Autos Done Carty's Way

Also, I’ve got lots more of the Zam. cross seeds too, I’ll send more with the rest of the MP seeds when they are ready :slight_smile:
… maybe your dog managed to crush some with his itty bitty bite? :wink:

Here are the seed packets - $10 for 100 right now, on sale, which is when I buy them. :wink:
Love everything about them except they are hard to open the first time
PABCK 100 Pack (Inner Size…


So I found out the size of the perlite bags here 2cf or 56 liters for $30.


I just paid $57 for 4 c.f the other day


Nice @carty was saying he pays like $10 for 6qt or something crazy like that :exploding_head:.


Yeah, I just bought 10 qrts for $14 off Amazon. but I get the best deals on washers mofo… muwahahaha

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It was only the Zam seeds that had issues, all the others look amazing. It was like something crushed them all, and like I said, makes no sense because you had boxed them up nice and safe. weird, but, very glad you have more to test.


F*ck Around and Find Out strain is incredible. I removed her top half and now
going to let her bottom finish up more.


I got this from home depot. It’s online sale only. As long as I can get a good deal I’m game

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Sorry everybody… I have to get up at 6am to go put brakes on my car, change the oil and replace a brake light Bulb. plants have been watered… See you guys tomorrow ok… 1L


Arrived at the shop at 8:15 and my buddy is home in bed, mechanic knows nada…
Great… but, known Jimmy 12yrs and works on all my cars. Paid him $60 .
$28 pads off AMZN are great :+1:.
Would of costed me $275 at Midas… I’m good. Shows how bad my disability is getting that I can’t even do a minor brake job .



White Widow Auto


Man, do I ever feel ya there… I did my last brake job, as it turns out, last summer. Getting old sucks.


Mine was, wow… been a long time. Yeah, I’ve had 4 back surgeries, but that still didn’t stop me. Hips went next, that did it. New hips 2yrs ago, still no way… so when the hips were bad. my wife says, teach me. The girl loves learning new stuff and especially if people think girls cannot do it… man I love her.
So, I let her do it all from setting the car up safely to using the C Clamp properly…

Perfect job… funny though, she didn’t care to learn to cut the grass… hmmm?


4??? What the hell happened?? Omg man, ouch!

I’ve been down for 18 months, still a year before I get an intro call with the surgeon, weeee… Canadian medical care may be free, but ya get what you pay for, and the poor docs and nurses and the rest of the staff are runn off their feet as it is, gah.

Sounds like you have a hell of a woman there :metal:… Mine does a great job of the lawn (I also am now allergic to grass, hahahaha, so if I’m around when it’s cut my face turns into a giant snot-ball, it’s not pretty, and she doesn’t want to see that again :joy:), but cars and fixing things are definitely on my shoulders, hahaha.


Whoa. Most underrated comment ever. You had pollen aliquots survive for three (ish) years?! Whoa. How did you freeze and thaw em?


The seeds were made within a couple months of collecting pollen, the crosses are from 3 years ago.


I’m an idiot. Enjoy your night


We all have our moments huh? hehe… I’m chief idiot here lately… sending people the wrong seeds or just forgetting to send them at all… calling folks the wrong name… it happens.

how long does pollen usually remain viable kept in the freezer… you’d think forever. mostly


First surgery I was 22, Dr told me I already had the spine of a 55yr old man… advanced degeneration. I was having a single disc removed that bulged straight out the back hitting both sciatica nerves… instant relief after a year of using a come a long to put myself in traction all day…
No issues until head on car accident when I was 32 living in Vegas again… fusion, hardware etc… back to work… 3yrs later, chronic pain again down both legs…
All the hardware supposed to remain in 15yrs is loose… great, now I have more then 1 screw loose… so back in they go. 7mos later back to work, they held my job as parts mgr for me during off season… SeaRay Boat Dealership…
I knew I was going to wind up disabled now, so we moved back to Florida after 10yrs of some fun, some pain… by 2002 I was done… and of course, a Dad accusing me of faking the pain didn’t help me one bit… some dad.
fought for SSDI for 3yrs even with all that wrong with me… unreal.

Addicted to pain meds for years this was not a fun journey… so yeah, my wife is the bomb and my best friend… C