Autos Done Carty's Way

I read all different pollen shelf life posts and articles. A pretty wide spread from 6 months to 10 years. I have two packets of Cap Junky from early last year that I believe I stored properly. We’ll see as I’m planning to take one of the female Sour Bubble plants and dust a few buds with the CJ pollen and see if it’s still viable around 18 months later.


I figured that there are so many variables that it can be determined by anything from the persons storing it to the strains themselves. Mine are 2yrs old to a yr… kept in freezer in small glass jars, tiny ones, kept dry sealed up, inside a baggie with rice in the baggie not in with the pollen… few Gabagoo in tiny baggies… don’t think or recall putting any in your box damnit… lmk ok… maybe I did as I packed it in stages then tossed it all in… hehe.


UP since 6am, all night night before with a sick poochie… next time she gives him chili I’m gonna make her get up… grrrrr. poor guy, his tummy all night… waking me up whining… took him out 3x’s… yeah, wasn’t happy, neither was I… lol.

Mongo got a bath tonight for his itching, allergic to grass… so he’s in there snoring so loud the tv had to be turned up… life is good atm… cheers gang.



Oh damn man, that’s insane!! So you still have hardware installed?? Is it glued this time? Lol

Hell of a place to keep your job open, that’s awesome :metal:. My company still has my position held, which makes me feel like crap because I know how busy my team is, but what can ya do :person_shrugging:

Having your dad call you out would be brutal. My mom has been on disability for most of my life with a back injury… My sister has been on disability since 2004ish with neck issues, migraines, lupus, she’s just broken… We all kinds know what to expect, lol.

My Dr says at this point, I am addicted to my pain and nerve meds… Maybe not mentally, but absolutely chemically. Withdrawal like like so much fun, lol… But at least it means your body is actually healthy… Right? Lol

Exceptionally cool man, I love hearing that kinda stuff :metal::ok_hand:

A pup with chili… Man, our cane corso is the first pup that truly has eye wateringly bad farts… I can not imagine it he had chili :joy::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::sob::joy:. Happy to hear you pup is ok though. I had a friend with a pitty who was allergic to grass, that’s so hard to deal with (not to mention hard on the poor dog), my sympathies to you all :metal:

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No more hardware… even the glued on stuff fell out… on the toilet one day and I hear metal hitting the commode bottom… haha. and if you believe that.

They put in a hocky puck with wires all coming out of it for 5yrs, bone growth stimulator… Dr in FL removed it when he installed my first pain pump in 2005.

Yeah, nobody can break your heart like family huh? I just placed another few bricks in the wall and move on… I’ve decided it’s their problem, not mine… Ladybug’s favorite saying, It’s their loss Babe…

Withdrawels… worst was Fentynal… omg I wanted to rob a pharmacy first few days of it. horrible, and I thought Oxy Contin was bad in 2000. Moved back to FL from Vegas, had all my history, back surgeries… not a DR here would help me, called me a drug addict… well duh,thanks to Dr’s… 45 days, 2 trips to the E room and lost 32lbs.

Had a Stafforshire Pit mixed with a bird dog, Lola… yeah, she could clear a room. No soft foods for dogs… bleckt. haha.

Grass allergies are known in terriers… my dog gets so bad every 2mos it costs me $78 to get his allergy shot… works, only thing that does. gets so much relief he snores all night that night of his shot not itching… you can see it beginning to wear off, like now. back it up,back it up… hahaha


We are beat… spring cleaning all week getting ready for a visit from my baby sister.

Got the car fixed, all we forgot, groceries. doh. Guess what sis, you get to go shopping with Ladybug day after you arrive… hahaha. she’s diabetic so we need a special diet we most likely don’t have on hand anyway…

All she wants to do is hang out, float in the pool and get high… ahhh… that I can do… arrives tomorrow, excited…

Even flipped my room around so lights are on during the day so she won’t be bothered at night sleeping… and fans can be turned down to reduce noise…


I finally found some info on the strain: F*ck Around and Find Out

FAFO - Slap n Tickle x The Great Gumball by Olympic Seeds

Slap n Tickle - GMO x Grape Pie
The Great Gumball - Gummo x Saphire Cherries.

OMG… last week I chopped down the upper part of the plant at day 72… the lower part needed another week. first test tonight and I’m in love. My new keeper strain possibly… I did hit her with Beast Mode pollen so we shall see. I still have 3 more feminized seeds to work with…

Tested a dry nug tonight and this is better then I could of hoped… even though the buds are small, they are dense and even a small bud makes a doobie when ground up… impressive.

Tonight they are on a full 24hrs of darkness as I switch my lights on to daytime. don’t want my sister staying in there at night with exhaust fan running full bore…
9am to 9pm… because of the photo period Ice Princess strain…


Holy shit man!!! That does not sound like an easy time!

Oh that’s cool, technology blows my mind sometimes… When it works, lol

Tell me about it… In the summer 2021, because I was making a choice about my body, she told me I should die and hasn’t talked to me since… :person_shrugging:. What can ya do.

