Are we doing a bad job at preserving and documenting genetic material?

Well said ! @misterbee!

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Normalization will encourage this to happen over time. When it’s no longer a clandestine activity, keeping records is the smart thing, when it’s illegal, such records are evidence and are less smart lol. Pedigree can definitely be very useful information.
I also look at it the other way, though. we are so obsessed with strain names now that the circle of genetics going into modern dispensary cultivars is seemingly becoming more and more limited.


I think someone should start a reputable registration. If you do a cross you can register the strains name ,parents name , were the we’re bought from ; have a set form that anyone can fill out . And like OG have leaders of groups around the world to fact check and add important info and just review never remove other works or educated options! But with some many grower doing crosses this could be a very exhausting job !