KarmaFPS 3 Tent Perpetual

Time for a new thread as its no longer my first grow, and there never really was a 3x3.

Got things set up to where I can be harvesting on a schedule, I’ll record my progress in this thread.

All plants are females

Tents and lights ( all LM301H Quantum Boards)

2x4- 240w 4k

2.5x2.5 - 320w 4k

4x4 - 480w 3k

In the 2x4 I have strains from OGers & clones from plants in my flower tent,

Left to right soloberry 2 & 3, Blue Dream S1 Tester

clones from plants in flower tent. there are more in the box that haven’t shown visible roots yet.

This is the 2.5x2.5, got another soloberry 3 in here, 3 unknowns, Starfighter crosses (also from an OGer), pollinated autoflowers wedding cake & zskittlez.
That wilty yellow looking plant is an old trainwreck clone that I left outside, it started flowering then I revegged it inside. It was doing fine, I fed it last watering same as the others and it started wilting like it was dying. So, I put it in a new pot & flushed the soil with plain water. That was 2 days ago, hasn’t perked up yet.

Flower tent first week, in here we have AK-47, Soloberry 3, 2 different Unknowns, Ghost Kush & 2 GSC

7 Days later


Most of the flower tent clones took root, 1 is struggling in the front and one is still in the box along with 4 blue dream S1 tester cuts. I put the blue dream and the other soloberry 3 into the flower tent.

Wedding cake, Bruce Banner & Zskittelz all have been pollinated successfully and are producing seeds. Gelato was a little too beat down and far along, not expecting anything but I’ll keep watering it.

3 Unknowns, Starfighter clones, soloberry 2 & trainwreck clone being a droopy yellow bitch

Last grow I defoliated & cut nitrogen too early, so I’ll wait until I see no more stretch to strip them down. Had to raise the light yesterday.


Stretch seems to be over at 2 1/2 weeks

cleaned up & added the net to open the canopy a bit. I’ll have to do this one more time in 2-3 weeks.


3 Weeks in

Bushing out, trainwreck looks a little better but I’m about ready to give up on her shes just taking up room.

clones ready for xplant and seeded autos


Those front ones are looking so thick!!! Damn.

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Week 5 Flower Tent


Blue Dream



Triangle Ghost Kush





Blue Dream and clones from flower tent

Auto seeds. Zkittelz on right, Wedding Cake on left. Both x Double Grape by Mephisto
Call it Grape Cake & grape Zkittelz
Bruce Banner threw out one seed, its being germinated.
Gelato had nothing to give

Trainwreck perked up, and is now drooping again. Couldn’t be root bound, just watered it, this plant is just a complainer.

It was really nice smoke though, why I’m even bothering with it at all. Starfighter from @ganjajuana clones seem fine, gave them a trim as well.

Week 7

unknown freebie from SeedSupreme best looking plant in here

Except for maybe this one, SB#3 by @anonymous4289


Back went out, got spider mites again.
So I decided to do this.

In coco using tap water & AN trio micro grow & bloom, added foxfarm salts & some organic K salts to the flowering plants, first time doing DWC
Zkittelz x Double Grape & Wedding cake x Double Grape in the back & 60 day Bubblegum in the front from @corey
The Zkittelz & Wedding Cake are at about 6 weeks, Bubblegum at 2 weeks

Zkittelz, had some problems with pithium because the coco wasn’t packed tight enough and a little light got through (why the towels are there), did surgery on it and added a little NaClO & H202, caught it early enough & she perked right back up

Wedding Cake

These BBG were turning yellow at regular strength nutes so I doubled it and they look a little better but they still look hungry to me,

Mark’s Blueberry also from @corey, I made these lids with a 3 inch hole saw & net pots
These are alien gorilla glue from @CoastalMarySeeds

I’ve got two more buckets coming for the AGG & a better pump for the whole system, drilled a hole in the wall for the airline tubing so i can keep the loud pump in the other room with the two tents and have this one in my closet. Upgraded the fans in the agromax to AC Infinity airlines, one S6 & one S4 they are almost silent at half power and keep the tent around 80, if you need stealth airflow buy these.


That’s a nice set up you have there @KarmaFPS! Everything looks great man. I’ll definitely be tagging along on this one!

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new pump came in, plants seem to like it

Blueberry Auto, I forgot to ask @corey if these autos he sent me were fems or regs


Wedding Cake

Bubblegums look a lot better, I used regular strength reservoir water for the seedlings that’s why they were looking kind of weird and yellow. These seem to have adapted fine, might have slowed them down a little

AGG on the right and in the solo cup with coco perlite, left is a rainbow chip f2 reg


Hey! Yes sir they are regular

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Looking like some juicy fruit, one bubblegum and one blueberry were male. The empty site is a dosidos cookie auto fem from 00 seeds

Zkittelz, super bushy like the double grape but with a zkittelz structure 6 weeks. Looks like some slight burn, I’ll cut back on the nutrients

Wedding Cake 6 weeks, this one seems to like more nutrients

Blueberry. I incorrectly adjusted PH so Cal/Mg precipitated out of solution, didn’t know about that. Looks much better now. The empty site is a 00 seeds bubblegum auto fem

Bubblegum just moved into fresh res water, 4 weeks now

Again with the rainbow chip incorrectly adjusted PH & its been hot, like 90 degrees in here with all fans full power, so its looking a little scraggly, confident it will bounce back fine.