I can’t remember where I saw it now, it might’ve been on here even… It’s was a tshirt I think, with “F*CK FENTYENAL”, that drug is insane. My sister was on 3 strains of prescribed medical heroin for her pain management and ended up in a rehab for doctors - my old man lost it on the doctors and said “if this is where you assholes go, it’s where she’s going, because you did this to her”… 3 docs, none checked in with the others to see what was being prescribed :person_facepalming:. I’m currently maxed on morphine, but happily, as another doc once said “you’re just a really big guy who metabolizes drugs very quickly”, so I never end up feeling high, unless I’m smokin, haha

Oh man, tummy scratches must be a favourite… Your poor pup!! $78 isn’t horrible, a chew from Amazon would be a little nicer though, eh?


Ha ha… Morphine buddies. cept mine is in a pain pump and doses me every 2hrs with 3 drugs. Never feel it, that’s the best part. No addiction. my answer when working and not wanting to quit, it’s a male pride thing. another pill was always the answer.

Heck of a day… had to pick up sister at Airport… left front tire is flat, nail sticking out of it with 3hrs to leaving time, and, it’s pouring rain… I mean dumping…

Thank god her buddy was home and drove her to airport 40min away…

Finally got my sister picked up and home for a nice visit… been 11yrs since I
hugged her… looking forward to spending time with her…

Ok… back to growing weed… hahaha.


Yeah, its ultra-easy to do that, eh? I get a 5mg I can take whenever during the day, so I can have some form of life… That gives me a solid 20 minutes of a slight easing, lol. I’m good though, I don’t want anything else going in me… I don’t want to play on that slippery slope, it’s a conversation I’ve had several times with my doc.

Sounds like a great visit with your sis, that’s awesome :metal::metal:. Family time is important :ok_hand:

Mmmmm growing weed, my favourite past time :joy::grin:

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Plants look amazing! I get my brake pads from AutoZone they have a lifetime warranty. If they go bad take old ones in and get new for free never pay for new pads again. Of course might have to pay for pads to replace and return old ones but get the $ back!


@Carty and @luxton reading your thread on pain, doctors and disability it’s the same with my wife who has all her joints in various stages of disrepair from Avascular Necrosis (,blood supply is cut off to her bone), now in a wheelchair. Nothing better than cannabis for the spirit and allows her to “forget” about the pain for a while.

Hang in, love you guys, she says! We had seafood tonight, she had a lobster and I did a 50/50 of haddock and clam strios.

@luxton and @Carty I will tag you and next week document a run of GDP X Beastmode, Double Grape Daddy A/R, and Roc Buds Mystery fems on this thread if that’s ok.

These are Gabagoo I messed up and lost the start date, at least 4 weeks.

Blessings to all,


Hey man, pass my best along to your wife… This constant pain thing is very, very draining.

Has your wife found a strain that helps her pain??

Its not my thread, so I can’t really comment, but where ever you log it, yes please do tag my! I’m always down to follow a grow :grin::metal:


GDP is the strain that got me in Overgrow, looking for seeds. I found GDP snips at JP’s, and lost them all due to cold, and JP is currently in the hospital, please send good thoughts his and Rose’s way. @Carty made GDPXBeastmode autos, bless him!


Interesting, GDP is what got me looking around as well, once I pulled myself out of the rabbit hole that is the history of the strain that is!

I actually have a couple GDP autos I got from RainToday (I’d add the tag, but I’m pretty sure I’ve over-tagged for this strain already, haha), they’re little beasts :grin:

(the big one)

(the middle one)

I love this new light for my autos, for what it does for the plants, but it sure makes them all look yellowed.


What’s up people…
Argyle, my heart and prayers for your wife bro. Sounds like you had an awesome meal :yum:. Sometimes it’s small moments like that and you forget about all the bull¥¢§∆. And being a little blazed to eh.
Brother, wish I had known, I’d of sent you a strain for her. I’ve been waiting for the right :+1: person to gift these to. Rare
Seeds from Loran. WBNO. Winking Blinking Nodding & Out .
The best pain med plant I’ve ever had .
Chocolate Trip. I think it was the Thai in the strain…
Peace Love y’all


Right, almost look like they need nitrogen :disappointed:. Lol. Looks like good growth.
What light you get
GDP and White Widow are both being worked as Auto. GDP x Beast Mode F2 is available now.
Good luck :crossed_fingers:


I picked up a viparspectra 1500 on sale through Amazon

About that rare strain, I really hope it helps your wife @argyle!! That’s wicked awesome of you @Carty :metal::metal:


Thank you @Carty , I really appreciate the help for Meg who chined in and said she loves the name, too,lol.


I’m so glad I popped in here tonight and did some reading… because, between my sister arriving and us being sick, I spaced this bro… luckily all it takes is a stamp and it’s on the way.

Here’s the cool part. Loran gifted this to me himself years and years ago and something kept telling me. HOLD HOLD… ah come on, that’s funny… but really, to hold onto it for someone. I sure hope that someone is your wife and this is just magical for her… I’m also gifting her a seed I hope you get to germinate… Super Skunk x Lifesaver. don’t worry @argyle my brudda…

It’s gonna be outta here soon ok. healing vibes until then.