Autos Done Carty's Way

I’m convinced the nematodes are great, but when I bought some live active ones I think they were too fragile and I couldn’t spread them amongst the various containers.


I got a puck of freakshow from @THCeed in the auction and they were all white. I thought maybe they were bad seeds. Im not complaining, I was happy to get a puck of “good” seeds but what do really know? I was going to try and germinate them next year either way.

Is this what they look like?


I seem to remember reading that freakshow seeds are always white like that, just a weird trait.


I kinda wondered if the “freak” extended to the seeds. The fact I had a puck of brown normal looking ones and these made me wonder. I’d never suspect thceed of sending bunk seeds.


I remember reading that as well… Although, with my memory, that probably doesn’t add as much help as it could :joy:

I hope the Nematodes help, I have some other live bugs arriving next week that are supposed to help with the adults as well… If they work, I’ll post a link and let you know! #DeathToThrips lol


So I wonder if this is consider a BX 1… Gabagoo is the Original parent of Miss Piggy…
MP - Man Bear Alien Pig x Mi5 x Gabagoo F3 (Agoo/Mr Magoo pheno)

So if you took Miss Piggy F2 and hit her with Gabagoo F4… maybe it’s not a BX1 because we are not using pollen from the Original Daddy… anybody have more knowledge this me on this… which is pretty easy to do… hahaha


I can vouch that mine are white, large seeds too… I have 10 of them…


Freakshow seeds are always white to tannish white


That’s a fun thought! I have no idea :laughing: But I can contribute that the MP was the pollen in this case, I’ve got the moms listed first on all my crosses :slight_smile:

So it’s:

[Gabagoo F4] x [Miss PiggyF2 {Man Bear Alien Pig x Mi5 x Gabagoo F3 (Agoo/Mr Magoo pheno)}]

And just in case an expert decides to weigh in, there’s another cross in there:

[Man Bear Alien Pig x Double Grape] x [Miss PiggyF2 {Man Bear Alien Pig x Mi5 x Gabagoo F3 (Agoo/Mr Magoo pheno)}]



I thought you were the expert… hehe. I super appreciate the way you kept things separate and labeled so well. some had a lot more there then I thought too…

Can really see the difference between like Pheno A or B, seed size is a big variance… Most of the seeds are perfect bro…

thank you so much


Thanks @Carty I will use your method and which soilsounds good to you I have 3 which are:
Fox Farm Happy Frog
Coast of Maine-Sprout Island Blend
or roses and vegeatbles?

The Happy Frog is really good… if you can never find it… go old school.
Miracle Grow organic for container growing. or as long as it says for containers.
I bought a huge bag for $11. not sure how good it is. youtube does side by side with all the expensive soils vs MG and it wins every time.

Another old FoxFarm favorite is Strawberry Fields. made from mushroom compost if you over water you actually get toad stools growing… but decent soil for sure.

If your soil looks to dark and not loamy… add perlite to it, your roots will thank you…


They all passed the pinch test. Let me know how you make out with them.

Just a peek at what’s up



Looking to plant my first autos soon. This thread is awesome!

@Carty I picked up some of your Gabagoo from @JohnnyPotseed awhile back. Planning to do two of those and hoping for one boy / one girl! (Also planning to run my first pollen collection if I get any males.)

Quick question on the genetics:

Does this mean the genetics for Gabagoo F4 are [Man Bear Alien Pig x Double Grape]? Just trying to check that I’m reading it correctly :sweat_smile: sometimes these genetic lineages are like trying to read Chemistry class equations (and I’ve been outta school awhile lol)


that’s a beautiful grow you’ve got going

1 Like

Maybe this will help :smiley:




That honestly looks like calculus :joy:


I honestly remember my first calc class being easier than that :joy: (but not Calc II because fuckin integrals and shit)