Autos Done Carty's Way

Yo I am stealing the bamboo frame to hold those lights idea lol. I am running my first autos now the do me fast I got from JP I might pop a couple of the gabagoo


Same light I’ve been using since April. Works pretty good. I’ve got it in a 3x3.


I’m pretty happy with it… I think I might get a second one tho… The front 1’ of my tent closes off into another “room”, that creates my auto zone where this light is. Playing with my new par meter I found about a 1.5’ at one side that wasn’t getting a TON of light while the other side was a solid 600, but 2 of these in that spot should be perfect.

That’s what I get for having an odd shaped room, lol.


Wish i had 2 lol


@luxton that is a badass light I love mine!
Also for pain I’ve heard @thceed wmbk works great. Ask @FirstCavApache64 i believe he uses for pain.

Does yours have the meanwell driver?


The Wreckage Master Bastard Kush is really good for muscle tension or muscle pain. Really helps relax me as well. For nerve pain the Motorbreath 15 seems to work best for me. Triangle Kush works well for my wife’s joint pain from arthrits but its too edgy or racey for me in pure form. I really like it in crosses however.


What’s a meanwell driver? :flushed:

I think I have some of those beans, I’ll have to add them to my next grow!



Motorbreath 15 you say?? Hmm, now that I don’t think I have… My body is all about the nerve pain, I guess this is what I get for always being on my moms last… Nerve… Bah dum dah tsh :grin:

I’ll have to keep my eye out for some of that, thank you!!


the driver (ballast equivalent) is usually meanwell or inventronics. it will say on the rectangle box on top of the light


Beauty, thanks!

Next time I’m at the tent I’ll have a look!


Only thing I don’t love about that xs1500 pro is the dimmer. Unless they’ve changed it you can only adjust the intensity at 25-50-75-100 % with nothing in between.


Good stuff @Carty always spreading the love and growing some fire.
Cheers my hometown friend :beers::beers::muscle::muscle:

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They have added a 5%, lol

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I have a bunch of WMBK bro… hmmm? thanks for that tip, now I know to keep some… hehe.

Maybe I should start a full research on all my strains…

Anyone ever grow any Jamaican Lambsbread? I have some of the Real Deal coming from the Islands soon. Nice offer to help me redeem myself from a past grow… how the word spreads… hahaha.


I’m lucky… Carty is Sponsored by Mars Hydro and the TSW-2000 they gave
me and I had to show it off for 1yr… well that year is up and I still love my light and it barely fits into my 2 x 2 1/2 x 6ft tent… the dimmer switch at the top front area is so perfect and I use it a lot.

Then my inline fan broke… I approached my Sponsor, Mars Hydro who hooked me up with their inline fan, filter and ducting. OMG. it’s my Vegas luck baby… born there.

Thank you @Mars Hydro for sponsoring me… having them approach me after winning bud of the month years ago made my year.


I’ve been wondering how to get the attention of a sponsor like @MarsHydro, I’d be curious if there’s any interest in supporting the aquaponics side of life… bud of the month, eh?? Challenge, set :wink:

BTW, dig the new profile pic


These companies want you have thousands of followers on your social media account to even give you a consideration.
I tried getting a sponsor from autopots
All was looking good then he asked me what sites and social media accounts I have.
He said my following on ig wasn’t a big deal.
But I have a feeling that might have been the deal breaker.
I have grown some amazing buds with there system and was hoping he would realize that and give me a shot but at the end they gave me a big sob story and told me to try again next year.
Hey there loss in my opinion :laughing: oh welp…


You can contact the company marketing and theyll usually want to see your logs and as @Sincitytoker said you have to have a pretty good following or at least very active feeds. I contacted a bunch of companies and they have a “form” email they send then they root through those to see usually.
I got vipraspectra xs1500 not the pro but has meanwell driver and a fully adjustable dimmer. My vivosun vs 1000 only has 25, 50, 75, and 100% it is a pita.
Eventhough only 25 50 75 and 100 i can stop it anywhere i like, Love this light!

hope you are feeling better @carty
@luxton its a sosen driver i havent heard of but everything is chinese nowadays!


I had won the Bud of the Month Contest on another site, Mars Hydro is a site sponsor and DM’d me. All they asked is for me to show it off and give it exposure in my grow journals… I guess they loved my detailed grow journals.

Just very fortunate… born in Vegas baby, snake eyes… oh wait. Craps…