Autos Done Carty's Way

Plants are amazing as always. I love those squanch crosses.


I just put some goodies in the mail for Jan, today, as a matter of fact.


Ahhhh… she’s gonna love that. And that Strain, FAFO is flat out just like described… she’s gonna love that care pkg. I sent a bunch out too… put one on my coffee cup…

I got a strain in recently bro that is called… What’s my Name? how do we not cross that to FAFO. What’s My Name x F*ck Around and Find Out…

Any name ideas for that crazy mix… LOL>. how about “Will Smith” hahaha.


Next grow has been decided… one part is a contest we are doing at another site… I’m in the Auto side and running GMO x JoJo Fem’d. and since I’ll have a little more room, I really want to run a few Bubblelicious… been a long time since I ran Nirvana’s version and absolutely loved it. of course, been known to change my mind a few times… LMAO


White Widow Auto Fem…


:drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:
Looking fine as wine my friend :+1::+1::muscle::muscle::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:


For some reason Dementia Chokeslam came to me when reading (What’s My Name x F*ck Around and Find Out) lol


Yeah, we need to do some shrooms and just sit and come up with names … because that is epic funny. I was thinking of: “Keep my strains name outta your MF mouth” or KMSNOYMFM for short. hahahaha. or Back Handed Slap for really short. going with a real Will Smith vibe… too soon??

Maybe I should test a seed of the What’s my name as the FAFO tested unreal… be nice to know both going in… and that just decided one of the plants up next… nice

Up Next; all Fem Autos
1 - What’s my name
1 - Bubblelicious
2 - GMO X JoJo


I’m all for the autos! Nice line up you got there brother. The GMO x JoJo sounds interesting!


Maybe I just have a super dark sense of humour but, nope!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


As for names…

What’s my name x FAFO = Just don’t call the cops



I wanted to be sure to change this post after speaking with Lemonade Joe…
I sure don’t want to break any rules here and advertising my seeds for sale is a no no, and I understand.

I have an email attached here… I’m easy to find… hehe.


I could use a wicked good indica dominant auto strain…night time smoke. Do you have any suggestions?


Not to push someone else’s stuff on @Carty 's channel, but @Kasper0909 has some Afghani autos that have given me - someone who has suffered with insomnia for 23 years - the absolute best sleeps. I have 2 more growing right now.

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Where might I find a shipping list? :grin:

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Hope you don’t mind me sitting in on this one, I have grown autos indoors before but I usually only use them outside.
But I’m on a time limit so I’m doing a quick indoor run and might need a few tips.


You say you found the one gallon method by accident when you were sexing?
Were you starting in final pots before that like many auto growers do to avoid stress.
And if so are you sacrificing any yield for comfort and ease as starting in final pots can be finicky if you accidentally water too much medium before the root ball has hit it?

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I don’t think starting in final pots is giving up any yield if not giving a chance for more, unless of course, you have a heavy watering hands like I do lol. Stick around you might learn some new tricks! Also @LoveDaAutos and @raintoday do great work with autos if you want to check their threads as well.
@cartys genetics are :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

@carty here is a pic of the strip from windmill Pkwy and l-15 just west of the overpass.

Even with my crappy camera( not the one from you) you can someone had done smoked Vegas the F@#$ Out :exploding_head::rofl:. Seriously though real pic it’s just from the smoke from Cali forest fires. Tuesday night moon was red when filtered through the smoke. I’ll share a pic


No sir, not at all… and yes, I was looking for 6 keepers, so I started 15 seeds.
All the threads said, start seeds in final pot and never transplant an auto… well, I cannot afford 15 2/3gal pots of soil, or had the room to do so… so, I started them in 1gal pots.

What I’ve found over my 14yrs of running Autos is this… any smaller then a 1gal pot stunts Autos almost every dang time. a 1gal plastic pot allows a root base to form giving the plant the strong base roots needed. By the time it shows sex, 3wks is perfect. Plants are ready for up potting… best 6 ladies were put into 2gal felt pots, I prefer the taller ones of 10" over the 8" tall ones.

Now that the larger roots have been established, as they reach the edge of the Felt pots they get air trimmed and kills the root tip and this is where the magic begins. Tiny feeder roots start to form all along the roots just air trimmed and as it goes into flower, what you want…

Autos that show sex fast, like 10 days, are usually going to be small… so there is an advantage to starting non fem’d plants and start the 10pk… pick your best lady, last one to show sex is my choice… and have fun.


White Widow Auto Fem around day #68… not my best grow, cheap nasty soil