At what point do you ditch a seedling?

Welp, the answer to the question “How long before you ditch a seedling?” — for me, is 13 days

Dropped a CSI Durban Poison in its place :metal:


Heyyo, this is my first time posting on this site. I have this little leafy guy that’s about 21 days old. It’s a little on the smaller side and I’m wondering if there’s something I can do to help it along.

After doing some reading on this site I’ve come up with a few possible things that I might be doing wrong:

  1. It’s been outside in the rain a couple times (by accident) and was likely overwatered.
  2. It’s extremely hot and humid in my country so I’m also worried about overheating.
  3. Lastly, I used store-bought soil that might be too rich in nutrients.
  • FYI this is a CBD Lemon Auto from Pyramid Seeds.
  1. I’ve placed it underneath a skylight to keep it from getting rained on for the time being.
  2. Not sure if there’s much I can do about the heat as I can’t bring it indoors.
  3. I’m guessing it’s too risky to try to change out the soil at this early stage.

Should I be doing anything else or should I just let it take its sweet time? Any tips or advice is welcomed.

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Exactly what he said lol, thats my advice too. Dont trash any seedling, you never know what can pop up unless its auto. Especially true for slow/ mutants, often they have best flowers ime. I cant tell you how many times i was glad i didnt.

I have some pnw hp pucks that started slow af, but now a month later there doing awesome and look best. What strain are you growing? In any case some growers only keep strong vigorous individuals, really up to you. Being a homegrower i say keep it bc your not growing financially.

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one of the slowest seedlings from sprout to about 6 weeks old when i put it outside , is now the tallest plant in the greenhouse and filled out the same as her 10 sisters that all grew at a steady pace from sprout. Unless I see deformities or an issue with things like nutrient uptake when all parameters are in the right zone… I will let them do thier thing. Some are just slow to get going… I think in my case, that particular plant might have benefitted from a larger area to put it’s roots down in and just needed space to build roots before it took off.