Autos Done Carty's Way

You can always run an auto with the BOG plants. 4+ wks of 18/6 minimum veg would do an auto well!

Thanks for the idea. I agree that getting every baseline the same will great improve trouble shooting. Right now I’m running @GreenleafNutrients one part and sweet candy booster and sea kelp. Only don’t have cal/mag of theirs but it’s in the mix. I do have bloom city cal/mag.
@carty ya can see the peace sign and heart. Love the bud man shirt!


I like Bloom City :slight_smile: My very first grow I bought their idiot-proof starter kit.:laughing: Worked great. :green_heart:



I grow in a 5 gal bucket, with an aquarium air stone and maxibloom seed to harvest.
These are all autos. Its possible the seeds came from Carty.


I’d love to but summertime heat make it a no go here. Maybe a hempy? I was thinking trying a hydro bucket this winter though.


@Carty your card arrived today. thank you.

hope you and everyone have a great weeked!


Fwiw I’m in south western Virginia (7b) and sometimes will throw in a frozen water bottle.

You should try a bucket this winter. They are MUCH lower tech than the internet would have you believe. A bucket full of nutrient solution with an air stone. That’s it. Wrap the bucket if you think light is getting in.

@JoeCrowe just reminded me you don’t even need the air stone. He puts a T on the end with a stainless steel nut to hold it down.
I’m about to plug the end and poke a couple holes😂


I got an air pump for compost teas that should work. I’m in a high plains desert with temps 110°+ house gets up to 90° with ac cranked on full blast. That scares me from the hydro. The difficulty or lack of I’m not worried about cause I’m a experiment and try everything at least once( twice if I think it’s cool lol) so it’s due. I think I might be able to drop a couple hempys this fall then at least one hydro bucket in winter!


All very nice. I’m having a hard time liking the Maxibloom. I tried it a while back and didn’t care for it. Trying again. I’ll use it in the yard or something.


What kinda T, just a splitter. The stones always seem to stop bubbling good after awhile. I just ordered more again. I always thought the stone was necessary.


Just these few parts, and it replaces an air stone entirely.


Dam and I just ordered 10 more stones yesterday. I’ll definitely be switching thanks for the tip.


I just bought a big box last week. :joy: And he’s told me about this before, I just got high and forgot


i think it is called a venturi all in proportion but running water thru a hose with a hole in it will suck air in the hose and cavitate causing a large number of bubbles

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How do those parts fit together to replace an air stone? I have to pump to make compost tea just havent dont it yet! lol


Nut goes on hose t on the end.

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Yep! Just like that.


Ah ok the pic had two nuts and confused me lol. So in theory a 4 way would work as well correct?

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Yah even an empty airline hose works as long as it’s held under the water somehow. The T is just a holder for the nut.


Lol of course okay gotcha! I’ve been worried about having dead spots. Glad I didn’t buy more stuff. I got a pump and 12’ of hose so I’m good.
I did read that airs stones build up with organic matter no matter how much you clean so will have to always replace. Im to cheap for all that glad you’ve shown me the light.



I tried really large air stones at first, the flat disks with plastic housing and little feet. I haven’t used them since. I just bought a 50 pack for $10 online because I forgot about the T suggestion. I’ve also used irrigation soaker hose, but it floats real bad and irritates me. And the roots grow into it.