AutoBB not feeling so well

Hello fellow drug growers.
I am having a problem with my auto blueberry, now ~6 weeks old, growing stealth in Allmix with 20% of leca. The setup is quite experimental, using 50W led work light (4k) and smaller bulbs (2700k) producing about 9000 lumens.

The plant has been showing slightly light leaves and few of them yellowing and dying. 8 days ago I noticed that runoff ph was over 7 so did a flush with corrected ph. Gave about 1l water with 2ml bio grow, 1ml bloom and 2ml algamic on Sunday. Been snapping yellow mid leaves one by one every now and then. Not much left soon.

Plant is still trying to grow small leaves which show pretty much normal color.
Now it seems that the roots are not sucking the water very effectively, I can feel the fabric pot is still wet.

AAK47 growing next to it seems to be a bit better, however also yellowing leaves in the middle as shown in picture. Few burned tips. No signs of flowering…

Any ideas before I chop and burn down the blueberry?


Welcome to OG beer3|nullxnull, I thought about Magnesium deficiency, but after checking your data and not seeing brown spots I think it can be Iron:

If you check this chart you will see that with a pH higher than 7 it is not available for the plant, correct it and it will recover … :sunglasses:

Soil pH chart

Edit: If it’s loosing leaves from bottom to top could also be a root problem (root rot) for too much watering, saw the nude stem and thouught about that after reading this:

I would let her dry before next watering, check if roots doesn’t look or smell well.


Don’t chop it yet. Like George said, looks like a Mag deficiency. Maybe Iron too. Correcting the root zone pH and giving a little feeding and it will probably bounce back fine.

But… you said it’s an Auto, and at week 6?
I don’t see any signs of flowering in the pics. An auto at wk 6 should be really progressing?

Is it… maybe not an auto?


As they are in fabric pots I wouldnt suspect root rot, they have been watered quite irregularly depending on their weight… The pots are in quite small space so perhaps ventilation could be better, however the air should flow through holes in the bottom of the cabinet. I forgot I added a bit of calmag in the last watering after flush, however the symptoms match with the picture.

II have been thinking flipping the lights to 12/12 to see, but AAK is showing white hairs here and there. 6 weeks is too much in my experience for an auto. Both seeds are from fairseeds, which I have heard is a shady seedbank buying seeds from others and then reselling them…

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What you feeding them plants are hungry their eating the leaves,you got any tiger bloom

What was the run off after you flushed them,maybe the soil is hot,you
Mite need to drop the ph in the water feeding
I had to do this
Didn’t know my soil was ruining hot

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Been giving biogrow (2ml/1.5l) since week 2 and a bit of bloom, as allmix should have nutes already. PH came out around 6.5 last time after the flush.

You sure there autos after 6 weeks they should be starting to do there thing like this this plant is 6 weeks old auto,what’s the temps in the tent,your using 3 gallon pots, when I water my plants I water them come back 15 minutes later and water again,sometimes with the fiber pots the water just runs through them,that’s why I go back a second time
And water again


I’d throw nutrient burn in as an option. I use Lightmix with about that amount of Grow and then some Bloom in flower. I sometimes read you could not overfeed with organics but I often have yellowing tips at some point and then cut back the nutes even more. I suppose with Allmix you are giving too much Grow and as I don’t really see any flowering (I agree with the others, these are no autoflowers) the Bloom is probably even more of “too much”.

Biobizz nutrient schedules keep changing unfortunately, but I remember they said somewhere that for autoflowers you should use the Allmix schedule (less nutrients) with Lightmix soil because autoflowers often need less nutrients. So with Allmix, I would try not adding anything and only use extra nutrients if the plants demand it.

Edit: The current schedule says 1ml Grow with Allmix (for regular plants, autoflowers would be even less). You have been overfeeding for a long time. You should not even have to check runoff or correct PH with that soil and nutes if done correctly.

Allmix has 30% perlite, I’m not sure if adding 20% leca is a good idea by the way.

Did it start like this?

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It started just as overall yellowing, seeming like calmag deficiency, the tips started burning like that later and are continuing to do so very fast.
Perhaps I will shift the lights to 12/12 and see what happens…

You any pics of the bud sites,I run all my autos 12-12 always have autos will go into flower what ever lights you run them at, 18-6 12-12 it don’t matter their on a mission to grow

Thats why I would like to try. Normally I run autos 20/4.

I think this is my 20th auto grow I’ve always ran the 12-12 everyone is different but that seems like a lot 20-4
But I’m still learning as well I do grow photos before I grew autos,but I always have a grow going nice thing about having 2 tents at home

One of the things I did notice about growing autos when they get sick their kinda hard to fix since their on such a short lifespan unlike photos
Autos are done in 12 weeks

hey welcome to OG @BabylonsystemJohn awesome first post, I dont do autos so wont offer any advice on them. But these guys do, so hopefully they solve your problem.

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These are all 6-8 weeks old,wedding cake,amnesia,bubblegum running on 12-12 lights

Flip the lights to 12-12 see what happens


Beautiful plants! I shifted the lights, we will see what happens…
Meanwhile, here is my auto lemon skunk 13 days :sun_with_face: it is a similar stealth setting


Looks good, should be a nice plant I have one lemon skunk auto in my seed box,I’ll watch your grow maybe I’ll pop it

At least these are seemingly fast, 3 showed balls in 7-8 days…

What you going to do with the male plants

Into the trash they went.
Its now 11 days from changing the lights to 12/12, I have watered the plants twice, only 1 liter each. Seems they were not autos. Blueberry seems to be starting to do better, however I am starting to run out of space as it grew +15cm and made varios tall branches…