Az growers, share your desert grows here?

well, i’ve got poor inhibition, so i’ve picked up a few of his offerings.

  • punto rojo
  • malawi
  • zamaldelica
  • wild thailand
  • new caledonia
  • nanan bouclou
  • gold rush
  • destroyer
  • panama
  • queen mother
  • thai chi bastards
  • nevil’s haze #21 x mullumbimby madness
  • mullumbimby madness
  • durban poison x eastern cape s.a. bush sativa x panama red
  • laughing buddha bastards
  • golden tiger x new caledonia
  • bangi haze
  • acapulco gold purple stem bx s1
  • oaxacan x purple satellite
  • nepal jam

drop me your addy in a message and i’ll be happy to send beans your way.

i was planning on picking up maybe another dozen or so from him, although i’ll have to space out my purchases according to my budget. he just has so many of the strains that sound amazing to me, and obviously his prices are sorta unbeatable.

like AzSea says, i’ve got other things in my stash, but that’s what i have from colorado sativas right now. yea for sure, i got a lot of catching up to do, and you guys are great inspiration for me!


Someone was looking for some Malawi and hazes, I tagged u in it, can’t go wrong with the mephisto he’s offering up

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download (1)

Bro… We might have to be sending u over to the seedaholics thread :joy::rofl:


lol yea that’s definitely a “few” you got there! Which are you planning to run?

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nawwww, i seent thems over there in the seedaholics thread. i ain’t nothin’ like them. NOTHIN!! i can stop anytime i wants to… (goes back to caressing my ziplock baggies of seeds) precioussssss


well, the plan is obviously to run everything at some point in the distant future. obviously plans never work out. so… yea. for now they’re like my support seeds. i think about them when i need a small happy boost. lol

there are honestly so many seeds. i’ll just package a bunch of things together for you. since you’re actively popping and growing (like AzSea is), i’m more than happy to share with someone who’s going to be working these seeds. there were a few other strains that gerry mentioned he liked, i’ll include those. is there anything you’re looking for? you never know, i might have some of those. i know the love will come back to me many fold.


Well I did end up giving a few of the panama to @DefNSmokn, he’s actually local out here to me meeting off this site! May want to drop into his logs at some point too he’s got some cool stuff going on, he smears me up and down the field on weight but he’s finally coming around to how to unlock those powerful terps in the dark side of organics :joy:


nice! i’m glad you’re able to share some of the goodness. hopefully someone will be able to find some killer keepers. i’ll be sure to pop into his thread and see if i can spread some more love.

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I skipped the outdoor spring season this year, but @DefNSmokn is growing stuff outdoors this year. :partying_face:

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I’m running my greenhouse all summer letting nature do it’s thing with just water, teas, and a swamp cooler

Got a couple goofy looking ones so far that should be entertaining to watch

This one I got seeds from @highminwin

They all actually got their first tea feeding today so next two weeks should be interesting hahaha


they’re looking gorgeous, b! i almost feel like a proud parent watching on the sidelines. ha!

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i’m curious, i’ve read where people recommend multiple transplants going from smaller to slightly larger containers. it looks like you’ve got them in their final pots already? does that help with moisture retention in your climate?

I personally like to get em into a 3 gallon as soon as they sprout, if they have trouble taking to the soil I put a dome over em for a couple days and eventually they usually go. They are only gonna stay in those 3 gallon till they show gender at 4-6 weeks then they get potted up into their final pot which I’ll prob be doing 30 gallon with the bananas grow, with 30 gallons I can easily expect over a lb a plant if everything stays on track

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Ya if I was already in 30 gallon which is perfectly acceptable at the age they are in my waterings would be less frequent but don’t need to allow the space yet as roots are still developing to even fit the 3 gallon and space is limited in my greenhouse already lol

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My New update :blush:.

Uploading: IMG_20220411_183022555.jpg…
Afghan F1

Afghan F1 number 2

Afghan F1 #3 on left, Super skunk on right

Afghan F1 #3


Candy Cake Punch #1 and 2



PPP #1 and 2.
Top seed is Pre 90 from Scott, #2 From @JohnnyPotseeds Christmas sale.

Aghan #4


Damn bro! Ur killing it! Thanks for the update!! Things are looking lush and beautiful!


Thanks, @AzSeaindooin420 I think it good for my fist grow

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got my 2 clones in there 20 gallons few days ago should start taking off soon


Nice! Small plants for that size pot! May your growth be vigorous and the roots be plentiful!

What kind are they @DesertHeartGardens ?

Looking good :relaxed:

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