Autos Done Carty's Way

Actually now that I look again, this seems like it doesn’t list the Gabagoo genetics at all. From what I can tell it says that it starts with crossing a Gabagoo F4 mom

Unless I really just don’t comprehend this haha which is possible


Ya freakshow seeds look very immature. All the different freakshow seeds I’ve gotten are whitish. Ask @middleman he made a lot of these seeds.


Yes it is. Pale and not so hard shell compare to normal cultivar.


Oh man. :rofl: I didn’t even make it to calculus, but I like genetic charts and solving for x.

So, here it is in words, no parenthesis. :wink:

I made several crosses. I had a “Miss Piggy” male and two Miss Piggy females.

I also had some other females. Two of those other females were Gabagoo F4.

I used pollen from the Miss Piggy male to make seeds with all the girls, including the Gabagoo F4.

Miss Piggy’s parent lineage is Man Bear Alien Pig, Mi5, and the Agoo/Mr Magoo pheno of Gabagoo f3.

I listed all the crosses I made on the paper together. At the top I wrote what Miss Piggy’s genetic heritage is. :slight_smile:


Calculus was fun what do you mean? Who doesnt love things like imaginary numbers? Im one of those math weirdos lol.


I think I might have liked calculus, and other math if it was taught better. Just got a bad start. Was in teacher training before I realized my number line concept was wrong - I had imagined all the decimals less than one to be back below zero on the number line, where the negative numbers are.


I was teaching, filling in for a 2nd grade classroom teacher’s math lesson before I figured out how to decompose numbers for mental math.


Thanks @Carty Happy Frog it will be! I have it all over, 24.99 a bag.

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Hopefully that’s for 2cu ft. and you can still add a little perlite to that mix… I’d go 4 to 1 ratio. really makes it easy for the roots to move around, especially early on

If funds ever get tight, fall back on the Miracle Grow soil… stuff works great

I went as far as Algebra II and hated it… I was taking Data Processing at a Vo-Tech School… so checked out Computer Math Science. My brain clicked with that so easily I was writing programs for my class to decipher.

Algebra the teacher never got it into my head that, see these numbers, replace them into the equation where the letters represent said #'s… so I got D’s copying off friends dumb as me. hahahaha. one day as an adult I was like. oh, now I get it… hahaha


Gabagoo is what started my entire journey into the world of Autos… she’s a short squat plant, all the seeds cept 3 were crushed by the Auto crusher …

I got all 3 to germinate, 2 females and a male so I made seed stock… I’d never seen such short squat sticky plants finish in 60 days… thus the name Sour60.

Sour60 also known as Sour Sixty…
Lowryder 1 x Master Kush x Blueberry x Sour Bubble, a mix that gave out a berry almost bubblegum flavor and aroma on some of the stickiest plants ever grown… LR1 is what keeps this one small, until the introduction of LR2 with Santa Maria in the mix, most autos were designed to be grown at balcony weed in Europe, Russia, Poland. so 2ft plants stay under the rail on a balcony.

So, I added Blue Streak F3… a Sativa dominant Blueberry by Mdanzig and probably where her size began… the offspring put out larger phenotypes from Lemon to Berry to everything in between… the search was on.

Enter Argo’s Gardens… he was first to really start working Gabagoo and says it has had a Colorado following ever since… people asking if he has it… lol.
he took it from F2 to F4 and actually made me 10,000 seeds… and I’ve actually gone thru half… dang.

Gabagoo didn’t have the size but is the base strain for all the sticky goodness they all have… for she is the original mom of most.

Mi5 in Miss Piggy. I wanted to add size, so I procured Mi5 from a friend and used it to create MP… Man Bear Alien Pig x Mi5 x Gabagoo F2

Mi5 is a 5th generation AK47 chosen for her size, usually tall… and most likely why she got to 11ft in the Humboldt Mtn’s and over 2 stories tall in Mass…

Miss Piggy had been lost, gifted all the seeds out in error and she was done.

Argo has all of my genetics as do a few others, and a pack found their way back to me to allow this preservation… then I found some MBAP seeds to cross her back to her Mom strain like Rain did for me…

I see great things in her future


Awesome info here @Carty, thank you for typing this out and sharing it

Getting out my seed stash right now and I’m getting ready to germinate me a coupla Gabagoo seeds tonight! :seedling: :herb: :v:

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Wow, thank you for the history on that, very much appreciated!

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Lol, me too :grin:. I said it looked like calculus, I didn’t say that was a bad thing :joy:

I dropped out of college because of a computer science concept I couldn’t wrap my head around. 10 years later, I taught myself they concept in a solid 5 minutes and had a 20ish year career as a programmer exploiting it :joy::person_facepalming:


I spent 2yrs taking Data Processing 2hrs a day learning Cobalt. a month before I graduated HS, in 1981 for those keeping track… lol. I’m old. well, a month before grad, the language was replaced and obsolete… hahaha. It’s ok, I was installing kitchens the entire time making $700wk.

Funny how you went full circle and made $ off of it dude. Life is funny.

I knew we were brothers… I can do math in my head faster then most on paper… and my brain does it a very strange way bro… I round up to the next number then subtract the difference of the rounding up off my final answer.
It’s weird but it works. I had this kid worked for me at Willow Beach was faster then my dang 10key. Taught me that, Dad was a Math Professor…

Can you guys tell I just got baked… blah blah blah


@RainToday The seed count is coming in very good brother… and your labeling is so perfect. Where did you get those holders for the seeds. Look nice but I’m pretty cheap. lol.
Sad news… no idea what happened but not a one of the Zamadelica seeds were viable. Many appeared already crushed but being they were in a box no way. So if you have any up there yet, take a good look at them ok.

All the others look amazing other then just a few in each that didn’t pass the finger pressure test I do to all… double check so we don’t pass along any bunk seeds. but they look great… 6wks most are ready so timing is everything…


I checked the buds on the FOFO plant and it had milky and amber heads all over the upper buds. they do not appear to be putting any weight on from many things I did to stress her. But she is suddenly a favorite and I have a few more seeds.

The lower part was placed into the small veg tent to finish at least another week. Her friend who was nowhere near ready, got all her heads bent so she also fit into the veg tent to finish…

now there are 5 plants in the flower tent. 3 Autos and 2 photo periods… so 12/12 it is… but what I do is pull an auto or 2 out at lights out and put them into the shower for window lighting… hey, it works and it’s free… lol


Funny now… My parents and grandparents had an RESP for me, it took a little longer for them to laugh :grin:

Me too… Dad used to make us to mental math all the time. If we ever went out to eat, he would get us to calculate different tip amounts and stuff… The man was always making my sister and I think, lol.

I have 2 going right now, you’re more than welcome to follow my grow log (and tell me what to do with them :grin:)


My friend has just dropped a couple Zamaldelica Express F5 from @RainToday last night. I gifted him a flip to help spread the canna love.

@Carty thanks for the breakdown on everything, I was curious on the steps. Also would like to grab some Gabagoo at some point as well :slight_smile:


On viability - almost none of those seeds I just sent you are 6 weeks old yet :slightly_smiling_face: so if you mean the cross I sent that has some Zamaldelica in it, those need to age.

They and the pure Miss Piggy are probably the youngest, and no accidental sprouting yet from either. I haven’t even germ tested things yet because of how fresh they are. Sorry I didn’t say.

If it’s the pure Zamaldelica I made I’ll send you more, they’ve been doing fine for folks so I’d expect that if a whole set fails they roasted in the mail or something.