Reader Mode šŸ“–


New Feature:

Reader Mode

Enables a focused reader experience within Overgrow topics

Itā€™s available only in the topic view on the Desktop.

Allows to hide unnecessary and distracting elements and focus on reading.

To activate, click the Book reader icon above timeline.

You need to be logged in to use this feature. Please also refresh the page.


This is very considerate of you. I noticed some members mention it affected their eyesight and such and to see such quick action taken to provide a solution is very awesome of you. This is a great example of why Overgrow is a wonderful community. Many blessings and much love


And the ability to make a serif typeface for reading! What an awesome feature! And it remembers from thread to thread! So cool! Thank you, @LemonadeJoe! d8JBdDJ


Good catch didnā€™t notice, good feature!


Iā€™m loving the reader mode, and the way it can easily be toggled on and off while navigating a thread. Great idea, great implementation.


Another win for OG, thanks Joe. :v:


Im a child so i just want to see pics in my books; can we have a pic summary button.


Of a sort.
When someone posts a number of photos and mixed text, just tap any photo ( I assume that works with a mouse click as well) and you get a gallery view of just the photos.



But of just that one person or one post not the whole thread

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just that postā€¦
I use it when Iā€™ve got a nice sativa buzz going on and I just want to reflect on the photos.

Another ā€˜trickā€™ is to right click on a photo that you want to see enlarged and ā€˜open link in a new tabā€™ and depending on the photo, you can really zoom inā€¦


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Exactly imagine how much more you can reflect if you can scroll just the pic included post include the comment to make the filter easier on the programming. So pseudo code would be query if pic or if attachment or something. Kind of have it for pop links. How does that code work :thinking:
You can get crazier with AI.
Not sure if i was also high on ā€œsativaā€ but i could have sworn google finds words in breeder packs people post without comment and i looked at the pic title too


So, youā€™d like a feature where you can zoom in on a photo, stay in that zoomed view, and then switch through other photos within the same topic? (currently works only within the same post)

Unfortunately, the photos donā€™t have any descriptions associated, only their file name.


The filename can be replaced by a description, I do that with all of mine. Both to make it easier to stay zoomed and out of habit for accessibility / compatibility with screen readers. If that became the norm, itā€™d be very conducive to a gallery browsing mode.

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For example if this topic had 1k replies and 2 pics youā€™d see a summary of just 2 pic replies.

In this one would just be one for now for example

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How would it look like?

So basically a filter for posts (like filtering for posts from a particular user) ?

Or just a summary with pics and no text.

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I thought of a use case for an image only ā€œgalleryā€ mode or whatever it would be called: in a long thread that has many images, finding a specific post based on remembering / trying to find a specific image.

Say you read through a 1000 post thread as it happened. 3 months later you remember seeing a picture that is relevant to something going on, but you canā€™t remember if it was labeled or what they called it or who posted it. Youā€™d be able to go in and click/scroll through all of the pictures in the thread to find the correct one more quickly than also scrolling through all of the text.

I donā€™t know if this would be a frequently useful situation, but I ran into a similar one tonight, which is what made me think of it.


Plus hit more options for reminder.
Thatā€™s a much better feature for that and one many donā€™t seem to know of or use. It is a great tool for breeders and people that make promises outside of dms for example.

I donā€™t have an opinion on specifics but whatever works to somehow just see all pics from a topic would be cool.

Controversial would be adding an option to make a thread private or mirroring the whole forum in a private mode. Thereā€™s a ton of pros n cons im sure yall discussed already.
For now i think theres just one lounge for logged in members only.