saying after each piece of tech shows up since they started showing up…