Autoflower seedlings and dumb mistake

Those aren’t salt nute solutions, they’re pre mixed dry amendments

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You said coco coir (which is organic) can’t be used with organic ferts.
Then i used facts and references.
Hope i dont get canceled.

Also wasn’t completely coco like this guy is trying to claim, compost is ending up in there through the worm castings being put in, last time I checked castings are considered compost. To come in swinging trying to be condescending and talk shit on my grows and I just ain’t gonna waste the efforts on it for someone that just wants to come in and argue, take that shit to troll it up

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Sorry, re-read your post. I get what your saying now, sounded like you were calling out Gaia as salt nutes but that wasn’t the case. :v:

Gai green is similar to dr earth both organic.
Dr earth has tons of microbes too.
Better than scraps if u can order or find it.
There’s also alaska liquid organics.

People are very sensitive and insecure on trollItup.
I got banned from there years ago.

Nah I was saying generally coir is accompanied with part a part b as a soilless medium, there is 0 nutrients in coco for a plant to thrive on, can’t just take a brick and expand it and expect plants to thrive with nothing else.

Sure u can get a healthy set of microbes in it but microbes still gotta feed on something, bat guano, worm castings compost, alfalfa meal and kelp along with the Gaia meal package is the food presented, only thing missing from that soil mix comparing to mine is the perlite and the mix in different percentages

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Really, thanks for educating us.

I found literal worms outdoors collecting under my flushed recycled COCO so i puttem in sprinkled dr earth and they still there last week when i put clones in them :slight_smile:

Hmm I wonder why…

Look at the amount of castings to coir is being thrown in, even mentions “some leftover living soil” too, on the first build at 4ish minutes then at 6 min in shows more soil being made with 25%castings

so again, please show me how this is a 100% coir grow

It’s soil organics using coir instead of peat just as I also do

Lets round up to 95% lol
5 gallons is 80 cup.
If you use like 1 cup per directions thats 1/80 and the rest are symantecs :laughing:
Love actual math, science, research and results. I can’t help myself :smiley:

Happy medium nakes nice BUDs and happy people.

Sorry for the mess op.
So since we all agree now, yes you can use your mostly coco n keep it organic with dry amendments as i mentioned prep it right n get temps up.

So let’s do simple math take 100% and subtract the 25% castings and u have 75%, then let’s look at the white specs of perlite all over, safe to assume 20-25% perlite so now ur at half coir MAYBE 55%, then throw in the other amendments and ur about 45-50% coir. That’s an organic soil mix, just diff mix percentages. How u cross those hairs and call that a 90-100% coir grow is beyond me

My link for my build a soil recipe ain’t far off when I suggest 25%coco, 50%compost, and 25% perlite and a cup of Dr earth per 10 gallons.

Still fail to see how 45-50% is a mostly coco mix, half coco mix is more fitting if anything which does land under soil organics but again ain’t the 90-100% u came in swinging with trying to say what it is and stand by my original comment of if your using 90-100% coir that’s not a soil mix anymore that’s soilless

Soil organics recipes are always gonna have something for food(compost) drainage and aeration(perlite or lava rock) and water retention (coir or peat).
It really doesnt get anymore basic than that

You saw some worn castings n perlite. I dont get what you’re arguing against.
Perlite is still soilless. Worm castings can be bought at hardware store with dry amendments.
If you do 90% coco like I did n many others with organic dry ferts it will come out great because it’s highly oxygenated but swamp cools a lot in fabric pot so check soil temps like any other grow.

Freaking hilarious even the screenshot u just posted says right there " coco is a soilless substrate"

I have never checked the temperature of my soil.

Edit: soilless medium :joy:

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So what’s wrong with soilless organic?

I don’t care how its sourced it’s still compost. What do u think an organic soil mix is? That’s an organic soil mix in that grow not a entirely coir grow like u tried to claim , go bust out a brick of coir and nothing else and show me plants growing start to finish in it without compost or worm castings mixed in… I’ll wait

Last season greenhouse grow was in a 120 degree daily summer, never once had to stick a thermometer in my soil

Umm i used dr earth like many others but I do sense patterns; you’re gonna tell me the fractional amount of fiber left behind from the feather meal or alfalfa constitutes as 1% compost so now it’s 99% not 100% coco and thus im completely wrong and your original point and argument whatever it was -is the right one.

K, clearly u can’t do simple math. How did u still land on 90-100 % coco in that grow with clear as day 25% worm castings being shown even if perlite was still the " unknown"

Lemme dummy this down for u some more
What is 100-25?

Worm castings = compost

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