Autoflower seedlings and dumb mistake

It’s 58. It’s 58 right? I don’t know math.

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Nailed it @Foreigner!

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  1. Worm castings are like 1-1-1 npk.
    And im using well over 75% coco with dr earth. i can dig some used ones outdoors n take pics.
    Not sure why it’s such a controversy to do mostly coco with organic ferts.
    But hey people like their autos, cats, and mets.
    I like winning.

I demand a recount.


Man I’m done feeding the troll, turning off notifications for this post and hiding any replies u choose to send, this is a waste of my time, go bust out a brick of coir and grow in it then since its ur successful method 🤦🤷

Pure coco with Arizona Tears.

Well, that sure turned into a troll fest and pissing contest out of nowhere! Some of the points made are moot, as my original post was over a month ago so they are beyond seedling stage and doing well (so far), even with my low temps.

I already have a list of things to do differently next grow, but until then I’m sticking with what I have. Learning a lot from paying attention to the plants.

@AzSeaindooin420 (if you’ve not already unfollowed this threadO) I may try the supersoil thing at some point, but I already have enough money invested in coco coir so I’m sticking with that for now. I’m also stubborn, so when I have some trouble I like to try and figure out where i went wrong. Others have had success, not why not me? :slight_smile:

Thanks @GYOweed for all of your thoughts. I did try to register at but it never finished registering my account, maybe they were having issues. I’l try again in a bit.

Welcome. Oops i thought it was public but i can take fresh pics.
You’ll do better than soil in coco :100:% Just like mr Canuck has. im optimistic you’ll have great actual harvest results too i.e dense frosty buds with good structure.

Thanks, I appreciate that! I’ve been following Mr Canuck the past few months, viewing his videos and making lots of notes. I’m sure I will get there, even if it isn’t with this grow.

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I did that to one of my autos, and I’m not a fan of them to be honest. This one was accidentally planted in hot soil, so to remedy I just transplanted into a 1gal in fresh Bio365 Bioall. It survived, but…


tried to germinate a pack of Gnome’s (blackstrap) and Magic Strains (hubble Trouble) no germination - tried 3 different methods. any info on these breeders

Well, at least it survived to provide a small harvest!

I’m not familiar with those breeders. I am currently running Seedsman seeds that I got as freebies with an order of 420 Fast Buds. I’ll be trying those when I know more what I’m doing.

@GYOweed - What should the soil temps be normally? I know they need to be a bit higher for seedlings, but I’m in week 5 since they sprouted and one is showing pistils. Was thinking 65-70F?

At week 5 veg, 65 to 70 will survive but will have metabolism faster at 75f.

In hot summer vegas acquainted vegging plants hit 85c soil but healthy plants in oxygenated coco fabric media will have much lower leaf surface temps…so get a laser thermometer too.

You can also buy some cheat codes that most havent heard that are natural to aid a plant thats not in perfect environments.
Salycilic acid, Triacontanol, kelp extract, baculus d747, chitosan, citric and malic acids, mycos, amino acids (it’s just cheap soy hydrosolate), humic acids, fulvic acids, silica, vitamin c, and good old sugar will aid in immune response, better co2 fixiation, better high or low temp tolerance, overall vigor, etc.

There’s tons of studies for all of the above.

Dr. Earth has tons of microbes in it already. If fed Aminos they will become PGPRB.
Natural soil will have aminos and some of those acids but it only makes some hippy vegans feel better about themselves or give them nostolgia about guerilla grow days, not give you the best results.
Keep your coco wet.

Throw your autos out in the trash or use them as perimiter honey traps for bugs.
They can be replaced with a timer, or light dep if you use Sunrise and sunset times in Las Vegas correctly.

Thanks for the links re: soil temps.

I’m a little confused by some of your comments. At one point, you’re saying I’ll do well and later you say to throw the autos in the trash. Perhaps you mean I’ll do well in coco coir and to throw the stunted seedlings in the trash?

I thought I had posted this earlier, but the seedlings I originally posted about were in the compost after the first week. The new seeds I did with correct nutrient amounts are doing pretty well for my first try at this. Not up to snuff according to many seasoned growers on here I’m sure, but I’m happy they are alive and seem to be doing well so far. I am learning a lot, so that’s quite valuable to me. In any case, I have enough auto seeds to keep trying for several more grows. At some point, I’ll get the hang of it!

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