AGG looks happy but I think it isn’t growing as fast as it could be because hot temps and…

The sites in my closet don’t get a nice rolling boil like the ones in the room that are closer to the pump do, might have to do with length of the tubing.

I might move these two into the 4x4, or even the whole tent into the other room so I get a stronger airflow in the reservoir

I can make some clone boxes for this tent in the closet since I don’t want them to grow too fast anyway.

I think I like DWC more than soil, looks like my yield will be much bigger and no stinkin bugs ! :grin:


Two in the back doing fine drinking half the res of water a day

Not sure whats up with this one, water is PH to between 5.5 & 6, I’m using the dropper solution, test comes out golden with a slight green twinge.
Its in tap water with 30ML ea of AN trio, 10ml cal mag, 1 tsp kelp me kelp you, & 1/4 tsp of foxfarm open sesame salts.

Zkittelz x DG

Wedding Cake x DG


These are in the same water, the RC seedling must be a freak, lucky me.
I added some kelp & calmag to the AGG looks like it just wanted more nutes, airflow in the res is fine.

Both the 00 seeds were duds, they must be old. I put one more of each in a paper towel.

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RC F2 & AGG in 4g megacrop, everyone else is in AN trio + FF salts & ‘Flower Fuel’ from amazon



Wedding Cake
I’ve only fully changed the res once with this & Zkittelz.
Just topped off with nutrient solution for 4 weeks.

Bubblegum, IDK how to fix this plant; new growth is twisted and gangly with more nutrients, then when I cut back it turns yellow. Maybe it doesn’t like my tap water, everyone else seems fine.

these sprouted fine, Dosido Cookies auto on the right & Bubblegum auto on the left


Blueberry Auto

Bubblegum Auto

Wedding Cake x DG

Zkittelz x DG

Dosido Cookies auto & bubblegum auto. I am having this weird problem with these plants, they keep turning the res cloudy, it stinks, and the pH spikes to 8+. Bennies do nothing there was 2ml of orca in both buckets. I’ve cleaned everything three times, tubing, lids, buckets, ran bleach and h202 through the airstones, it happened again after all that right after putting nutrients and the plants in. It took less than an hour for AN’s pH perfect technology to be destroyed by some unknown microbe that turned my water toxic.
So I put some bleach into the res and pH down to around 6, I let it sit for an hour with the plants out to make sure it didn’t spike up again, I put them back in & the bleach seems to have worked for now.
Might have to re dose weekly like 1 tsp per gallon or something,
Very annoying, its only these 2 sites. Maybe the medium is infected with something nasty.

I thought I could get more than one site into the lids on those bins but they kept cracking. Some basil, cilantro thyme and parsley in there for my patio now but I’ll use it for clones later.

These are in megacrop & tap water, I think I lucked out with this freaky RC, the preflowers are a bit small right now but if I were to guess I’d say they look female.
These reservoirs both have this brown particulate all over the roots, the water isn’t that old about a week.
If I slosh it around it comes off, so I guess its just the megacrop doing its thing, looks odd but the plants seem OK.


Blueberry / bubblegum on the left
@Corey these are looking great, the blueberry shot up like crazy

Middle of week 8 for these two

Zkittelz x DG main cola, looks thicker than my forearm

Wedding Cake x DG , these nugs seem to be uniform, nice and chunky.

Both these plants were stunted because I left them outside for a few weeks with just water, they have come way farther than I thought they would.

These two got bleach shocked, the dosido cookies looks like its going to recover fine, bubblegum should be too.
All herbs sprouted

Alien Gorilla Glue week 5 veg @CoastalMarySeeds

Rainbow Chip F2 week 3 Veg
I switched this from megacrop & to AN & got stank res again.
So pH down, added 5ml bleach to a 5 gal res.
It perked right up.
I’ll try hydroton & peat pots instead of coco after I chop the DG crosses.

Rainbow Alien Glue fems are the plan here.

If you zoom in on these nodes from the RC you can see female preflowers


Everything looks real good karma! Hell of a job! You got nice green growth going on. Those babies are gonna make some great smoke! You have a nice setup btw. What kind of ferts are you using

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using a combo of AN trio as a base, foxfarm salts & liquid orca. that bubblegum needs pH up every couple days,
this is week 2 of just topping up the res on both of those plants. When water uptake slows down I’ll change it out. The blueberry drinks half its res every day.

Botrytis made me chop at 9 weeks, they could have gone 2 or 3 more. Luckily I caught it and it was only one spot but I am not risking my whole harvest for slightly riper nugs.

Did a quick trim of most the fans, I’ve never had this much weed before, If I were to guess dry weight I’d say in the neighborhood of a HP per plant.

So I read another thread and turns out the blueberry and the bubblegum are not autos, they don’t flower without 12/12

They were going to outgrow the ceiling in here, so I topped every branch & stripped them butt naked, lets see what happens

this tent is now flipped to 12/12

Planted some baby gems in the clone sites, did surgery on this bubblegum auto and got it out of coco and into hydroton, seems to have fixed that little problem I was having with cloudy res.

Going to let this veg for a while, snip clones then stick it into the 4x4 with the others.


1 More each DG crosses Zkittelz left Wedding Cake right

I pollinated the dosido cookies on the right, bubblegum is doing much better than it was.
The seedling is 00 Kush fem

The blueberry was a male :exploding_head:
This is day 18 of flower

Alien Gorilla Glue


Rainbow Chip F2