Are you using a terpene enhancer? You may want to read this!

Ive always found a bat guano gives a nice earthy background taste. Good genetics and good growing = tasty weed with no enhancer needed

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Fish :poop: I believe increases terps, thiols, and flavonoids.

A buddy brewed guano teas for a soilless media garden back in the day and it was very tasty and flavorful. Dank type of scent and taste profiles. It was quite memorable. Another buddy used to run mostly SubCool genetics and along with their own unique nutrient regime and gardening style and it would often have a noticable similarity of uniqueness noticable across different plants. A distinct aspect of flavor and taste that was found across multiple variety types.

@shag I donā€™t know much about terp enhancers. Iā€™d imagine they are different than sugars to feed microbial populations? Would molasses be considered a terp enhancer? Sweet from Botanicare?

Can you vape orange oil?
Is Vaping Essential Oils Safe?

Short answer: No, essential oils can break down into abnormal compounds at high temperatures, which can cause severe side effects when inhaled.

How does this relate to terpenes produced by cannabis plants? Cali-O and itā€™s out crosses, for example, has naturally occuring orange terpene profiles. High brix cannabis is the best terpene enhancer in my opinion. Awesome topic. Many blessings and much love


Thanks for saying so! This doesnā€™t get repeated often enough.

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Iā€™ve been looking into Terpinator and thanks for this read!

Iā€™m also looking into this:

But I ALWAYS USE SILICAā€¦ so Iā€™m not sure if I can. :thinking:

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And then thereā€™s this rabbit hole I just found!

:rofl: :+1:


I do have to say that good weed absolutely can smell like citrus or berry. And overwhelmingly so.


Yes very different.

I can not be sure but probably not.
Sugar only really feeds the microbes in the soil.
For that you can just use sugar and save some money.

It really is not related, these terps in the terpene enhancers are not cannabis derived.
So they are totally different.
I would guess some of them could be harmful too but we need to look into that further before suggesting that.

That is not the same as Orange oil, so it is probably fine but more research is needed to be sure.

That and elicitation work well.

Elicitation is a process of enhanced synthesis of secondary metabolites by the plants to ensure their survival in adverse conditions .

Sure, I agree 100% but they are not typical smells.
When you go to the store to buy weed all of it smells like citrus or berry.
That is what I was referring to.
There are soo many unique smells to cannabis and to make them all smell like something they are not is just silly, but it sells so there is that.

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Iā€™ve found herb grown with Fox farm bottles all have a similar floral flavor.

Iā€™ve also noticed a similarity in herb grown with jacks but canā€™t place or quantify it yet :thinking:

I did NOT see that happen with maxibloom, GH 3 part/Lucas, canna products, house and garden aqua flakesā€¦


This will make a carb product not a terpinator type product.
Sugar does not equal resin, so that needs to be considered.
Did you notice some of these products have pigments in them?
Much like the roses you can color your weed with food coloring pigments.
I wonder how they smokeā€¦ :grimacing:

Something to keep in mindā€¦
These products do not list all of the ingredients on the bottle or even in the MSDS.

This patent seems to indicate 2,4-dchlrophenoxy and NAA are used in this product.


Donā€™t bother with Terpinator unless you really like lemon, makes everything taste lemony, even turned bubba into lemon bubba. Ugh @Pigeonman i actually have 3/4 of a bottle if you want it


Limonene is probably added to that one.
The limonene structure has a chiral center, and thus it is found in nature as two enantiomers the (R)- and (S)-limonene. Isomer (R)- has the characteristic smell of oranges, while the (S)- smells like lemons .


In fact they initially discovered this with patterns of health problems in the fast food industry (US). Itā€™s quite harcore in fact. Specially in Asia. Frying fumes.

For vaped essential oils, itā€™s still quite a debate. But for combusting the conscensus is firm : itā€™s an absolute no-no.


Thank you for that contribution.
Folks need to know this, the industry does not care they just want your dough. :money_mouth_face:


Dammit thanks for the tips folks! I use my local-to-workplace hydro outfits custom salts; theyā€™re discontinuing their terp enhancer ā€œTerpzā€ (0-0-4) and iā€™m looking into a replacement as I do like what it does for my set-ups. (did a side by side years ago like with Budbusterpro to decide I liked what was going on.)


Very interesting

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Add an ion to K, and you have your terp enhancer with a good CEC ^^ No, i will not develop lol


Considering they say not to even use essential oil diffusers around animals and to not inhale them at all or to have prolonged exposure i would assume vaping and smoking them is really not a good idea.
Prolonged exposure to high concentrations of essential oils is associated with negative heart issues and lung symptoms. Bad bad not good


I am pretty sure these 2 can be considered pesticides.
I donā€™t think we should be using either of these in flower especially late.
Some of these products say to use as a flush as in the last 2 weeks.
You donā€™t really wanna flush your plants with pesticide late in flower do ya? :face_vomiting:

2,4-D can be found in lawn herbicide mixtures such as "Weed B Gon MAX ", ā€œPAR IIIā€, ā€œTrillionā€, ā€œTri-Kilā€, ā€œKillexā€ and ā€œWeedaway Premium 3-Way XP Turf Herbicideā€.

Very interestingā€¦thanks!
That probably explaind why there is potassium sulfate in all of these products.

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