Autos Done Carty's Way

Mailing a card to Argyle tomorrow morning ok… he’s all kinds of setup now.

Rain, I’m losing track again… are you waiting for anything from me atm… thanks


Nope, got goodies galore from you! :green_heart::seedling::green_heart: You’re waiting on my box though, it should get to you Wednesday USPS says. :slight_smile:


yeah, we’ve been watching it daily… lol. Tomorrow Miss Piggy be in da house.

Thanks man… sorry, I lose track of who I owe what to… need to order me a little notebook to keep track of stuff like this so I stop looking silly.

Are you running any of the offspring of MP yet? did you get to smoke any of the seed harvest buds? what do you think of her structure? is she worth working still? appreciate all the info. I worry if I’m sharing junk or not…



Got any skunks in there you want to see grow :skunk::eyes:

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They are considered the strongest of cubensis but there is much stronger strain/varieties cyan and semala are two examples.
Beautiful plants as usual!


I’ve had my experience with Albino penis envy and all I can say is it’s an Awesome strain. Strong as hell but an epic experience from it. My entryway turned chrome blue hue from consuming .5 gram. Absolute epicness


Oh no doubt I love growing penis envy and her crosses. Grew a bunch of penis envy uncut and fp+(penis envy x AA+) and they are my some of my favs. Where I live makes it hard to grow some of the other beside cubes cause to hot or to dry.


I’ve wanted to get into growing mushrooms but canna took priority right now. I would like to be able to make a psilocybin extract though similar to rso


Just do both and try to also have a normal job :wink: (and grab some spores from Mushroom Man Mycology — or from me! lol)

I understand how they can all take time though. The FP+ cross mentioned above is one of my favorites to grow and take.


Dry mushrooms grind them into powder put in jar with everclear or pure grain alcohol put lid on wait about 2 weeks. Use syringe to suck up the purple liquid between the bottom yuck and top liquid. Boom pure psilocybin tincture and a healthy shot of alcohol :wink:. Pf Tek is easy and can get you started the easiest and cheapest!
The fp+ is actually pretty easy to grow imo.


I bought an American pressure cooker well thus one is an older sterilizer but need to buy a couple parts for the lid due to me breaking off the gage when I was moving things around it 1 day


I think Miss Piggy is awesome. No full MP seeds running yet, the moms are still maturing the bulk of the seeds, and the electrical work then inspection needs to get completed so I can plant a giant batch and pick a group of the largest to finish for seeds.

Meanwhile, I chopped down the rest of the mothers I pollinated with MP and found some adorable little surprises - one each in the Gabagoo pots! So these two are Gabagoo x Miss Piggy. It’s not exactly ideal starting out buried under the mother plant, with used soil in a little 2g pot and covered in thrips :laughing: but these intrepid little adventurers aren’t letting it hold them back!


Rooting for the little dudettes.


I am planning on going on a experience in the next 30 days. Just me, the stratosphere, in my greenhouse with some good wholesome music in my birthday suit. This will take place just after midnight so no show for the neighbors.


You can probably unscrew the Guage and use a wobble weight or 2 quarters!
@raintoday I have faith you’ll pull those around to healthy monsters


Lol! I intend to use them and the rest of these adorable little volunteers as bug bait while drenching them in various bug killers, before I get the real run going in a week or two.

Then having served their purpose they’ll die in the name of careful breeding, and their labeled siblings shall rise to take their place and reap the benefits of their sacrifice :laughing::joy:

(And everything is going to continue to be drenched in bug killers even then. This run and probably the next will also be seeds only. I will defeat the mothereffing bugs, blast it!)


I’ve been burying these in my pots every week for a few weeks now, and I think I’m actually getting ahead!

I don’t have a lot of thrip damage anymore :grin::metal:


Those are an awesome idea!! I’m going to get some, thank you!


I might have to try that out.


I hope they help!! They seem to be doing a pretty good job in my lil space :grin::metal: