A Seed Packet Standard?

Now I appreciate, not all traits are so easily isolated, nor are they always just two chromosomes annnd not many breeders know their parent stock well enough to even provide this info.

But poetic license aside.
Would it not be that much better if a standard like the below was what we saw on seed packets?

Imagine getting your hands on two such labelled packs of different strains and knowing with a higher degree of certainty what may come out in the seed produced from their crossing.
Or getting a pack of your favourite strain and knowing that, in relation to the identified traits at least, you are getting what you expect.

Seeing whether I could even get close to producing a strain that can be labelled up in this way may have to be the focus for my future project :thinking: :thinking:

The work Tony Green did with GG is the closest I’ve seen of an example that could maybe do it.


This would be both a dream and a miracle. Would love to have the info but you can’t standardize anything in the weed game


Nice yes, but you’re asking way too much.

You’re lucky if you get “duh it’s a plant” but I’m with you.


It’d be nice. Alas, wishful thinking for sure.


I spent my life doing high quality printing. Mostly wine labels. Interesting idea. Easy to bootleg.


looking back, everything started this way. one time weed was illegal everywhere, now what, 32 states legalized it for meds? one time there was nobody producing equipment for growing pot, but yesterday in the dispensary i picked up a magazine and read about the advances they made and are still making. not only is it possible, it is important. it only takes a few seed producers to adopt the standard and then the consumers will demand it from all of them. things like this sort themselves out like that, if the idea is good enough and it is easy enough to do. it may not get universally adopted, but it would make a difference to some i would wager.


Hell I’d be happy knowing when the seed was removed from the plant and a packaged date on them.
I pass on many items as I think they have been sitting for way to long.


Another very good shout of some basic info that all packets should have.
I’ve also always wondered whether my seeds have already had a freeze storage, and thus shouldn’t be getting a second one from me!


Wait a minute if we do that…

Where will all the cool Graffiti Font words & city-scape logos go? And what of the smiley faces, skulls & cartoons?

Who would pay $500/pack for seeds with detailed scientific information on the pack? cough :lab_coat: nerds. Without the hype logos, it’s just boring genetics

P.s. I love your idea, hope it happens one day :+1:


Meh, I’d be more excited to see lot number, best by date, and germ test results, like you see on any $3 pack of carrot seeds. Maybe virus test results too.


I wouldn’t have to use Seefinders.eu any more or other reference material Maybe legal states could go to this but with higher cost to customers ???

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Professor P , dynasty genetics was always best at descriptions ie phenos to be found etc


More than half of all seed businesses wouldn’t be able to play since they’re already bogus. If there was a cheap way to verify the genetics I could see it work for some people. It would almost be like a guarantee that the said seeds are indeed the genetics they promise them to be. You’d have to be able to verify it much easier than now.

I sort of like the idea of real breeders being able to guarantee the product, but that sure seems a long way off.


Kinda tough when we don’t even know who to trust about who to trust. :stuck_out_tongue: Half the “best” breeders seem to have feuds with what people think are the other “best” ones and call each other out for fakery on a daily basis, seems like. In all honesty, this seems like the kind of thing only a company that’s mapped the genome and is choosing to fiddle with the genetics could do well - do we really think Monsanto is going to do it for our benefit, though? I agree, a long way off, and perhaps we’d be luckier if it never happened.


That’s why I’ve been growing out mostly OG’s creations lately. At least I can usually see their projects that made said seeds and ask questions. Forget these packs from most breeders with stock photos/logos and zero description for hundreds of dollars.

Born on dates rule! I put it on all the seeds I’ve made!


Thinking on this one. Worked in the label industry 30 years in the wine, beer and hard booze arena. So let’s assume eventually it weed legal federally. So does labeling of any related product right then. You are talking standards you do not want to deal with. It’ll be MORE regulated, and MORE taxed. UPC codes you CAN’T get thru the necessary regulatory agency in a timely manner. You ought to see how wineries and breweries are treated. Not frigging good. The “you want it when” meme? Real life. Your life savings, or at least $ tied up. They don’t and can’t care.
I say be careful. Not from any legal consequences. Waiting will drive it back underground where we can’t see shit. Like now. Who are YOU going to trust. Government agencies or the pollen chuckers? Who lies more?


Thanks - good to have some input from a professional

Enforcing standards makes for poor environments, “the juice isn’t worth the squeeze” here in my opinion. Big lessons here far outside of pot seeds. Anyway.

Voluntarily, what I would like to see available via simple web link; pics of the parents with descriptions, how and when they were grown, harvest date on seeds. Asking for the “family tree” is a pretty damn large ask, but simple easy detail on parents would be a huge help. Batch tracking would be a cool way to verify authenticity, like a Rolex serial number, but a pretty heavy lift for small shops.

I get the reasons why…and not trying to be mean but…lol at standards. that’s a can of worms… who’s enforcing?

not for me.


Agree, standards feels far too heavy.

For me I would see it more as friendly advice from the breeder. Showing that they actually know their product.
Even if they had a stab at the makeup and proclaimed it is based off no more than a 20 plant progeny test. That still works well enough to inform without it nailing the breeder to a set of standards.

As for those that publish any old bunk. Time (and packet results) themselves would shine a light on those who push false (or poorly researched data).

I think for the true breeders this maybe isn’t as difficult to have a stab at already. I read some of the GG#4 RIL threads and other such extensive breeding projects. Those guys can identify which different types of expression to expect. Early signs for which you have. etc etc. Not fall proof. But certainly confidence inspiring.