Autos Done Carty's Way

Hey Dude, glad you guys both dig your shirts… so cool they arrived on your wife’s birthday and the first shirt she grabbed and says “Mine” was actually the one for her. It was the only one like that we got so tell her, a few wanted it but unable to wear a medium size so… Happy Birthday girl. hehe.

Love the conversation going on here guys, what it’s all about, sharing info and learning.

Maxi Bloom did nothing but give me headaches. like you and many others I’ve tried so many foods… Try Googling, top nutrients for growing Marijuana… the
#1 nute line, and this is why I returned to an old favorite. FoxFarm 3 part and their Bushmaster for Calmag… all OMRI rated organics. Rated #2

I also found Humboldt’s Secret line very good and still love to use their product called “Flower Stacker” that you begin using at the first sign of hairs and it really doubles your bud sites… wasn’t sure just how well it worked until it ran out


@GreenleafNutrients has a promo going you can get 400g of part A and 400g of part B for free just pay shipping $14 in the states. I love the 1 part but heard great things about the two part more control. They are loaded with silica, cal/mag and a few other good things! FREEPROMO in the coupon when checking out. @crownpoodle


thanks for the mention! shipping should only be around $8 for that one!


Where might one pick up these magical beans? :grin:


Here’s one place :smiley:

And look how great they sprout! 9 out of 10 in two days with zero special effort. :green_heart::seedling:


Pm Carty, he gives a great deal :slightly_smiling_face:
I am just going to pop some gabagoo f4 for my next run :v:


Doh! I just ordered 5+1 from him a few weeks ago. I didn’t know what that one was, and it was down to it and Unicorn Island… I had to give that one a go on name alone, lol… Dammit.


Nope at check out it said $14 now $8 I’ll check out right now! Lol


Deal with me direct and you get such a better deal… although JPS is my good friend and I donated 300 to his sales site. I figured the site would benefit also as he pays a fee to them… a win win.

He and I do our best to keep things affordable for the little guy, nobody should have to pay $100 for seeds.

Pm me bro


Just went to place an order for all 3 freebies at @GreenleafNutrients . and the freight did come to $18… I can actually buy the 400g choice of these at Amazon and because I get free shipping, would just cost me $12.60 plus tax.


Up next, dropped into water last night…

4 - Strawberry Pie x Gorilla Squatch from Jan
1 - LSD 25
1 - Iced Latte… grown her recently, now want to hit her with some pollen…


Watching these. I haven’t done any auto regs yet. They usually show sex about 3 weeks right?


All 6 are in 1 tent now… 3 in 3gal felt pots and others remain in their 1gal pots


I’ll send a 20 donation, I gotta restock my auto selection.


Do you need a code? Even the free sample wants to charge me at checkout,plus $18. What’s up here?

I’m curious to see how they thrive in their new home. Happy growing!


Got a lot of catching up on your thread. Just started dabbling with auto strains and this looks like a good place to learn a few things. Good growing. Im watching this one. :+1::v:


Rule #1 about Auto thread, you don’t talk about Auto thread… oh wait a sec, that’s fight club… yeah, took to many hits guys… no, please talk about Auto Thread… hahaha.

But seriously bro… #1 rule… start Autos in 1gal pots and never Solo Cups… it has something to do with restricting the plants growth early on, it stunts them 90% of the time and they will not recover.
Photos you can veg them longer and eventually will take off in said cups…

I prefer air pots, example is an Orchid is an air root plant, no soil required… but lots of air flow and usually bark chips for soil/medium to just hold the plant in place… these pots rule, have 4x’s the drainage of most… I’ve been using mine for over 10yrs just washing and reusing…



Do you transplant from the orchid pots and if so when…and into which sized pot…??

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