Autos Done Carty's Way

Oh baby, I got you… pm me


I’m running all my plants in 1gal fabric pots, do you honestly recommend going up 1gal? Is the yield that drastic?

I’d go up 2 gal and use 3gal felt pots… you’ll see an explosion in growth a week after you up pot bro…

The reason though I start plants in hard plastic 1gal pots, Autos or Photos…
I want the plant to develop the larger roots first with no air trimming… so I use Orchid Pots for all the air flow. but by starting them in hard plastic your allowing the root system to develop better to secure the plant…

It’s when I up pot I go to felt… because at flower I want feeder roots to form and that is what occurs when the root is air trimmed… feeder roots pop out all over the roots…

I did this one just like that…


Thanks I’ve ran autos a few times and this is just because of timing this time.
My friend has a couple of clones from fyar farmer gastopia and zangria I need pace for and need to get two runs in before late march so my photoperiod options were limited.


@luxton, I’ll have to add a few things to this shipment if thats good with you :slight_smile:


Not a prob :slight_smile:


Sure appreciate the interest… I have some interesting stuff for your donations.
It makes it possible for me to help a few who are more broke then I am by sending seeds to everyone… but those who donate get extra love… hehe.


I’ve decided to go jiffy pellets for a day or two, went to find my jiffy pellets and couldn’t find the big bag I’ve got somewhere.
Found eight I had separate.
Germinated 9 seeds and it turned out after soaking in rhizzotonic they are the extra long jiffy pellets I think I bought last time did autos.
Almost all have puppy dick and if the last one gets through I may put in aero cloner for comparison?
I made some drastic decisions replacing most of my equipment in what might be a shit or bust scenario.
My rent went up 19.5% so it’s move out into shared housing or fire up the kiln on credit, if you don’t speculate you don’t accumulate?
Had to bring in a helper to keep my relationship intact also.
A lot of my decision comes down to the genetics my friend has acquired for $2,000 and is willing to gift me for free. Couldn’t chance the start back up fund with out this.


I have experience nothing but poor results reported back to me for 15yrs now how using small starters such as solo cups or peat pellets, only with Autos, stunts the plants. I think it has something to do with restricting the tap root early on is slows upward growth. I start mine in 1gal plastic pots so the larger roots develop prior to up potting to a felt pot…

Experiment and learn though, how I did it… I wish you the best, I’d use my buddies $$ genetics too… hehehe


An old photo of Acupulco Gold Auto… loved this stuff


Ive been seeing the acapulco gold around lately- didn’t know it came in Auto too… I remember that strain from long ago, nostalgic sigh~ :wink:


I know right… I was gifted these years ago and grew them out… wasn’t making seeds back then so it was just a grow… here’s another shot of her.

Autopulco gold test nug.


Ok Gang… time for a new grow. I’m going to go into detail again start to finish… see if I cannot do a bit better this run eh

Thanksgiving Harvest hopefully…

2 - GMO Cookies x JoJo Fems
2 - Alien God Fems
3 - Hubba Bubba S1 Fems

Step #1. Float seeds for 24hrs.
Step #2. damp paper towel and into a baggie… (not to wet)
Step #3. 2 days later check seeds, goal is 2" tails
Step #4… Plant seeds in prepared pots…


Up to a week ahead of time, you prep your planting pots… especially if
using organics like I am.

Soil Mix: 1 Brick of Bliss Coir, Perlite approx 3/1 %, Worm Castings & Espoma’s Bio-Tone Plant Starter Plus…

Fill pots halfway, water in with about a half a cup jst to settle the soil naturally… never press it down by hand.

Finish filling with soil leaving a good 2" to top off the soil later if needed…

Make a divit for the seedling to go into and put a pinch of Char and water in carefully… pots are ready to receive baby seedlings… hehe.


Wait so the bottom of your pots medium is just coir, perlite, and ewc then your soil mix on the top half?

No no no… not at all.

Soil mix is same thru and thru… what I do is fill pot halfway then water in lightly to settle soil… ever not do this and when you water the seedling slips so far down into the dirt it dies or grows upside down etc etc… this helps prevent this… fill soil halfway, water in with half a cup of water.

Fill soil rest of the way and water in a full cup of water… make indentation for seedling to go in a few days, insert Char here and water a 1/4cup thru it…

And then you plant


Of the 7 seeds I started germination on 4 had thrown tails after 2 days… one of the two Alien Gods did nothing while the other had a nice tail… so I placed it between my front teeth and cracked it open, planted it.


Look at those perty tails! :wink:


Fingers crossed your dental seed pops!! Excited to see how the rest get along here :grin:


Man autos are stressful lmao I started a few one of these do me fast is already flowering and it ain’t even 12 inches tall I don’t think. This is not going to be a good first run thank God my tent looks like this


They should do all right…takes a month to really get going :slightly_smiling_face: