B Leaf - Geist Grow - Technical Cultivators ? anyone heard of these breeders?

Have seen these breeders on many sites - anyone have experience with these strains ?
B Leaf - White Truffell
Geist Grow _ a bit confused _ there is an Humbolt Seed Organization (blueberry muffin) and then there is Geist Grow by them also *HSO" ? prices are a bit higher - are these from same breeder ?
Technical Cultivators - they run RKS hybrid strains
Now-a-days with seed prices so high don’t want to buy “shit” seeds


Seeds can often be a crap shoot eh :laughing:


Geist grow is a reputable breeder. They have some great genetics, the others I’m unsure of

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@Mithridate & @TopShelfTrees1 - how true - that’s why I asked , never know about genetics - way too, too many now-a-days As for Geist must be a different line by HSO but still HSO ? breeders Giest is too pricy for me, would like to run them but anymore $100.00 is my limit. Got a pack of $250.00 dollar seeds for $60.00 and do see were they might demand that price (??), but $400 - + ??? are the genetics that “scarce” ect ?? what makes a $500 seed ? Please some one help me understand this ???(is this a breeder question?)


These are my observation and I don’t claim them to be thorough. I’d classify the pricier packs/500$ packs in 2 categories.

The first would be what I call “classics”.
Those include out of production packs known to be of high quality, can be old or somewhat recent. Could be a previous version of a beloved line, or something released in limited amount but again known to bring the fire.

These can cause bidding wars. I know at one point I was willing to drop 5k on packs of bog sour strawberry if they were to legitimately drop again.

Then there’s the other type…
Why would a plain t shirt be worth 700$ if sold by Balenciaga, and the same no brand shirt be had for 3$ on ebay. They are the same shirt, both made in a sweat shop.

Breeders can price their packs however they want but it does not necessarily mean high quality.
I could sell chem d s1 for 75cent a pop, and still make a profit, would they be worse then the next guy selling s1 for 17$ a piece? I dont think so. Hah


I think that you’ve got Humboldt Seed Organization(HSO) confused with Humboldt Seed Company(HSC).
Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
Blueberry Muffin has now been taken to F9 by HSC.


I have a few of his stuff he definitely gives you a nice amount of seeds 20 fems in the creature pack he forgot my order and sent me 3 packs the sell for 2-300 awhile back @hawkman i don’t mind trading or something for some of the creature or if times are tough I could send a few for some good karma :joy:


The couple I grew turned out fire I’ll see if I keep pics


I have GMA in my stable which was a collab between technical cultivators and Katsu. It is GMO crossed with Alani skunk and I’ve run it about 4 times straight and it is an amazing plant that dumps great rosin.

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thanks - Just found “old classic strains” from GetSeedsRightHere - “classic strains” believe they are from original breeders - cost $99.00 just FYI . anyway what you say makes sense

was wondering how Alani Skunk grew out


will PM you -Thanks

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Technical cultivars excellent Alani skunk, Alani Island , bama glue . Large yields of top shelf buds

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